Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby dirtporn » Sat Sep 12, 2020 1:27 pm

Sweep11 wrote:Hell yeah, that I’d like to see.
Add cum covered fucking and some submissive crawling and I’m sold!

Submissive crawling. Oh yeaaaaaaaaah.
Why not with a leash :p ?

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby dirtporn » Sat Sep 12, 2020 1:30 pm

Mister Ananas wrote:Stay tuned. Everything is hard to predict right now because of the pandemic. Remember, I don't have a studio and I'm not full-time in the porn industry. Setting up shoots during the pandemic is not easy for me.

I am in contact with a couple of really nice amateurs, though, plus one former Sineplex model who might want to come back. (With a huge emphasis on the word might. Plus, she's in Russia and cannot travel right now anyway.) No hints, but she's one of the all-time greats.

Mister Ananas, I think you have talents and the dirty ideas to be full-time in porn ;)

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby CanadianCouple » Sat Sep 12, 2020 8:53 pm

dirtporn wrote:
Sweep11 wrote:Hell yeah, that I’d like to see.
Add cum covered fucking and some submissive crawling and I’m sold!

Submissive crawling. Oh yeaaaaaaaaah.
Why not with a leash :p ?

collar and leashes are good and a lot of women get really turned on by them. Would like to see some more of that in scenes.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:29 pm

One costuming idea I thought of doing in my planned trip to Prague, which is not seen very often in porn, is clothing from the Roman Empire period of history. There's a lot of fun stuff you could do with that theming, including fun with power dynamics and props like chains and shackles, and it would also open the door for the elegant beauty standards of that time period which would be a nice break from the standard porn industry HMU styles. In particular, women wore very pretty, delicate hair styles and vine wreaths which are not commonly seen in porn. I would love to shoot in this style someday, but I'd have to find a location that feels appropriate for the theme as well, like an outdoor courtyard with a marble fountain or something like that.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby grey00owl » Thu Sep 24, 2020 8:26 pm

Mister Ananas wrote:One costuming idea I thought of doing in my planned trip to Prague, which is not seen very often in porn, is clothing from the Roman Empire period of history. There's a lot of fun stuff you could do with that theming, including fun with power dynamics and props like chains and shackles, and it would also open the door for the elegant beauty standards of that time period which would be a nice break from the standard porn industry HMU styles. In particular, women wore very pretty, delicate hair styles and vine wreaths which are not commonly seen in porn. I would love to shoot in this style someday, but I'd have to find a location that feels appropriate for the theme as well, like an outdoor courtyard with a marble fountain or something like that.

Nice idea. You know that Romans had very long dinners and were used to puke repeatedly to start eating again...

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Thu Sep 24, 2020 10:05 pm

Yeah, but I don't think I'll be including that in my scenes. :p

I love shooting in natural light, whether it's outdoors or indoors with the windows open, so the idea for the Roman theme came as a result of thinking about ways I might be able to take advantage of natural light. Don't get me wrong, I still want to use that dynamic gonzo-style camera movement we associate so strongly with LP (and anal porn in general). I'm not gonna bust out the tripod on y'all. Dynamic camera makes the scenes more exciting and it's here to stay, but I do want to bring a higher standard of set design and HMU into the mix. It's always been very sexy to me when the girls are made up to look very delicate and proper. It makes the action feel more intense and primal, almost like the guys can't resist them.

