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Sort by age
Sat Nov 02, 2024 2:45 am
by paolettafanclub
I would like it if we could filter the actors not only by nationalist and by gender, but also by age. why isn't this possibility implemented?
Re: Sort by age
Sat Nov 09, 2024 10:50 pm
by Anselm_Weinberg
One shortcoming of this would be that the current age of the model doesn't tell you much about how old they were when they were actually actively shooting.
Re: Sort by age
Sun Nov 10, 2024 12:39 am
by Chimpy.677
Anselm_Weinberg wrote:One shortcoming of this would be that the current age of the model doesn't tell you much about how old they were when they were actually actively shooting.
I'm not a programmer but that would be extremely easy to do (I think) for someone who is, you would just have to create a code with the formula:
Age of the model in the scene = (date of the scene) - (birth date of the model)
Re: Sort by age
Sun Nov 10, 2024 12:49 am
by Anselm_Weinberg
Sure, no doubt. But how would one implement it as a choice in the models search. You would have to list every single age of every scene the model appears in which doesn't sound very practical to use.
Re: Sort by age
Sun Nov 10, 2024 1:04 am
by DPraved
As Chimpy says, it's very easy to calculate for every scene dynamically if the platform knows the date of birth of each model (which they definitely should to avoid legal issues) and the date the scene was filmed (which might be trickier, but ab approximation would work too).
Filtering scenes by model age would be trivial, but despite multiple requests for this feature xxx has ignored us. My guess would be that it would reveal too many inconsistencies with titles and false advertising.
Re: Sort by age
Sun Nov 10, 2024 1:22 am
by Anselm_Weinberg
Actually I've been thinking too big and by default figured this would include all of a models' scenes and if you were to go search for models and wanted to find them based upon their age (all their ages throughout their career) in the general search that would be too much.
Come to think of it maybe if one were to limit it to searching for models who ever appeared at age X during any of their scenes regardless of if it was their first, 5th or last could work. Which is I guess what OP and others had in mind.
Maybe in addition to having a drop down menu on the individual model's page where all of the ages were listed with scene numbers and links. Default age shown could be the current one.