Alan2008 wrote:xxxVIPERxxx wrote:guaguancogomez wrote:black vivian
She is stunning, a real high potential, porn star in the making.
If we don't bring her to Europe in the New Year, we may lose her to the US.
If she or her manager are a little smart don't see that happen. I was in the US for a month or so and economic and political situation there is getting worse. Huge tent cities with opiod addicts running crazy all over Downtown Miami, dying in the streets and attacking cars. Economy is really bad, with everybody working like 3 jobs just to survive and cities are falling apart all derelict with crime getting rampant even in Red States now. I give two more years to the United States as everybody is getting armed to the teeth and hate is everywhere. While I was in Texas and Florida I saw at least 10 murders in the middle of the street with people just getting out of the cars and shooting each other (probably high on drugs or drunk, as all Americans seem to be resorting to drugs and alcohol to survive the horror of living in the United States). I am American but have to say that the United States will disappear in 2025 in the bloodiest and most terrible civil war in the history of humankind with more than 200 million Americans dead.
I live in Europe now and that is way more stable, even with the CIA trying to destroy European countries governments. As another American friend used to say: "The United States must keep bombing and creating wars and famine around the world so the whole world gets very bad or the world may just look to the real situation in the United States and see it as it really is: a failed-state broken economy living hell with demented hordes of subhuman retarded zombies killing each other everyday, and then decide that is time to dump the US as the leader of the Western civilization and send it to the bottom of the third world hell where it belongs".
So, Europe will always be a better option.