Story in porn almost always sucks, so I'd hate to do that, but setting is hugely underestimated, and in a certain way it tells a non-verbal "story" of its own. The appeal of porn is mostly mental, and IMO, it is sexier when it feels like it has a sense of occasion attached to it. The girls are dressed up, the setting looks nice, and someone went to the trouble to light the room like a professional modeling shoot. To me, that elevates the work and makes it much more appealing. Shooting in the same white room for every single scene, with the same lighting set-up, make-up design, and vibe, is a perfectly legitimate way to produce porn, and there's absolutely a place for that, but it's not what I want to shoot. I want to see intensity and nasty action from the performers, but I don't want trashy vibes, and I definitely don't want to repeat myself day-in and day-out producing cookie-cutter output like an assembly line. We're making porn, not iPads. Let's inject some passion into these forgotten elements of production again.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Wotan29 » Thu Sep 24, 2020 10:33 pm

Mister Ananas wrote:I love shooting in natural light, whether it's outdoors or indoors with the windows open, so the idea for the Roman theme came as a result of thinking about ways I might be able to take advantage of natural light. Don't get me wrong, I still want to use that dynamic gonzo-style camera movement we associate so strongly with LP (and anal porn in general). I'm not gonna bust out the tripod on y'all. Dynamic camera makes the scenes more exciting and it's here to stay, but I do want to bring a higher standard of set design and HMU into the mix. It's always been very sexy to me when the girls are made up to look very delicate and proper. It makes the action feel more intense and primal, almost like the guys can't resist them.

Story in porn almost always sucks, so I'd hate to do that, but setting is hugely underestimated, and in a certain way it tells a non-verbal "story" of its own. The appeal of porn is mostly mental, and IMO, it is sexier when it feels like it has a sense of occasion attached to it. The girls are dressed up, the setting looks nice, and someone went to the trouble to light the room like a professional modeling shoot. To me, that elevates the work and makes it much more appealing. Shooting in the same white room for every single scene, with the same lighting set-up, make-up design, and vibe, is a perfectly legitimate way to produce porn, and there's absolutely a place for that, but it's not what I want to shoot. I want to see intensity and nasty action from the performers, but I don't want trashy vibes, and I definitely don't want to repeat myself day-in and day-out producing cookie-cutter output like an assembly line. We're making porn, not iPads. Let's inject some passion into these forgotten elements of production again.


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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby grey00owl » Fri Sep 25, 2020 10:50 am

Sounds very promising.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby dap-addict » Fri Sep 25, 2020 11:57 am

Mister Ananas wrote:I definitely don't want to repeat myself day-in and day-out producing cookie-cutter output like an assembly line. We're making porn, not iPads. Let's inject some passion into these forgotten elements of production again.

Sounds good!

Roman theme cloths I dont get however. Reminds me of some silly Private dvds about 15y back from one of their Italian directors. Dont remember his name, but he was Bp based. It mainly looked hilarious, out of place really.
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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby grey00owl » Fri Sep 25, 2020 1:29 pm

dap-addict wrote:
Mister Ananas wrote:I definitely don't want to repeat myself day-in and day-out producing cookie-cutter output like an assembly line. We're making porn, not iPads. Let's inject some passion into these forgotten elements of production again.

Sounds good!

Roman theme cloths I dont get however. Reminds me of some silly Private dvds about 15y back from one of their Italian directors. Dont remember his name, but he was Bp based. It mainly looked hilarious, out of place really.

I'm not myself into costumes porn, but I'll judge the final result.
What matters however, and makes me hoping, is that a director has acknowledged the problem and want to makes something in the right direction.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby kuaheyden513 » Fri Sep 25, 2020 5:03 pm

Pr¡vate Gladiator(2001) was a good example, looks good but just in the beggining of the scenes, and with a great lighting btw.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby magizi87 » Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:47 am

what is the meaning of HMU?

also, I always thought this Nikita Bellucci scene,
where she is wearing the greek/roman robes
and the snake, for whatever reason

was a super sexy idea.

Capture 16.JPG
Capture 16.JPG (28.25 KiB) Viewed 16716 times

And back then, I thought that would be a recurring theme
but, it turned out, it wasn't, lol :o

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby dap-addict » Sat Sep 26, 2020 8:42 am

dap-addict wrote:Reminds me of some silly Private dvds about 15y back from one of their Italian directors. Dont remember his name, but he was Bp based. It mainly looked hilarious, out of place really.

Antonio Adamo, I see, and 18y back.
Nice Lara Stevens DP at that DAP-scarce time, still. :)
Lara was one of my porn muses than, great Hungarian girl! Every 3rd scene she did was DP, 6y in the biz. :p
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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby DPraved » Sat Sep 26, 2020 12:48 pm

magizi87 wrote:what is the meaning of HMU?

Hair and make-up. I was also really confused by this. ;)
Btw. I find your profile gif intriguing. Would you mind opening a thread about adult comics and post some suggestions? I would be really grateful!
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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby DPraved » Sat Sep 26, 2020 12:58 pm

Mister Ananas wrote:Yeah, but I don't think I'll be including that in my scenes. :p

I love shooting in natural light, whether it's outdoors or indoors with the windows open, so the idea for the Roman theme came as a result of thinking about ways I might be able to take advantage of natural light. Don't get me wrong, I still want to use that dynamic gonzo-style camera movement we associate so strongly with LP (and anal porn in general). I'm not gonna bust out the tripod on y'all. Dynamic camera makes the scenes more exciting and it's here to stay, but I do want to bring a higher standard of set design and HMU into the mix. It's always been very sexy to me when the girls are made up to look very delicate and proper. It makes the action feel more intense and primal, almost like the guys can't resist them.

Story in porn almost always sucks, so I'd hate to do that, but setting is hugely underestimated, and in a certain way it tells a non-verbal "story" of its own. The appeal of porn is mostly mental, and IMO, it is sexier when it feels like it has a sense of occasion attached to it. The girls are dressed up, the setting looks nice, and someone went to the trouble to light the room like a professional modeling shoot. To me, that elevates the work and makes it much more appealing. Shooting in the same white room for every single scene, with the same lighting set-up, make-up design, and vibe, is a perfectly legitimate way to produce porn, and there's absolutely a place for that, but it's not what I want to shoot. I want to see intensity and nasty action from the performers, but I don't want trashy vibes, and I definitely don't want to repeat myself day-in and day-out producing cookie-cutter output like an assembly line. We're making porn, not iPads. Let's inject some passion into these forgotten elements of production again.

Best post of the year! Absolutely love what I read here. I was hoping N&F would pick up the gauntlet about aesthetic hard porn, but unfortunately they seem to have settled for piss instead of production values. If you manage to shoot intense fucking with high production values I will definitely be an eager supporter! Looking forward to your work! :)
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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby xxx » Sat Sep 26, 2020 1:37 pm

magizi87 wrote:what is the meaning of HMU?

also, I always thought this Nikita Bellucci scene,
where she is wearing the greek/roman robes
and the snake, for whatever reason

was a super sexy idea.

Capture 16.JPG

And back then, I thought that would be a recurring theme
but, it turned out, it wasn't, lol :o

There was a "snake scientist" around the studio at that time that's why you had this scene.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby magizi87 » Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:29 pm

DPraved wrote:
magizi87 wrote:what is the meaning of HMU?

Hair and make-up. I was also really confused by this. ;)
Btw. I find your profile gif intriguing. Would you mind opening a thread about adult comics and post some suggestions? I would be really grateful!

I'm not that much into porn comics.
In general, I very much dislike the body proportions that most artists use to depict women.

The women body type that I most prefer is similar to Amirah Adara.
Medium size ass, small waist, small breast, long hair. That's usually what drives me crazy, heh.

In comics and hentai, most women are depicted with huge breasts,
and oversized proportions that to me, don't even look human.

For that reason I find little interest in most comics.


If you like role-playing, bondage, non-consent,
check out Fernando, under DOFANTASY.

the scenes from my gif are from Dark Vengeance 3

My favorites are the Dark Vengeance series, Confiscated Twins and Total Control.
but I have them all.

