did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby drevokocur66 » Sun Feb 04, 2024 9:48 am

Giorgio Grandi wrote:
The west has been at war with Russia since... for ever.
After communism, russians stop to fight, the west did not until Russians got back to fight.

Let me do a sup of notions for you
There is a lot of propaganda on both side. The west pictures Russia in a banal and simplistic way, almost childish if not even stupid and people believe it.
Russia is the biggest country of the world, which brings together varied culture and ethnicity with different values ​​and principles. There is what is called European Russia includes 75% of russian population, but it is variegate in culture as the whole Russia is. Saint Peterburg with Moscow are the more "european" city, but this doesnt mean the population in european. I know very well SPB, I called this place "home" for many years, even now I continue to feel me as part of it. Like all Russia, also SPB (and all big city) are composed of different "reality". The center of the city, the the suburbs, the outskirts, the surrounding. In the west is the same, but the differences are not so huge as in russia.
In the center of SPB and Moscow, you can find gay club, gay bar, swinger club and really whatever you would sexually wish. SPB is a fuckshow of sex party every day of the week, but outside from the center there is not the same vibe. Of course people came to the center to have fun, but its a minimal % comparing to the rest of ppl that are generally more conservative.

I have been in gay clubs many time during my time in SPB, no one gives a shit if you are gay or if you hangout with someone gay... in the center of the city. Outside from the center, the more you go away from the center and the more you are into a different reality. It is just what is it, in the west is the same just you feel it less.

When you pick a girl in the center of SPB, you have great chances to sleep with her the first night, but if you pick a girl at 20km from the center, she wont sleep with you unless she see a commitment. Can you imagine the difference between a girl that hang out in SPB and a girl hanging out in the outskirts of.... Samara?

I just pointed you few simple reason to make you understand when you say "Russia" and "Russians" you do not have idea what you are talking about. The girls you see in porn, are brave souls who venture into unknown spaces and often get burned. The very generations of models that you most appreciated were raised by what I call "victims of communism". Parents who did their best and their worst, very often parents who separated and their children grew up as they could.

What most of Russian girls wish is a family, the family they did not have in their own childhood. So it is not true only old people support Putin. On the top of this, you need to understand the situation before Putin. At the end of the communism, in 90is, russia was like the far west, with criminality at the top and shootings in the street. Putin stopped this, create a system where technically anyone has the opportunity to change his life, and this was a game changer from people coming from communism.

The idea of "the west" bringing the war to russia was a common thought of most Russian citizens when I was there personally. A topic to discuss at dinner, with their parents. Russians have always been scared of Western imperialism.
Nato, to them, is an imperialist system, you need to understand this before to even approach the topic.
We can argue it is or it is not, but it is not relevant, the important is they believe so.
Did Nato try to give a different impression of itself?
Not really tbh, so here we are

Russia did not trust the USA, specially the liberal administrations as they consider "imperialistic" what they DRIVE through the NATO in the middle east.
I don't blame them for this point of view.
Also the liberal approach to inclusion of diversity, in russia is seen as something stuffed down your throat against your will, specially compared with the needs of the rest of the population. You need to fucking understand a double digit % of russian people do not have a loo at home, but they have a shack outside the house with a hole in the ground with the fecal remains of their grandparents: they do not give a shit about gender, climate change and inclusion, they wish to have a fucking loo and a decent school where to send their kids.
And yes, in ucraine the causes of the dispute that has been going on for 10 years are much more complex than how The West wants to represent it
And yes, they will fight until the last russian as they did with Napoleon and Hitler, they will eat the corpses of the death as they did during the siege of Leningrad before to give up

So, overall, mix geopolitic with national politic is the mistake most of you are doing. Most of Russian citizen do not trust the west and so do their politicians. A pro-west political party wont get the numbers to became a party.
And yes, there is hypocrisy in the way the institutions approach whats for us is normal, but this is a simple consequence of the fact the needs of their population is different from our needs

Where Russia finds itself today, is a self inflicted situation.

Just to name a few...

Atrocities of Stalin prior of WW2...
Helping Hitler start WW2 - invasion of Poland...
Attempted invasion of Finland...
Occupation and the annexation of Baltic states...
Rolling tanks into Eastern Europe...
Soviet - Afghan invasion...
Chechen wars...
Georgian war...
Annexation of Crimea...
Donetsk and Luhansk Pro-Russia separatists.. basically Russian funded mercenaries start killing Russians and Ukrainians alike...
The current genocidal invasion of Ukraine...

