At the moment EKS is THE leading studio when it comes to DVP. Like we have seen before at NRX, also now EKS did make DVP sort of a standard item for almost all their models. Whis is a really good thing of course.
With the right preparation/warming up, and a bit of training, and/or a careful start, almost all models can handle it after all. Some easier as others of course, but can all perform it, or at least should try.
The new models know what to expect and that it is part of the program. Because they know that almost all models at the studio are performing it, they don’t have to be nervous about it.
The DVP scenes by EKS are of a very good quality. Some of the models are really top performers in DVP style.
With top models like Eva Tender and Funky Town, Emma Korti, Altera Pars etc.
Or the beautiful model Ellie Wain, who is so very talented at Double Vaginal.
Also great are the several EKS videos where two models are both performing simultaneously.
I am looking forward very much for what is still to come at EKS.
I cannot wait for a new model like Akina Asmus to perform her first DVP for EKS also.