Actually what I wanted to communicate with my gif,
was that even in a gangbang movie, the most critical thing to put on camera,
is the face of the models. That's really the only thing that matters IMO.

xxx wrote:There was a "snake scientist" around the studio at that time that's why you had this scene.

This is quite intriguing, how does a scientist ends up mixed in a porn studio.

I'm not complaining, that's very cool.

Maybe we need more scientist people involved in porn.

You be surprise to find out how much research they have made around the subject of woman orgasm.

It's a VERY important subject, worthy of study.


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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:04 pm

xxx wrote:
magizi87 wrote:what is the meaning of HMU?

also, I always thought this Nikita Bellucci scene,
where she is wearing the greek/roman robes
and the snake, for whatever reason

was a super sexy idea.

Capture 16.JPG

And back then, I thought that would be a recurring theme
but, it turned out, it wasn't, lol :o

There was a "snake scientist" around the studio at that time that's why you had this scene.

I've always wondered about this. There's got to be a good story here. What did Nikita think about letting a snake crawl all over her?

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby DPraved » Sun Sep 27, 2020 1:25 pm

magizi87 wrote:
DPraved wrote:Btw. I find your profile gif intriguing. Would you mind opening a thread about adult comics and post some suggestions? I would be really grateful!

I'm not that much into porn comics.
In general, I very much dislike the body proportions that most artists use to depict women.

The women body type that I most prefer is similar to Amirah Adara.
Medium size ass, small waist, small breast, long hair. That's usually what drives me crazy, heh.

In comics and hentai, most women are depicted with huge breasts,
and oversized proportions that to me, don't even look human.

For that reason I find little interest in most comics.


If you like role-playing, bondage, non-consent,
check out Fernando, under DOFANTASY.

the scenes from my gif are from Dark Vengeance 3

My favorites are the Dark Vengeance series, Confiscated Twins and Total Control.
but I have them all.

Actually what I wanted to communicate with my gif,
was that even in a gangbang movie, the most critical thing to put on camera,
is the face of the models. That's really the only thing that matters IMO.

Thank you! Not into hentai either, for the same reasons as you brought up, but I once came across the Nicole Heat series and went down the rabbit hole in search of similar content.
Good point about the face! What's the point of a girl taking a hard pounding if you can't see her reactions, right?
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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby xxx » Sun Sep 27, 2020 1:34 pm

Mister Ananas wrote:
xxx wrote:
magizi87 wrote:what is the meaning of HMU?

also, I always thought this Nikita Bellucci scene,
where she is wearing the greek/roman robes
and the snake, for whatever reason

was a super sexy idea.

Capture 16.JPG

And back then, I thought that would be a recurring theme
but, it turned out, it wasn't, lol :o

There was a "snake scientist" around the studio at that time that's why you had this scene.

I've always wondered about this. There's got to be a good story here. What did Nikita think about letting a snake crawl all over her?

She liked the idea for sure but I can't remember if she was nervous or cool with it during the scene.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby magizi87 » Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:29 pm

DPraved wrote:Good point about the face! What's the point of a girl taking a hard pounding if you can't see her reactions, right?


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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby grey00owl » Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:51 am

magizi87 wrote:
DPraved wrote:Good point about the face! What's the point of a girl taking a hard pounding if you can't see her reactions, right?


We want to see face expressions, not only male tools fucking female holes.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby grey00owl » Mon Sep 28, 2020 9:00 am

DPraved wrote:
magizi87 wrote:what is the meaning of HMU?

Hair and make-up. I was also really confused by this. ;)
Btw. I find your profile gif intriguing. Would you mind opening a thread about adult comics and post some suggestions? I would be really grateful!

I would suggest to you Milo Manara's great books, so finely illustrated: he draws the woman of my dreams, small tits, tight waist, heart shaped ass. High class porn. Or take some look to Animopron's work with the great series Lara With Horse and Breaking The Quiet with bestial porn, if you are into it.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Wed Sep 30, 2020 11:56 pm

Could be some new scenes with the Pineapples flavor coming next month. Trying something out with the "working from home" mentality, and then I'm also trying to get something done in Florida in the second half of the month now that the state is fully opened up.

Whatever I do, whenever I do it, you'll find it here on LP.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby magizi87 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 1:28 am

grey00owl wrote:I would suggest to you Milo Manara's great books, so finely illustrated: he draws the woman of my dreams, small tits, tight waist, heart shaped ass. High class porn. Or take some look to Animopron's work with the great series Lara With Horse and Breaking The Quiet with bestial porn, if you are into it.

I'm familiar with both Quiet and Lara's movies he's made.
Not really into animal porn, but what gets me, is the huge dick balls deep anal penetration.

My favorite part is when Lara, uses her collar to prevent the horse cock from going too far,
and eventually the horse ignores it and shoves its huge member it all the way, anyway.
and then at the end, she puts the collar back on, love those perspective bits
that make you think, is that dick as thick as her neck, holy shit!

It's pretty amazing what these people can accomplish
without any motion capture or much in the way of production backup, lol.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby dirtporn » Thu Oct 01, 2020 1:25 pm

Mister Ananas wrote:Could be some new scenes with the Pineapples flavor coming next month. Trying something out with the "working from home" mentality, and then I'm also trying to get something done in Florida in the second half of the month now that the state is fully opened up.

Whatever I do, whenever I do it, you'll find it here on LP.

Great news

i'm really looking forward to see that.

Don't hésitate to post preview of futures scenes on this post :p

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby grey00owl » Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:39 pm

magizi87 wrote:
grey00owl wrote:I would suggest to you Milo Manara's great books, so finely illustrated: he draws the woman of my dreams, small tits, tight waist, heart shaped ass. High class porn. Or take some look to Animopron's work with the great series Lara With Horse and Breaking The Quiet with bestial porn, if you are into it.

I'm familiar with both Quiet and Lara's movies he's made.
Not really into animal porn, but what gets me, is the huge dick balls deep anal penetration.

My favorite part is when Lara, uses her collar to prevent the horse cock from going too far,
and eventually the horse ignores it and shoves its huge member it all the way, anyway.
and then at the end, she puts the collar back on, love those perspective bits
that make you think, is that dick as thick as her neck, holy shit!

It's pretty amazing what these people can accomplish
without any motion capture or much in the way of production backup, lol.

You're a porn gourmet! :D ;)

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Wotan29 » Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:06 pm

magizi87 wrote:I'm familiar with both Quiet and Lara's movies he's made.
Not really into animal porn, but what gets me, is the huge dick balls deep anal penetration.

My favorite part is when Lara, uses her collar to prevent the horse cock from going too far,
and eventually the horse ignores it and shoves its huge member it all the way, anyway.
and then at the end, she puts the collar back on, love those perspective bits
that make you think, is that dick as thick as her neck, holy shit!

Yeah, nice one. I prefer the Lara series a bit over the Quiet series, though it has some great moments, too.
What I´m missing in the Quiet series is really balls deep fucking like in this funny Lara bonus outtake. :D

Lara 1.png

[attachment=1]Lara 2.png[/attachment

(Sorry Mister Ananas for "hijacking" your thread. We´ve just digressed a bit...)
Lara 2.png

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby DPraved » Mon Oct 05, 2020 10:45 pm

Mister Ananas wrote:Could be some new scenes with the Pineapples flavor coming next month. Trying something out with the "working from home" mentality, and then I'm also trying to get something done in Florida in the second half of the month now that the state is fully opened up.

Whatever I do, whenever I do it, you'll find it here on LP.

Feeling a bit guilty for the derail... :(
Do you have anything you can share this early in the month? What type of content are you aiming for with these scenes? Group sex or 1on1? I really liked the Marley Brinx and Zoe Sparx intro with the lez play and the come-and-get-it positions when the guys entered. More of that naughty playfulness please! :D
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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:02 pm

I'll be testing many different flavors and recipes in the kitchen this time.