Will leave out the numerous proxy communist wars...

When CCCP collapsed, Russia never stopped being aggressive. It was too just broke from corruption to bully others.

And you wonder why smaller Russian neighbors pile into NATO? Russia isn't worried about it's security. It is worried it won't be able to expand into and steal it's neighbors land.
Putin had a chance to do some genuine good, but being the ex KGB rat that he is, he chose the Stalin playbook. So fuck him and the horse he rode in on. The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.
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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby dap-addict » Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:35 am

Giorgio Grandi wrote:When you pick a girl in the center of SPB, you have great chances to sleep with her the first night, but if you pick a girl at 20km from the center, she wont sleep with you unless she see a commitment. Can you imagine the difference between a girl that hang out in SPB and a girl hanging out in the outskirts of.... Samara?

I just pointed you few simple reason to make you understand when you say "Russia" and "Russians" you do not have idea what you are talking about. The girls you see in porn, are brave souls who venture into unknown spaces and often get burned. The very generations of models that you most appreciated were raised by what I call "victims of communism". Parents who did their best and their worst, very often parents who separated and their children grew up as they could.

What most of Russian girls wish is a family, the family they did not have in their own childhood. So it is not true only old people support Putin. On the top of this, you need to understand the situation before Putin.(...)

This is a very insightful and very important post.
Thread ventured very far.
I dont think its a good way to discuss geopolitics here - we have off topics for that - but those people having really been in Russia or even coming from there would better try to forecast whether this is the end of Russian porn? Whether production is still possible, maybe in other towns? And whether those brave Russian girls can still be successfully scouted for porn productions in EU or more liberal non-EU countries?
Just some porn assessment rather than talking (geo)politics.
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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby pastaga » Sun Feb 04, 2024 1:40 pm

Yes sure you g people from downtown SPB are quite open like in western Europe cities. Even if I'm not sure if the gay clubs Giorgio is talking about are still open.

The other thing is that Russia has always been under authoritarian power. From the tsars era to communist era and now Putin era. That's why it became a kind of "far west" at the fall of communism. But I think it's a necessary transition to sole more democratic system.

And yes lots of Russian are poor. But they should stop vodka and think so they would realize the reason they're poor isn't NATO but the fact the country is isolating itself because of the conservative power (and oligarchy stealing money too of course). Sure NATO doesn't look friendly but they should remember why it has been created for in the first place...
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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby pastaga » Sun Feb 04, 2024 2:05 pm

And about porn (and the closure of gay clubs which happened some months ago if I remember well), I don't really get the point of it. Except for Putin to remember these people he is the king. But it won't change these people , they'll just have to hide more... Maybe the show is for the west ? He has already proven he is a dictator by many ways...

I just hope Erika and other arrested people are OK.
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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby pastaga » Sun Feb 04, 2024 2:25 pm

netzerkaiser wrote:Sorry yumyum, you don't know what you're talking about. i was there for 9 months. 1992 - 1993 I saw winter I saw summer. And I remember the kindness of the people. And I know the hope they had following Glasnost. You challenge me on this then you don't know what you're talking about. Seriously, I've no reason or cause to lie.

Russia made the west go military for like 50 years then suddenly the West should have sent them help and money ?
Hating West and giving your people what they need are two different things. But I'm not sure if Russian politics ever understood it.
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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby Pineapples Studio » Sun Feb 04, 2024 5:22 pm

dap-addict wrote:Thread ventured very far.
I dont think its a good way to discuss geopolitics here - we have off topics for that - but those people having really been in Russia or even coming from there would better try to forecast whether this is the end of Russian porn? Whether production is still possible, maybe in other towns? And whether those brave Russian girls can still be successfully scouted for porn productions in EU or more liberal non-EU countries?
Just some porn assessment rather than talking (geo)politics.

The thread is asking directly whether NRX and EK knew they were doing illegal things. That is the topic of discussion here. I don’t see how you’re surprised that it has veered into geopolitics.

By the way, the answer is yes. Of course they knew. It was a risk they took of their own accord.

What is left to discuss apart from the larger geopolitical situation?

As for Russia, while I appreciate the points of view of everyone in this thread, the reality is that both Russia and NATO have been scheming against each other for years, and therefore both Russia and NATO share blame for the current situation. I would say that Russia is most responsible for the war, since they are the invading force in Ukraine, but that does not mean the West bears no blame for creating the conditions that led to the war.

