This forum will soon be dead

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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby hyapet » Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:07 pm

deerenbung wrote:OpenAI are absolutely taking record of the things you mention but the results of that will only come out in future models. All improvements we've seen to Chat GPT so far have been learning to use it better, or putting a prettier front on it.

The fact is that training models is much harder than using them. This is why a Stable Diffusion model (the only "AI" I've got hands-on experience with) can be a few gigabytes in size and generate images in seconds when according to Wikipedia it took 150,000 GPU hours to train on hundreds of TB of images. Training a model for more specific tasks on top of an existing one is easier, sure, but still much more intensive than generating an image.

At the end of the day it's not smart like a person is at all. "AI" as it currently stands is a giant ball of statistics with no knowledge besides a vague representation of a slice of the internet. So the fact that it can do what it does is pretty crazy! But if we want to make AI that is "smart like a person" we'll need at least one more paradigm shift to produce models that truly learn and grow in real time.

How embarrassing for me. Sorry - I meant Un/Stable Diffusion and and OpenAI. Not ChatGPT. Yeah, ChatGPT definitely isn't what people turn to to create porn.

The updated versions of these platforms are getting to the point where they can create videos in real time. Despite the "wacky hands" problem still not being fully solved, somehow AI can now, very realistically, start creating actual scenes.

On one of the following issues you're half-right/half-wrong - the other you're just wrong. I'm not saying this angrily or in a mean way - just going to provide context of my understanding for that claim.

For the half-right/half-wrong - yes, you're right that the AI programs aren't learning in real time - you're wrong in that it matters. Every single image AI generates - there is coding within it that detail the process it took - the result it got - and how that result was interpreted. So, if I put a picture of a naked lady on there and tell the prompt, "Make her breasts bigger and like X and like Y and whatever else," it will keep track of everything it does, and then it will keep track of how I react to it (whether I download it - whether I save it - whether I enter the same prompt again and ask it to redo it).

Every site that uses Unstable Diffusion, you better believe it, has it within their contract that in order to do so, Unstable Diffusion, or OpenAI, or whatever, gets to keep records of the computations that occured. Not that they care about the people who used it - but the results that were achieved. Okay, so then ...

They take ALL the data from these billions upon billions of creations and they ... you guessed it ... insert all of it into the next version of the program. So, Stable DIffusion 5.1 will, most likely, have 30 billion more inputs than 5.0 did.

So, rather than learning in real time, data gets compiled, and then uploaded en-masse, to create the next iteration. So ... not real-time, but ... still learning from everything. But ... how does it do this?

Thing is - you cannot have any one person sit down and teach AI what was a good result and what wasn't. Like ... how is anybody going to go through billions upon billions of creations? Well, obviously, they can't. But ... AI can.

That's where all the metrics of user-data gets used in conjunction with the images that were generated. AI then has algorithms that determine, exactly, what went right and what went wrong. How does it do this? How can it do this? That would take billions of lines of code, right?

Except that ... it doesn't. Because, what AI did, was create it's own computational programming languages. Just that ... they don't operate like human coding. Human coding is 2-dimensional. It goes up and down.

if X value > 200
then do this
if X value < 200
then do this

AI coding is ... I'm pretty sure it's 4th dimensional at this point. Imagine you had a stack of a million sheets of paper. Now, each of these pieces of paper had a grid of 10,000 by 10,000 squares. AI programming takes all of these sheets, and then, simultaneously, based on which grid spaces are filled with what information, and the relationship and distance all of those grid spaces (with their information) have between all of the other grid spaces .. determines what it's knowledge is. So, by a certain block of information being 2,000 grid spaces to the left, 5,000 above, and 236,890 sheets away from another block of information, determines how that value is interpreted. That interpretation can change based on it's repositioning, or the addition of other blocks of information close to it.

It's ... literally beyond anything that anybody, beyond the absolute smartest people on the planet, can even comprehend anymore as to how it actually works.

This is the machine that is making your porn. And the results are ... as you noted ... completely jaw-dropping within an 8-month time period. AI did this. On it's own. I said it's as smart as a human, but human's have difficulty reading the pull sign on a door as they're pushing it. These AI models are ... starting to do more than we could have ever fathomed.