Some group scenes & some smaller-scale scenes too. Probably not any 1 on 1 stuff, but there will be 2 on 1 (BGG) for sure.

i don't want to share many other specifics yet. When I have something to show you, you'll know it.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby magizi87 » Tue Oct 06, 2020 2:47 am

I hope you do a scene with a pretty woman, slim, no tattoos, no fake; tits, ass, lips, oh, and no bush...
am I missing something? ALSO, long hair.
I know these might be hard to find, that's why I started with "I hope" :D

preferably in her late 20's so she can be fucked hard, non-stop by 2-5 dominant male actors.
Don't get those girls that say stuff like, only the tip, normal cocks only, that's just BS.

"0% pussy" scene BUUUUUUUUUT, before DPConnoisseur crucifies me, lol

NO DAP or piss.

Just hard anal pounding,
have seen the threads that are all about this, right?

You would think that by now, there would be at least a few of these,
but there is none, NADA, it's such a massive disappointment, really.

Everytime that a scene has all the right ingredients,
the right submissive, extremely fuckable woman
the right "tools", you know the guys who don't hold back,

they are, the directors, lets slow everything down to a crawl, with DAP.


Remember how PC_82 used to tease upcoming scenes with phrases such as: "she barely survived this one"
That's kinda the right attitude to aim for, obviously it's all a fabrication, an act. but that's the vibe.

4310Z.gif (18.82 MiB) Viewed 15340 times

The reason we want more than one guy in the scenes
is because when one guy gets "tired" another one takes his place and resumes the onslaught on her ass.

that's the reason, lol.

it's NOT because we want to hear the director arbitrarily say "switch"
it is see the reaction of the babe, to non-stop, hard stimulation, for as long as she can manage,
or until all the guys are all spent. out of stamina. done, wasted. lol

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby grey00owl » Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:14 am

I also like Piss and DAP, when good performed, but a hard, deep, interminable ass pounding is what I like the most. That GIF with Mike Chapman destroying Angel Small's asshole is amazing and emblematic.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Wotan29 » Tue Oct 06, 2020 11:21 am

As usual I agree with almost every word you write.

As you know, I´m also into piss (if soaking wet!) and DAP (if ballsdeep!).
But some horny guys one after another relentlessly asshammering a girl will always be the best and most arousing part of a scene.

As magizi87 said: "She barely survived this one!", that´s the spirit.
It´s a shame, that we don´t get stuff like the epic Angel Smalls scene at LP anymore.

Just do it, Mister Ananas!
One of your favourite "muses", Zoe Sparx, for sure is ready for it.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby grey00owl » Tue Oct 06, 2020 11:27 am

Wotan29 wrote:Just do it, Mister Ananas!
One of your favourite "muses", Zoe Sparx, for sure is ready for it

For sure!

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby DPraved » Tue Oct 06, 2020 10:30 pm

That Angel Small scene is truly epic, but there are probably only very few girls capable of taking that sort of punishment. Likewise, I think the producer of such scenes must be an established name so that the girls know what to expect and are fully prepared for the onslaught. I wouldn't want Mr. Ananas to get a bad reputation for going to hard on his models.
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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby grey00owl » Wed Oct 07, 2020 9:17 am

DPraved wrote:That Angel Small scene is truly epic, but there are probably only very few girls capable of taking that sort of punishment. Likewise, I think the producer of such scenes must be an established name so that the girls know what to expect and are fully prepared for the onslaught. I wouldn't want Mr. Ananas to get a bad reputation for going to hard on his models.

I don't get your point. Bad reputation? For what? for making, as you say, epic porn? For going too hard? As I see, Angel Smalls is having the fuck of her life, completely lost in sexual ecstasy. Nobody here wants to harm the models: when I say "destroy her ass", I mean it obviously in a metaphorical sense and it means "give her the anal pounding she deserves and enjoys".

