Hm, those corns and calluses are pretty nasty. It always amazes me why directors/producers are sloppy and careless regarding the small details (or big details in this case when it's a foot fetish scene). Same with unpopped zits (white heads) in combination with poor make-up that doesn't comouflages blemishes or a fucked-up bubonic smallpox mutant pecker; both mentioned here:
viewtopic.php?f=104&t=23160&start=40 , dental plaque, white coated halitosis tongue, blue colored lolly tongue, or coffee coated brown tongue which hasn't been scraped with a toothbrush or tongue scraper. They are poor visuals to look at when the girl has a tendency to stick out her tongue every time before snacking dick. Same goes for hairy belly button, lower hairy gorilla back, wooly ass crack, hairly lower arms that look like they could be those of the creature ALF. Fucking orange sale stickers still left underneath the high heals. They're all sloppy faux-pas in this age of 1080p/4k/5k/8k It's all about the details. Didn't I read a director saying somewhere here that they don't agree with some dude saying that porn is allowed to have lower standards than a Kubrick movie?
“It’s porn, not Stanley Kubrick.”
At the risk of sounding pretentious, I see no reason to take a craft less than 100% seriously just because “it’s porn”. Good enough isn’t good enough - especially in today’s day and age. We must strive for greatness or else we quickly become lost in the soup. In my opinion, if directors care enough and take time enough to think about these things, on a very granular technical level, the audience should never have to. It should all just be invisible to you, like it “just works”.
Do a foot fetish scene, take care of the feet. Perfectly clipped toe nails, removal of toe jam, corns and calluses with a warm water bath and the use of a 5 bucks scalpel: ... c-20355951 I always wonder why there seem to be no instructions given to models on how they are expected to arrive on set in what, 2 weeks? If booking is on short-notice then don't do a fetish scene. It's as simple as that. Strive for greatness, wasn't it?