DPraved wrote:She is actually one of the makeup girls shown in the BTS videos, along with Mila Garcia.
DPraved wrote:She's quite the chameleon and difficult to recognize if it wasn't for her long hair and belly button piercing. It's hot to imagine she started out as just a makeup girl who couldn't resist the temptation to try it out as a model. And what a start she's had!

Maybe Michelle is a professional makeup artist/stylist/hairstylist or a fashion graduate of some kind.? Perhaps she has been involved BTS with a non-porn professional modelling/potraiture agency (commercial/weddings etc) and was head-hunted by the LT Team for her impressive talents in that role? Latin Teens and Yummy seem very professional and well-organised operations.
Latin Teens (Valentina Milan) and Yummy Estudio (Candy Crush) share my 'AV Best Studio of 2021 Award' for all the crazy beautiful models and scenes they have bought me this year. And the consistently outstanding quality of their styling is a big part of that. I make no secret of the fact that I love glammy-glitzy looks, sparkly heels, sexy-cute underwear and outfits, immaculate small details that really make the models shine out. I'm an unashamed fetishist for high-maintenance 'girl detail' and those things are as much an important part of the overall thrill of a scene to me as the action/acts.
If Michelle was the creative styling mind/hand behind so many of those great looks, then I already owe her a huge debt of gratitude for that, even before I mention her great debut scene (which I have above, because it annoyed me that such a great new performer's debut seemed so poorly promoted by AV).
She is clearly a very talented and beautiful woman, with even better to come, we hope.
As for the Latin Teens and Yummy Estudio teams being so well-organised, close-knit and self-contained (contrast with the Russian studios which, despite producing good content, seem far less organised and consistent), I wonder if that may have something to do with the social/political climate in Columbia over recent years.
On one side you have a corrupt government, apparently more concerned with giving the US govt what it wants than giving the Colombian people what they need.
On the other, the (eternal) drug cartels, operating like a parallel govt (or in open collusion with govt) ruling over whole suburbs and industries they contain. It's a heavy and oppressive scene.
In that context, for everyday good Colombian people to survive, cooperation and mutual-reliance in closely-knit and trusted groups may become core life-skills in order for them to access what they need and when (to avoid running up favours with untrusted parties they don't want to be in debt to).
So if Latin Teens / Yummy Estudio have that close 'all-for-one-one-for-all' team-family vibe to how they organize themselves so effectively, and make the outstanding work they do, social context may well be a factor.
Whatever the why...
Michelle is another gorgeous new LatinTeens new arrival much appreciated already, and the LatinTeens brand just keeps getting better and better. What's not to love?