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Re: Why a Pass Attestation?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:51 am
by Mordecai35
The only way these scenes can be made into the future is if they are financially viable. Any further steps to verify legit CC/bank accounts in my opinion is a wise choice, for a wise company. Piracy and thieves ruin media entertainment by making it free, via torrents etc.

*I think it's fine how it is.

Why shouldn't we verify our accounts? It's like having a problem with actually having to pay for this site. What would you be trying to hide?

Re: Pass Attestation

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 3:58 am
by gapefan
LegalPorno scenes do not have DRM. As the poster above you mentioned. Bank attestation and identity verification procedures only stand to help us as paying consumers, guaranteeing the money we spend goes to a good viable company that can in turn, keep creating quality hardcore videos for us as consumers, to purchase. Legally. Without DRM :confused: