xxxVIPERxxx wrote:Daniela had a great chance to be the next big South American superstar...since Natasha Teen took a huge backstep in shooting, Vitoria Beatriz seems to have taken a short hiatus from regular performances at LPAV, Vivian Lola is undergoing some personal matters, Qween Goddess seems to have disappeared from our screens, Francys Belle only makes sporadic appearances...Larissa Leite is the only one who is pushing herself on the radar as the standout South American performer...
Come on Daniela, a bit more effort and application - get your name out there and increase your exposure.
that's a bit harsh, Viper. Daniela *is* a big South American Superstar, and has been for some time
and as for "a bit more effort and application", this month marks Daniela's third year in the business. she came in like a lion, shooting stupendous scenes from her very first shoot, and she just got better and more intese scene-on-scene and year-on-year until very recently (see Justin's various snapshots and reminiscences of legendary Daniela scenes from two or three years ago now)
first she 'took' latin-america, shooting classic after classic for Natasha and LTP 2022-2024
then she took europe, killing it at both the Giorgio and AGO studios, again shooting classic after classic 2023-2024
now it looks as if Daniela is focusing on breaking into the US market, by a wide margin the hardest for an outsider to make it in, but Dani is fearless and ambitious and she wants to give it her best so we should be cheering her on in that, after all she has given us over the years by way of unforgettable content. show a bit of solidarity with the girl and her dreams
i appreciate that you want her to return to what she was doing previously at prague or in colombia because that content appeals to you more than the content she is currently shooting, but Daniela has done that (and in grand style) and now she wants to try something else.
she may return to it at some point in the fute, but (apparently, from all available evidence) her focus is elsewhere at present and her mind is made up (hence her repeated declining the suggestion of working in prague at present)
so you're a bit disappointed, and maybe even a bit annoyed by her decision. but to say 'she could have been a star if only she made a bit more effort' seems to me to be wandering into the realm of sour grapes and spitefulness. just a bit, it must be said
by all means you're entitled to your opinion and to speak your mind, but i think you are being a bit unfair to a model who has given *a lot* to her fans over the past three years and now just wants a change of scene and a new challenge