Reality is messy and it’s almost never possible to say “Russia bad, NATO good” or vice versa.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby Pineapples Studio » Sun Feb 04, 2024 5:38 pm

The answer to your question about the future of Russian porn & the possibility of scouting Russian models is also geopolitical. In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a massive war going on in Ukraine which has given rise to a new Cold War, and we’re all being psyched into believing this situation might escalate into full-blown World War 3. Just today, I saw an article stating that the United Kingdom wants to prepare its population for “all-out war” in the near future. That may or may not actually happen, but forget about the likelihood of the war and just think about how frightening it is that the government of the United Kingdom wants its own citizens to think it might happen.

Things are going to get worse, not better. We are not on track for any sort of normalization with Russia right now. Just look at the totality of the circumstances.

The future of porn in Russia will involve more scrutiny from the Russian government and greater risks to local producers. The process of scouting Russian models will involve more barriers for them to work in the EU and greater expense incurred by EU producers to transport them abroad.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby dap-addict » Sun Feb 04, 2024 5:39 pm

Pineapples Studio wrote:By the way, the answer is yes. Of course they knew. It was a risk they took of their own accord.

How do you see the chances for productions in other towns than those affected by the raids?
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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby Pineapples Studio » Sun Feb 04, 2024 5:42 pm

Define “town”. Lower population density probably equates to less government scrutiny, but it also presents challenges for the scouting of models.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby Iddaoeeok » Sun Feb 04, 2024 5:47 pm

Pineapples Studio wrote:Reality is messy and it’s almost never possible to say “Russia bad, NATO good” or vice versa.

Yes, the world is much more complex and out of control than a lot of people (maybe most?) can handle psychologically, hence the resorting to conspiracy theories and the search for simpler explanations and answers.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby dap-addict » Sun Feb 04, 2024 6:42 pm

Pineapples Studio wrote:Define “town”. Lower population density probably equates to less government scrutiny, but it also presents challenges for the scouting of models.

First the other big fairly western town where NRX and EKS didnt shoot. Then 1 Mio inhabitants like Omsk or Novosibirsk could be an option, also for scouting. The more we had already quite a few Siberian girls.
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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby pastaga » Sun Feb 04, 2024 7:34 pm

Pineapples Studio wrote:Reality is messy and it’s almost never possible to say “Russia bad, NATO good” or vice versa.

NATO has been created after WWII to counter USSR expansion. Because as a dictatorship they had no other choice than getting new territories to get more power. While NATO countries were democracies and were free to participate or not in wars led by US.
So to me the origin of conflict is quite clear. Remember that during WWII, relationships were better and US helped Russia army : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lend-Leas ... viet_Union
There's some subtelities for sure but without soviet expansionism NATO wouldn't even exist.
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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby netzerkaiser » Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:22 pm

YumYum74 wrote:
netzerkaiser wrote:Sorry yumyum, you don't know what you're talking about. i was there for 9 months. 1992 - 1993 I saw winter I saw summer. And I remember the kindness of the people. And I know the hope they had following Glasnost. You challenge me on this then you don't know what you're talking about. Seriously, I've no reason or cause to lie.

I can say the same thing. I was there several times in those years as well, what makes you more knowledgeable than me? Or I am a liar then?

Rhetorical, don't even answer that, I'm done with this bullshit and everyone who thinks all the shit in the world is the fault of the "evil west". Every time something bad happens it's the same boogeyman. Always playing the victim and never taking responsibility for their own shit. Fuck that.

I apologise for my rudeness there. It's just so many memories came back. I'm guessing we visited, as Giorgio's fine contribution alludes to, entirely different Russia's. I remember seeing starving dogs & cats on the streets that were beyond any help, empty shops... I remember walking into a public toilet & being met by the sight of half a dozen guys with their pants pulled down squatting over concrete holes in the ground. And the link with this to 'how was this the west's fault?' lies in the goodwill shown by the Russian people over glasnost - that basically the deal in their eyes was we stop the cold war, can you give our ailing economy a dig out? & of course nothing happened. No help came. Its interesting, the next time I encountered ex-Soviet's, Ukrainians, Russians, Lithuanians, Moldovans, was in UK several years later, & their demeanor had changed. The people who welcomed me on their ground with such beautiful hospitality, were now, on my ground, were now far more wary & cyncial. Usually its the other way around. Of course the west isn't completely to blame for this, the 7 or so oligarch's that with the countless minions that accompanied them, destroyed Russia's chances of a decent caring society at that time. How this was allowed was scandalous. But I'm sorry for the 'you don't know what you're talking about' bit... I guess we just saw different Russia's. Mine was more in your face, off the beaten track, in the high-rise. Just glad I got out of it in one piece.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby netzerkaiser » Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:26 pm