Does this deserve it's own topic? Maybe. But, like, the only point I had, really, was that this is something that is going to be making exponential leaps and bounds in the upcoming 8 months that will make the last 8 look like it was a pre-game warm-up.

If Analvids could bother with that 3D animation stuff because, as they realized, there are folks who like it - when would be the right time for them to jump on the bandwagon that's pretty much made everyone a porn creator. Why not get the drop on anyone else - by applying all the professional know-how and techniques to this field while it's still young - so that once it blossoms and really comes into it's own - people will be dropping wads of cash for fantasy girls doing BBC TAP at Pornbox.

And not AI-Porn-DAP or DAIPORN dot com.

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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby hyapet » Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:49 pm

drevokocur66 wrote:
Jocke wrote:Yes, I was just concerned that the link here was intentionally removed in order to let the forum die out or at least prevent new members to join.

The future of porn is as with every other product in a market dependant on supply and demand. For sure there will be porn in the future and probably better porn than there is today.

Apparently OF is currently successful, probably because they deliver something of competitive value. I am sure studios can fight back if they learn to understand the attration of OF.



Nailed it.

otto1219 wrote:They make porn. People do not need "studios" for that. Anyone who's shot personal "home movies" knows how easy, and satisfying, it can be. The actors, probably better called "participants," are just as or often MORE attractive. A typical viewer's porn appetites are EASILY satisfied by what is available free, even if it is sometimes cut short pointing you to some website. Yes, there are ugly people and trash out there, but the supply is so great, and increasing daily, that anyone can search and find something satisfactory, often lots. It's just porn, maybe the easiest "art form" to make, so regular people can and do.

But this is also the problem with OF. So much of the content is absolutely identical to everything else that's out there.

You've seen one goth gamer girl with a backdrop of bought nerd culture - you've seen them all. Watching someone use a dildo as they talk to people who aren't yourself in chat gets boring pretty quick. Even worse is when they bring over a tiny dick guy who has absolutely zero energy and does what most people do at jobs they're not trained at; suck.

Where it gets dangerous is that - as you said - there are so many of them. So, it's not about girl's doing anything interesting or worthwhile or artistic, it's about them collecting all the people who have fallen heads over heels in love with their beauty. That might sound stupid - but everyone here knows - there's that one porn star that no other girl can come close to. Maybe even a couple. But they just have the it factor for the group of males who, as the term adequately describes, simp over them like they're the very vision of beauty itself.

Imagine finding a girl who you find just so unbelievably attractive. You get rock hard even when she's fully dressed - and you'd be happy to just spend the new few months ... years ... whacking away at it whilst staring at her. Well, every girl's got their basket of Simps. Who, they in turn, try their hardest to turn into Pay Pigs.

It has nothing to do with the "art" of it. There is none. You're watching someone who, the most they could amount to in life, is produce the sloppiest, most unprofessional, boring porn that's ever been shot. And many of them make more than any actual porn actress could ever dream of.

With every new OF account that opens up - another nail gets attempted to be driven into the porn industry - and another small handful of paying customers trade their last ounce of self-respect and sign up to be "interacted with, on the dangerous road to becoming a Simp, at which point the sociopath at the other end of the camera will try to turn them into a Pay Pig.

Again - art has nothing to do with it.

otto1219 wrote:To get more specific, too few viewers care about some white set, or some heavily tattooed chick they've seen many many times with the same guys, or a wet version or a dry version. Boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, amateur fucking, sucking, gangbang, etc shot with a go pro on a tripod and an iPhone are just fine and are often preferable because of the more raw looks more natural, more pornographic, and no one cares it was done in a motel. Focus, composition, transitions are often done better than the major studios, lighting is usually just as good...and the lust/passion looks, and probably IS, far more genuine.

Not really.

A porn shoot is an event. Where you've got a crowd of hugely hung men who's literal job training is how to fuck someone properly. The girls are tended to by make-up professionals - have an outfit selected to them that fits their personality and lends itself to the theme of both who they are and (or in contrast to) the kind of scene that is going to be shot. You then see them taken through the literal ringer as they get fucked like, literally, no one else on the planet ever does.

The narrative - the spice - is the very scene itself. That so much preparation/care went into it. That people took it to this highest level - for such degrading acts. The essence of it culminates in a feeling of taboo and excitement - of a little bit of danger.

Looking at some loser who didn't bother to comb her hair on a 40 dollar webcam in a poorly lit room doesn't live up to that. It's a different flavor. But that flavor is cheap.

Which is why OF is a game of Simp-fishing and Pay Pig transformation - not of porn production.

otto1219 wrote:It is irrelevant to twhat people want in porn. They just want porn. TBC, most viewers don't care about the expenses and do not see the pornographic value of what those expenses produce. To many it is NOT better porn simply because of the expense to produce, and, again, we are talking about pornography, not DUNE 3. Shooting porn can be really easy, it doesn't need ANY professional input; isn't that exactly what you lament?. Any suggestion that without the major studios spending so much to produce a porn video—or, in fact, their very existence, that somehow porn will die is absurd. It's pornography; people have made porn for thousands of years, and they have gotten remarkably better at it, to where we are today. Porn will survive no matter what.

Actual porn will die. The art of porn. A scene like Nikki Hill's BBC DAP series will never be shot in OF.

What you're looking at there is online stripping.

Watching an absolutely stunning pure blonde beauty in an exquisite pure white room of fantasy professionally ready herself, get gagged, and then absolutely violated isn't something you can match with someone who sits on their messy cum-stained bed-sheets while kicking aside a pizza box with their fat leg as they start to toy their unshaven pussy.

I know the examples I provide of OF always tends to be of unkempt, unclean, and unprofessional girls/women. But - that's who's allowed through the doors of OF. Anybody. You might get your Nikki Hill's of the OF space - but they're sharing it with these nobodies who - through dragging the very medium itself to a lower standard - doesn't encourage the OF Nikki Hills to do anything more themselves than the bare minimum that they have to.

The quality of professional porn that was shot in 2014 makes the professional porn that was shot in 2004 look like an absolute joke. And the porn that was being shot at the start of 2024 (i.e: NRX studio) made, likewise, the 2014 stuff look the same. There was a constant improvement - there was learning and training and an art form being developed that, bit by bit, incredibly good scene by incredibly good scene, just kept getting better.

One OF girl doesn't learn anything from another OF girl. And if they do - what is it? How to set their camera properly? The basics?

Remember - the people who sign up to OF - to become a Simp (and then a Pay Pig) to their heads-over-heel fallen-in-love-with-that-face girl - aren't doing it because of the quality, the worth of the scene, the artistic merit of it, or the fact that the person even bothered to wash and shave that day.

They're doing it for, as drevokocur66 at the top said ...


Meaning that, once people tire of watching their preferred beauty toy themselves in their basement no-windows apartment, and as Giorgio said, talking to some fat slob in India, they'll turn to something that cooks on a deeper level, who's outrageous production tingles only the deepest and most sincere fantasies ...

Professional porn.

OF took a chunk of the pie - no doubt. But ... let's see how long it lasts. It may very well last a long time - but - what you get now is what you'll get in ten years, in twenty years, and fifty years from now. And it won't ever change. It'll be basement shot porn en masse. And there's only so many low-production videos you can watch before you mind starts to wander, because, really, who wants their fantasy to be like reality.

Which is why, again, AI porn is the real threat.

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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby hyapet » Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:53 pm

hyapet wrote:Actual porn will die. The art of porn. A scene like Nikki Hill's BBC DAP series will never be shot in OF.

I meant to say - Actual porn will never die. I forget the never. If a mod sees this - could you change my original post - and then delete this one? The forum doesn't let me edit my own posts. Sorry about this - and thank you.

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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby tndr » Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:11 pm

yea i can't believe they don't have an edit button

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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby tndr » Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:13 pm

actually it looks like there is an edit button, but since I can't edit my last post i have to post again lol

The message I get is "You can no longer edit or delete that post." Even if I try to edit a few seconds after posting.