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby dap-addict » Wed Oct 07, 2020 5:30 pm

DPraved wrote:I wouldn't want Mr. Ananas to get a bad reputation for going to hard on his models.

I think you mix on-set reality with what you see after cutting on video.
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TWO DAP SCENES PER DAY! - More true fast balls deep DAP! More 0% pussy! - Dress them to fuck and pop their eyes - Heels on! No condoms!!! - Lets lets get a GONZO non-vanilla successor!!!

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby eigenvalue » Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:24 pm

Well, the following are my suggestions:

100% anal / chastity devices
Ahegao / bimbofication (not sure if it would fit)
Anal creampies
Armpit fucking (knees, shinbones, etc.)
Ass to ass / stacking
ATOGM (#1 thing, everything should gravitate toward ass to mouth)
BDSM (the power exchange aspect (D/s))
Body writing
Boot licking / foot worship (FtM)
Bushes like Carter Cruise, Dani Daniels, etc. would be a plus
Buttplugs and some weird and long anal toys like they tend to use in everythingbutt
Closeups (gapes, gapes, and gapes) and enough teasing from below like Adriano does for the first minutes
Cock and balls sniffing
Collars and leashes
Crawling and being walked on all fours (view from behind)
Cumming on hair and girls being upset about it
Dirty talk (-"how does it tastes?" -"your anal juices taste so yummy")
Dog bowls (I would love some barking and playfulness too)
FFM/FFMM/FFFM (number of males never should exceed number of females)
Fishnet stockings and skirts
Girls kneeling completely naked and waiting in slave positions
Girls showing us their middle fingers at the end like the old times
Kreme/Milk (some kreme here, some milk wouldn't hurt)
Nipple clamps and weights
Panty stuffing
Pissing (I know you said you will never shoot it, just expressing my preference)
Pussy pumping / pussy torture
Ruined makeup
Slaps and spits
Speculums / feeding from ass like the cereal with milk stuff

tl; dr: ATOGM + the degradation/humilliation side of BDSM

Keep up the magnifecent work you've been doing so far!

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby DPraved » Tue Oct 13, 2020 10:39 pm

grey00owl wrote:
DPraved wrote:That Angel Small scene is truly epic, but there are probably only very few girls capable of taking that sort of punishment. Likewise, I think the producer of such scenes must be an established name so that the girls know what to expect and are fully prepared for the onslaught. I wouldn't want Mr. Ananas to get a bad reputation for going to hard on his models.

I don't get your point. Bad reputation? For what? for making, as you say, epic porn? For going too hard? As I see, Angel Smalls is having the fuck of her life, completely lost in sexual ecstasy. Nobody here wants to harm the models: when I say "destroy her ass", I mean it obviously in a metaphorical sense and it means "give her the anal pounding she deserves and enjoys".

Sorry I missed this reply. What I mean is that Angel Small knew she was shooting for a producer well known for hard anal, on a site well known for hard anal. In other words; she knew she would get the ass-fucking of her life if she wanted to.
For a new studio selling scenes on Pornbox (not only the LP main studios) with a lesser known producer, girls signing up for anal work may not have the complete anal destruction in mind that we often see requested here on LP forums, but rather the less intense anal found on other sites. In the heat of the moment, girls may allow themselves to be pushed too far but then be mad about it afterwards, and telling stories of how the sex was harder than what they had agreed to. There is also that certain amateur producer who likes to spread lies about competitors if he gets hold of even the slightest bit of negativity from girls. For a new producer reputation matters a great deal, and it is much easier to loose than it is to gain. But I trust in Mister Pineapples judgement and this will not be an issue.
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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby dirtporn » Mon Nov 02, 2020 12:27 pm

Idea of release date of your news scene mr.Ananas ?


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