netzerkaiser wrote:
YumYum74 wrote:
netzerkaiser wrote:Sorry yumyum, you don't know what you're talking about. i was there for 9 months. 1992 - 1993 I saw winter I saw summer. And I remember the kindness of the people. And I know the hope they had following Glasnost. You challenge me on this then you don't know what you're talking about. Seriously, I've no reason or cause to lie.

I can say the same thing. I was there several times in those years as well, what makes you more knowledgeable than me? Or I am a liar then?

Rhetorical, don't even answer that, I'm done with this bullshit and everyone who thinks all the shit in the world is the fault of the "evil west". Every time something bad happens it's the same boogeyman. Always playing the victim and never taking responsibility for their own shit. Fuck that.

I apologise for my rudeness there. It's just so many memories came back. I'm guessing we visited, as Giorgio's fine contribution alludes to, entirely different Russia's. I remember seeing starving dogs & cats on the streets that were beyond any help, empty shops... I remember walking into a public toilet & being met by the sight of half a dozen guys with their pants pulled down squatting over concrete holes in the ground. And the link with this to 'how was this the west's fault?' lies in the goodwill shown by the Russian people over glasnost - that basically the deal in their eyes was we stop the cold war, can you give our ailing economy a dig out? & of course nothing happened. No help came. Its interesting, the next time I encountered ex-Soviet's, Ukrainians, Russians, Lithuanians, Moldovans, was in UK several years later, & their demeanor had changed. The people who welcomed me on their ground with such beautiful hospitality, were now, on my ground, were now far more wary & cyncial. Usually its the other way around. Of course the west isn't completely to blame for this, the 7 or so oligarch's that with the countless minions that accompanied them, destroyed Russia's chances of a decent caring society at that time. How this was allowed was scandalous. But I'm sorry for the 'you don't know what you're talking about' bit... I guess we just saw different Russia's. Mine was more in your face, off the beaten track, in the high-rise. Just glad I got out of it in one piece.

I remember a few months after I got home, this happened, & I thought those poor bastards, what a way to spend new year:


This brave Chechen meant every word.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby netzerkaiser » Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:35 pm

Mine was more in your face, off the beaten track, in the high-rise...

*possibly, I shouldn't assume.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby netzerkaiser » Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:12 pm

I apologise for my rudeness there. It's just so many memories came back. I'm guessing we visited, as Giorgio's fine contribution alludes to, entirely different Russia's. I remember seeing starving dogs & cats on the streets that were beyond any help, empty shops... I remember walking into a public toilet & being met by the sight of half a dozen guys with their pants pulled down squatting over concrete holes in the ground. And the link with this to 'how was this the west's fault?' lies in the goodwill shown by the Russian people over glasnost - that basically the deal in their eyes was we stop the cold war, can you give our ailing economy a dig out? & of course nothing happened. No help came. Its interesting, the next time I encountered ex-Soviet's, Ukrainians, Russians, Lithuanians, Moldovans, was in UK several years later, & their demeanor had changed. The people who welcomed me on their ground with such beautiful hospitality, were now, on my ground, were now far more wary & cyncial. Usually its the other way around. Of course the west isn't completely to blame for this, the 7 or so oligarch's that with the countless minions that accompanied them, destroyed Russia's chances of a decent caring society at that time. How this was allowed was scandalous. But I'm sorry for the 'you don't know what you're talking about' bit... I guess we just saw different Russia's. Mine was more in your face, off the beaten track, in the high-rise. Just glad I got out of it in one piece.[/quote]

I remember a few months after I got home, this happened, & I thought those poor bastards, what a way to spend new year:


This brave Chechen meant every word.[/quote]

My understanding is these two guys served together as 'brothers in arms' in Afghanistan...

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby Giorgio Grandi » Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:18 pm

pastaga wrote:And about porn (and the closure of gay clubs which happened some months ago if I remember well), I don't really get the point of it. Except for Putin to remember these people he is the king. But it won't change these people , they'll just have to hide more... Maybe the show is for the west ? He has already proven he is a dictator by many ways...

I just hope Erika and other arrested people are OK.

Yes, they close the gay clubs, but there is a reason because of this.

Following the Supreme Court of Russia designating the "international LGBT movement" as "extremist" organization in 2023, Central Station in Saint Petersburg was closed

You can get to the reason if you try a little (otherwise I will help you, but not here please someone open a dedicate topic and stop to use this one).
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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby netzerkaiser » Mon Feb 05, 2024 1:07 am

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby YuriyProneBone » Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:56 am

Giorgio Grandi wrote:Yuriy, most of people believe any kind of nonsense if it is written on their favourite newspaper. This is the greatest achievement of any Propaganda: endorsed from that press who should investigate and dissect anything that comes out of a politician's mouth.
The members of the press in most case are not even aware of what they are doing, they are just indoctrinated from educational system. They do not report or investigare some news because they are not able to process the information without bias.

100%. They have been groomed from an early age to have that criteria. What's funny is that they actually believe they are thinking on their own, that they are coming up with their own conclusions, without noticing that they have been prepped to think like since they were little.

On top of that you couldn't be more correct, you nailed it when you say how they are not able to even process the information. It doesn't even register because it goes so outside of how they belive things are that it would shatter they entire belief system to the point that if they knew how things really are, they would understand why so many army men with PTSD commit suicide when they go back home.

Interestingly enough the biggest propaganda is easy to spot, humans are quite simple, but after an extensive educational system it is easy to convince people things are more complicated than they actually are. They target people who think complexity is the answer because it is very appealing to people's ego that want to believe all the indoctrination they went through in the educational system is based on objectivity, when in reality is based on agendas and narratives.

A good example of this is the Israel / Gaza conflict. They sell it with many grey areas when the historical facts are pretty black and white. So when it comes to propaganda the goal is always selling half truths, so they ring a bell, but still redirect attention to specific outcomes planned for strategic reasons to produce very specific results when it comes to opinions and points of view.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby YuriyProneBone » Mon Feb 05, 2024 5:02 am

It is also important to mention that to the less intelligent people the interpretation of very simple distinctions will appear complex to them, but not for people that can see pass the indoctrination by looking at how things are in reality as opposed of how things are in the theory built by editorial narratives for specific agendas.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby Pineapples Studio » Mon Feb 05, 2024 5:22 am

YuriyProneBone wrote:A good example of this is the Israel / Gaza conflict. They sell it with many grey areas when the historical facts are pretty black and white.

Oh, please elaborate on this. What are the black and white facts?


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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby Iddaoeeok » Mon Feb 05, 2024 9:38 am

Pineapples Studio wrote:
YuriyProneBone wrote:A good example of this is the Israel / Gaza conflict. They sell it with many grey areas when the historical facts are pretty black and white.

Oh, please elaborate on this. What are the black and white facts?

Apparently you're not intelligent enough to understand.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby YuriyProneBone » Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:18 am

Pineapples Studio wrote:Oh, please elaborate on this. What are the black and white facts?


The list is big actually, not complex, but large, but just a few examples are easy to spot simply by hearing the language of the "hasbara".

For example saying the "war in Gaza". It adds complexity to a simple fact, by creating a misleading understanding of the situation. Uninformed people hear this and think these are two governments with their own military going at each other in a war. It also suggest that because of the ongoing conflict it means the strength of each side is somewhat balanced.

Which is not the case, and hides the reality that Israel is a an apartheid state.

It's sad in the sense that the same people that use the term "war between Israel and Palestinians" are the same people who know that historically one of the most popular propposals to end the "war" that have been presented is to institute a "Two-State" solution. Which already points out how currently there are not two States, instead what we have is an occupation, but yet because of the propaganda, they fail to connect the dots.

Another example is saying how historically the reason why Israel constantly kills large number of civilians is because organizations like Hamas use civilians as "human shields".

By saying this they fabricate a misleading complexity that somehow the IDF has no choice but to kill large amounts of civilians including women and children because of this.

When in reality no one in their right mind thinks that in a kid kidnapping situation is OK to kill the kidnapped kid in order to kill the kidnapper.

The hasbara is tricky like that because it can tell people hey we told a million people to evacuate. It is not our fault if we kill them.

When in reality they know it is unrealistic for a million people to evacuate, the logistics aren't there, but they still decide to flat the area because now they have permission to do so because they gave the heads up.