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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby NewBeber » Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:49 pm

dont worry, this forum will never die !

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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby otto1219 » Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:04 pm

dap-addict wrote:
otto1219 wrote:I add that there are some GG offshoots, like AssLickers, The WonderToys, Fisting Lessons, that surely have lower production costs...and they are good porn, certainly good enough for the typical porn consumer, maybe look there?

What is the typical porn consumer? :confused:
I'm not sure you know it, but I am sure you know how to portray him according to your needs. ;) But please remember we have also thousands of porn users raised on Anabolic's Gangbang dvds and JYls Assman, 21 Sextury DPs and RLS/PXP Eurodap films. Now this level of well orchestrated and visible double penetrations I dont get in amateur videos!

But besides, this tread is about the survival of this great forum! ;)

good points, but the typical, usual, customary porn consumer is one who is not consumed by tracking to number of DAPs, who might break Sandra Romain's or Kira Thorn's records, is not into polling, is not looking for the definitive list of puke scenes, not one obsessed with piss, one that recognizes the pussy as a sexual organ, in short, who this forum seems to cater to. Many see 0% pussy and ask why? Of course there are other topics in this forum, topics that have far broader appeal, but the focus on fetishes tends to drive people away from this foruml.
The forum and LPAV sure don't have the same appeal to me, and many others, as they did during the labelled "golden age." Of course not everyone is the same, and one man's fetish is another's eroticism, but I think many here know what I mean. Maybe boring or ordinary would be a better label than typical? You choose the label.

And re what we were brought up on, I date myself to pre VHS. John Holmes, Georgina Spelvin, Seka,Vanessa del Rio, Desiree Cousteau, and was a big fan of Anabolic, Evolution, Sineplex, J le castel, Sexrtury, etc, certainly no prude. Those companies raised the bar. Porn has improved a lot, mostly because of technology making better productions more easily achieved, plus the sheer increase in numbers.

Yes, you're right though about this thread being about the forum and its viability. I wrote what I did because of GG's complaints about profitability.


1)get the technicals right. the site is SLOOOOW and often doesn't load, a recent development and unacceptable. People won't wait around for a page to load.
2)Put a link to the forum back on the homepage as it was until a couple of months ago—makes it visible. That would bring more traffic...right now it is mostly the regulars who post.
3)Put in a section in which users can discuss other porn sites, other contract actors. I get that this is an adjunct to a for profit homepage, LPAV, but discussions about p04nhub, other tube sites, evil angel, hobie buchanon, etc would only add to traffic and probably increase LPAV sales as a consequence. They could try it as an experiment and if it doesn't work out, later remove it.

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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby isis666xxx » Fri Apr 26, 2024 9:29 am

otto1219 wrote:Many see 0% pussy and ask why?

i think 0% pussy is stupid

anal is much more hotter than vaginal, & oral is hotter than vaginal too

but still pussy could be fucked as a complement

in the real world only anal & oral should be done though, cuz this stupid human specie are already overpopulated & over saturated
no risk of creating unwanted babies with anal & oral and oversaturate the earth more
humans destroy the enviroment + overpopulate

i think vaginal is very hot while pregnant btw, i saw videos of pregnant women getting fucked, and is so hot i think

vaginal could be done as complement, it would attractt more views maybe and reach a bigger audience i think????

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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby isis666xxx » Fri Apr 26, 2024 9:39 am

i think the more things a porn scene has, the more fun

vaginal + anal + oral + prolapse + piss + feet + rough bdsm + lesbian + dildos + vomit + males getting fingered & rimjob + suck male feet + enema & milk enema + bukkake at the end afterwards + etc

a lot of snowflakes may be like 'oh no piss offends me, i aint buying it' 'oh no vomit offends me and i feel guilty if i masturbate to it afterwards'
so maybe the snowflakes wont buy it though

but i think the more things a scene has the more FUN


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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby dap-addict » Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:43 pm

dap-addict wrote:WTF, for me forum was down again most of yesterday.
Somebody with the same problems?

Btw, they might not want to close forum down now, but they do all to shy people away from discussions. While in other forum I just spotted GIO plans for end of month, incl. girls he will shoot. It's not even affiliated with Pornbox, but there it is, but here not!

+ 1
Forum was down again for me all yesterday! :mad:
WTF is happening? :confused:
Is there really no way to get this fixed, it drags on for weeks now. :(
:confused: :mad: :confused:
ex-Eurobabeforum DAPlist responsible - PM contact:
TWO DAP SCENES PER DAY! - More true fast balls deep DAP! More 0% pussy! - Dress them to fuck and pop their eyes - Heels on! No condoms!!! - Lets lets get a GONZO non-vanilla successor!!!

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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby TomHardick » Sat Apr 27, 2024 5:09 am

dap-addict wrote:
dap-addict wrote:WTF, for me forum was down again most of yesterday.
Somebody with the same problems?

Btw, they might not want to close forum down now, but they do all to shy people away from discussions. While in other forum I just spotted GIO plans for end of month, incl. girls he will shoot. It's not even affiliated with Pornbox, but there it is, but here not!

+ 1
Forum was down again for me all yesterday! :mad:
WTF is happening? :confused:
Is there really no way to get this fixed, it drags on for weeks now. :(
:confused: :mad: :confused:

Same here, i couldn't enter the forum either. One day is ok, and the next day is down. It's like the people incharge don't care about the forum anymore :(

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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby isis666xxx » Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:37 am

i tried to enter giorgio's websites

and they dont work too o.o

not only the forum doesnt work, but giorgio grandi's websites dont work either???? o.o
thewondertoys.png (10.34 KiB) Viewed 816 times
giorgiograndi.png (10.17 KiB) Viewed 816 times (9.65 KiB) Viewed 816 times

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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby visigoth2020260 » Fri May 03, 2024 4:01 pm

doraemon_washington wrote:i tried to enter giorgio's websites

and they dont work too o.o

not only the forum doesnt work, but giorgio grandi's websites dont work either???? o.o

Having the same issues, when it happens, it lasts for up to 2 days, but the situation is that if you use a VPN, it will work, but old posts won't show pictures or gifs.

Right now, I am using a free Nederland VPN.

Who is killing who?
My Video.gif
Very beautiful attire, but no full portraits.
Your creativity is constrained.
My Video.gif (17.06 MiB) Viewed 603 times
My name is Vi. the great sommelier of porn, my counterparts take a sip but I just take a glimpse.

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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby jerrybb » Sat May 04, 2024 7:02 am

We just all need to PM message Giorgio to tell him that we do give a fuck about the forum.
Ladies be good and spread your legs to see your beautiful roses come out from your ass.

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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby TomHardick » Sat May 04, 2024 7:24 am

My biggest problem with the forum, is this was the place where i checked about the last scenes of the girls, in case i missed something. Now i'm feeling a little bit lost. I've realized today ,scrolling down the main PB page, that there were new scenes from girls i like that i didn't noticed before.

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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby dap-addict » Wed May 08, 2024 9:35 am

+ 1
I really dont understand why they dont do those links and pics anymore!
Looks like they voluntarily resign of a means of PR, maybe its a plan to prove forum doenst help selling porn? :mad: :confused:

otto1219 wrote:Suggestions:
2)Put a link to the forum back on the homepage as it was until a couple of months ago—makes it visible. That would bring more traffic...right now it is mostly the regulars who post.
3)Put in a section in which users can discuss other porn sites, other contract actors. I get that this is an adjunct to a for profit homepage, LPAV, but discussions about p04nhub, other tube sites, evil angel, hobie buchanon, etc would only add to traffic and probably increase LPAV sales as a consequence. They could try it as an experiment and if it doesn't work out, later remove it.

+ 2
ex-Eurobabeforum DAPlist responsible - PM contact:
TWO DAP SCENES PER DAY! - More true fast balls deep DAP! More 0% pussy! - Dress them to fuck and pop their eyes - Heels on! No condoms!!! - Lets lets get a GONZO non-vanilla successor!!!

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Re: This forum will soon be dead

Postby Ludvic » Wed May 22, 2024 3:33 pm

i don't think this will happen


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