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Sir Noel
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Postby Sir Noel » Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:12 pm

I applaud the fact you guys are using [spam]. Combined with taking a a wider gamut of models i can only see this as an eminently sensible step in broadening your audience: as advertising it is a no-brainer.

However, a lot of your recent images you have posted to [spam] have a strange characteristic, very heavy on the contrast and with unrealistic colours. All very artistic but i question whether it is sensible. If I didn't know LP as well as i do I may very well be wondering if that is how the actual scenes will look. Some of your images are very well shot, well lit and colourful, and I can only think that you may be best keeping your artistic capabilities for the trailers and not fucking about with contrast, saturation and filtering on images intended to advertise your work.

Just mny thoughts. keep up the good work btwm you guys appear to have gone into porno-overdrive!

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Re: [spam]

Postby MrGape » Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:35 pm

Thanks for your input sirnoelplum, we'll make sure that the following pics look more natural. Of course all scenes stay the way they have always been!

But nothing against a classic black/white image! ;)

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Re: [spam]

Postby Sir Noel » Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:45 pm

Oh I agree, monochrome is classy :)

It is more the images where it may not be clear that that isn't how the scene will actually look. Thanks for taking on board my remarks :)

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Re: [spam]

Postby MrGape » Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:53 pm

You're right! By the way the next scene for tomorrow has been announced on Twitter some minutes ago - with better pics! ;)

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