History there has been built with things like these that are pretty black and white, but are presented in a way that fool people to think they are complex.

So a large amount of people that cannot technically leave anywhere, people that have food, water and other resources restricted, somehow are told that the building where they will be bombed, but those news arrive in the form of rumors to a place that have their electricity cut already, and somehow it makes it OK for them to die because they didn't listen the warnings.

The list goes on. The justifications are ridiculous. British did the same to the American natives, and we cannot expect to give the land back at this point. But we are talking 300 years ago before human rights proclamations were even a thing. Here we are talking 1948, some of those people are still alive, and it is still happening now 'til this day, it hasn't stopped.

So it is unrealistic to list everything, but just with a few examples you can tell how narratives are build around the complexity excuse when is clear what the situation really is when you start seeing the historical facts.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby YuriyProneBone » Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:29 am

Iddaoeeok wrote:Apparently you're not intelligent enough to understand.

Here is another example of adding false complexity. Saying I was referring to specific people they are not intelligent enough.

It adds complexity because it tries to provoke them to think I am arguing against them, when it is black and white that I wasn't, and likely I was not even opposing things they have said.

Another one is saying "conspiracy theory" which is also self explanatory. It tries to invoke complexity by saying what has been said is a conspiracy and a theory, when there is no conspiracy mentioned, neither theories, just regular government agendas that have been publicly announced.

That's how a lot of propaganda is made.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby Iddaoeeok » Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:01 pm

YuriyProneBone wrote:
Iddaoeeok wrote:Apparently you're not intelligent enough to understand.

Here is another example of adding false complexity. Saying I was referring to specific people they are not intelligent enough.

It adds complexity because it tries to provoke them to think I am arguing against them, when it is black and white that I wasn't, and likely I was not even opposing things they have said.

Another one is saying "conspiracy theory" which is also self explanatory. It tries to invoke complexity by saying what has been said is a conspiracy and a theory, when there is no conspiracy mentioned, neither theories, just regular government agendas that have been publicly announced.

That's how a lot of propaganda is made.

Forgive me if I'm wrong but your argument is the world really is simple and black and white but unintelligent, indoctrinated (by who, I wonder?) people - let's call them sheeple, shall we - have to complicate it or else their synapses will blow and their tiny minds will implode under the sheer weight of contradictions. I believe these are the "specific people" you refer to? So surely Pineapples' somewhat skeptical and sarcastic response to your claim that the historical facts in the Israel/Gaza conflicts are, quote, black and white, would suggest that he is one of the specific people? Or is this one instance where the world isn't black and white?

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby YuriyProneBone » Mon Feb 05, 2024 9:25 pm

Iddaoeeok wrote:Forgive me if I'm wrong but your argument is the world really is simple and black and white but unintelligent, indoctrinated (by who, I wonder?) people - let's call them sheeple, shall we - have to complicate it or else their synapses will blow and their tiny minds will implode under the sheer weight of contradictions. I believe these are the "specific people" you refer to? So surely Pineapples' somewhat skeptical and sarcastic response to your claim that the historical facts in the Israel/Gaza conflicts are, quote, black and white, would suggest that he is one of the specific people? Or is this one instance where the world isn't black and white?

The rabbit whole is that humans intelligence is limited and that's why it is easy to see precise data as complex. Many people have a hard time thinking outside the bubble of propaganda, which is why it is futile to try to explain things if such people can't even process that information because the information goes against their belief system that holds their current identity together.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby netzerkaiser » Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:22 pm

YuriyProneBone wrote:
Iddaoeeok wrote:Forgive me if I'm wrong but your argument is the world really is simple and black and white but unintelligent, indoctrinated (by who, I wonder?) people - let's call them sheeple, shall we - have to complicate it or else their synapses will blow and their tiny minds will implode under the sheer weight of contradictions. I believe these are the "specific people" you refer to? So surely Pineapples' somewhat skeptical and sarcastic response to your claim that the historical facts in the Israel/Gaza conflicts are, quote, black and white, would suggest that he is one of the specific people? Or is this one instance where the world isn't black and white?

The rabbit whole is that humans intelligence is limited and that's why it is easy to see precise data as complex. Many people have a hard time thinking outside the bubble of propaganda, which is why it is futile to try to explain things if such people can't even process that information because the information goes against their belief system that holds their current identity together.

More & more so-called 'independent' media outlets are owned by same mega-corporations thus pushing their ethos, whilst simultaneously imaging competitiveness. it's a bit like down at Purfleet, Essex where i once worked... Bold, Daz, Lenor, Fairy... all made by Proctor & Gamble... something silly like that... long time ago, so maybe an error or 2 there, but fundamentally truth.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby netzerkaiser » Tue Feb 06, 2024 1:17 am

y'know... maybe its not that far away from our UK lives historically...

maybe not...


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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby Pineapples Studio » Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:54 am

Iddaoeeok wrote:
Pineapples Studio wrote:
YuriyProneBone wrote:A good example of this is the Israel / Gaza conflict. They sell it with many grey areas when the historical facts are pretty black and white.

Oh, please elaborate on this. What are the black and white facts?

Apparently you're not intelligent enough to understand.

Why would you say this? You know nothing about my stance on the matter.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby drevokocur66 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:03 am

Giorgio Grandi wrote:
pastaga wrote:And about porn (and the closure of gay clubs which happened some months ago if I remember well), I don't really get the point of it. Except for Putin to remember these people he is the king. But it won't change these people , they'll just have to hide more... Maybe the show is for the west ? He has already proven he is a dictator by many ways...

I just hope Erika and other arrested people are OK.

Yes, they close the gay clubs, but there is a reason because of this.

Following the Supreme Court of Russia designating the "international LGBT movement" as "extremist" organization in 2023, Central Station in Saint Petersburg was closed

You can get to the reason if you try a little (otherwise I will help you, but not here please someone open a dedicate topic and stop to use this one).

Russia's Supreme Court, and government as a whole is just a ruber-stamp circus.
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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby liko19 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:01 pm

YuriyProneBone wrote:
Jocke wrote:People who live in corrupt societies gets used to it and think they can play the system and not get caught. And probably most can, but not everybody.

In the US, 25000 people a year die in traffic accidents but "it won't happen to me".

400k russians have been sent to die in Ukraine, many of them voluntarily. They did not expect to die. That was not part of their profit calculation.


Most of the people that have died are Ukrainian, I saw a video of the army they have left and is only 60 year old men, now they are even planning bringing women too. They lie about the number so they can keep getting aid which goes to an already corrupt government, It's very sad, but it is US fault and NATO's. They had a deal when the war started and they send Boris Johnson to kill the deal. All those lives could have been spared. Russia has gain more territories, and now to end the world Ukraine is going to need to give in even more territory. The problem is that they are putting the bodies for a ridiculous proxy war US has been planning for a long time to prevent Russia to keep selling energy to Europe. They provoked the war first with the coup in 2014 when Soros' NGOs made a change of government, and the only reason this didn't happen before is because Obama left, so they had to wait for Biden, but even his son was involved. They blew the Northstream Pipedrive and now Germany and other countries pay more for energy. Eveything as planned. Shelling the Dombass for 8 years to provoke Putin, but Ukraine has no chance, and it is a shame waht US and NATO has done to the Ukrainians.

Nasty Russian vile filth. Drag into that beggarly state of yours, which is the thinking of the Middle Ages. You occupied my beloved country for 21 years and Czechia-Slovakia became a backward country thanks to you. Goblins out of Ukraine! Fraudulent Russian package.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby isis666xxx » Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:16 pm

Iddaoeeok wrote:
doraemon_washington wrote:russians are kinda afraid of nudity & porn a lot

Russians aren't, the current regime is.

russian society & culture & russians in general are more afraid of nudity, porn & lgtb stuff than other countries in the west like uk, usa, france etc

russians are way more homophobic for example than uk & usa

some countries are more afraid of nudity, porn & lgtb stuff than others

the ones that are the most afraid of nudity, porn & lgtb is arabs

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby isis666xxx » Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:22 pm

doraemon_washington wrote:the ones that are the most afraid of nudity, porn & lgtb is arabs

i personally dont like muslims

i dont tolerate intolerance and i suppress suppressors

my idol was muhammad ali in the past, but no way im having a muslim named muhammad as a idol hahah

look for example this goddess doing this in public
i dont want to imagine what would happen to her if she would do this in a arab country instead
franceska jaimes goddess.jpg
franceska jaimes goddess 2.jpg

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby pastaga » Tue Feb 06, 2024 6:59 pm

doraemon_washington wrote:
doraemon_washington wrote:the ones that are the most afraid of nudity, porn & lgtb is arabs

i personally dont like muslims

i dont tolerate intolerance and i suppress suppressors

my idol was muhammad ali in the past, but no way im having a muslim named muhammad as a idol hahah

look for example this goddess doing this in public
i dont want to imagine what would happen to her if she would do this in a arab country instead

Out of topic, but there are Muslims that are mire extremists than others
Christians were also conservatives a few centuries ago.

The thing in Russia is that conservatism isn't linked to religion but politics (like in Asia I'd say).
But a Giorgio said, urban youth is now more open and pro-west than it has ever been, thanks to internet aong other things. On the other side, the poor part of the population drinks vodka and propaganda like water and believes the west is the source of all the bad things.
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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby netzerkaiser » Tue Feb 06, 2024 7:54 pm

pastaga wrote:
doraemon_washington wrote:
doraemon_washington wrote:the ones that are the most afraid of nudity, porn & lgtb is arabs

i personally dont like muslims

i dont tolerate intolerance and i suppress suppressors

my idol was muhammad ali in the past, but no way im having a muslim named muhammad as a idol hahah

look for example this goddess doing this in public
i dont want to imagine what would happen to her if she would do this in a arab country instead

Out of topic, but there are Muslims that are mire extremists than others
Christians were also conservatives a few centuries ago.

The thing in Russia is that conservatism isn't linked to religion but politics (like in Asia I'd say).
But a Giorgio said, urban youth is now more open and pro-west than it has ever been, thanks to internet aong other things. On the other side, the poor part of the population drinks vodka and propaganda like water and believes the west is the source of all the bad things.

I know a lot of Muslims & for most part I like them. I especially admire their ability to withstand Ramadan. But I don't trust them & their fanaticism... if push came to shove, I'm sure us 'infidels' are toast.

I don't know what to think. Some of them I know are wonderful people, but they are all slaves to a societal norm that means if they break away from it they are persona non grata.

I don't know what to think.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby YuriyProneBone » Tue Feb 06, 2024 8:02 pm

On the topic of Muslims, Glenn Greenwald was great at Bill Maher going over the issue, even to the very last statement:

"We get to ignore the violence that our own government has for the violence and instability in the world by saying look it's that primitive religion over there that's to blame"


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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby YuriyProneBone » Tue Feb 06, 2024 8:04 pm

Typo: Responsability

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby netzerkaiser » Wed Feb 07, 2024 8:20 pm

netzerkaiser wrote:y'know... maybe its not that far away from our UK lives historically...

maybe not...


I don't particularly like Sting... but man he was brave to make this single, particularly since he was on crest of a wave of 'boy band glory'. It's an incredibly brave record & video that's stood the test of time. Who cares who was right, who was wrong, it was a brave move, & just shows how we in UK, maybe, even with all our economic prowess over a place like the Soviet outliers, weren't really that far removed.


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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby visigoth2020260 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 10:35 am

https://nypost.com/2024/02/08/news/russ ... bian-kiss/

It probably has to do with lesbian scenes; no wonder they were always so soft.

Also, EK did some LGBTQ scenes, which is why they were more severely punished.
could that be truth?

Can it also be true that using FBV/FOV can land producers in jail or perhaps can ruin there scenes?
Have they found a way to make it less obvious? by merging it with other shots and stopping the authority scanning process that they trigger every time they depict the models in FBV.

I would not blame them because such an act looks more realistic and raw in FBV/FOV
Now they aren't fucking just an ass or a face; you are fucking a body, and I can see how that will upset the authorities.
It is better to be safe than sorry.
But how come that studio is doing it? Are there no jurisdictions on their land? LTPs land.

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Re: did NRX & EK knew they were doing illegal things?

Postby isis666xxx » Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:06 pm

visigoth2020260 wrote:https://nypost.com/2024/02/08/news/russian-influencers-forced-to-apologize-for-lesbian-kiss/

It probably has to do with lesbian scenes; no wonder they were always so soft.

Also, EK did some LGBTQ scenes, which is why they were more severely punished.
could that be truth?

girls that do bisexual things with other girls are lgtb too

dont all or almost all studios produce videos in which the girls kiss and do sexual things with each other and things like that??? thats bisexual girl = lgtb

recording girls kissing doing bisexual things = lgtb propaganda

so they probably gonna be charged for doing porn + lgtb propaganda

their fault for creating porn in a country in which is illegal to create porn


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