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Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 2:51 am
by Sir Noel
Ok, so for a while your ticket prices had started to make sense (after years of baffling pricing).

So a week ago, when i reloaded, i did so at about £42 for 120 tickets, which was below the cost of a new 3 month (120 ticket) membership. Just out of interest, i clicked the reload button again today and to my amazement the price has now gone up to £50.81!!! The really stupid thing is that a new membership (i tested by logging out) is only £47.94, so that now, rather than rewarding members for reloading, we are once again back at the situation where old members are being penalised (and will ofc simply start fresh memberships if they have any sense).

Fortunately i still have many tickets banked but if this situation is still so absurd when i next need to reload I just won't bother, i will just cancel and rejoin. Surely you need to rethink your pricing here?

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 4:59 pm
by utopiaa
Lucky for me i reloaded my tickets 2 days ago for 49 euro for 120 tickets, now it costs 71 euro for the same amount! Kinda bad in future thought. I hope it is some kinda mistake.

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:01 pm
by Sir Noel
Edited - but the issue still remains undealt with ^

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:01 pm
by Sir Noel

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:29 pm
by Kapwn
I have posted the issues to authorities. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:29 pm
by GapeLoverFOREVER
sirnoelplum wrote:Fortunately i still have many tickets banked but if this situation is still so absurd when i next need to reload I just won't bother, i will just cancel and rejoin. Surely you need to rethink your pricing here?

I too will cancel and then rejoin. I have 35 tickets/month for 22.91 EUR

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:10 pm
by Kapwn
sirnoelplum Can you please PM me your username on LP so we can verify the problem?

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:34 pm
by xxx
Let's see : if the price is lower for reloads people reload a lot then cancel membership.

If the price is higher, they buy several memberships.

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:43 pm
by Sir Noel
xxx wrote:Let's see : if the price is lower for reloads people reload a lot then cancel membership.

If the price is higher, they buy several memberships.

I don't know why you would reload and then cancel a membership unless you were sick of the site and didn't want to watch the material anymore (because you can't reload without a membership ofc).

Having to buy a second membership is just stupid. It doesn't benefit the customer and it can't benefit you guys either, especially if it means someone going through the whole rigmarole of attestation and the subsequent emails to your supports section each and every time.

As things stood i was happy to let my membership roll over and just use the reload to top up that membership as needed. As things are now I just won't bother - if i spend 100 tickets a month then I am going to have to run three concurrent memberships alongside one another or pay more through reloads. That is just taking the piss imo.

Like i say, over the last two or three months the price of a reload had gone £34 to £40 to £48 to £57 - I haven't got "cunt" written across my forehead you know!

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:58 pm
by bundeswehr
I also reloaded and noticed the price went up. Thanks guys !!! I love paying more for the same thing, makes me feel good.

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:03 pm
by Shotgun00
xxx wrote:Let's see : if the price is lower for reloads people reload a lot then cancel membership.

If the price is higher, they buy several memberships.

Then wouldn't it make sense to have reloads cheaper but make it impossible to reload unless you have say less than 10 tickets?

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:49 pm
by utopiaa
At least make it cost the same as membership. Reloading costing more is just stupid. 120 tickets for 3 month is simply not enough. Or make another 3month membership plan that has double the tickets and price. If the Reload tickets are higher than membership of course people gonna run multiple memberships then and it means more support tickets and more costs to you that way.

Or indeed as the poster above said have some kinda limit on the reload that you can only do it when you are under certain ticket amount. That way you don't have people buying membership and reloading 1000 tickets and cancel ( not sure if that even happens thought)

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:50 pm
by Sir Noel

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:26 pm
by Tastes Like Ass
OK, this is getting ridiculous. I have been a member here for quite a while, and I have never before complained about the price, but this new system is beyond the pale. A reputable business is supposed to reward loyal customers, not punish them!

Over the last couple of years, I have purchased several hundred scenes. In fact, just in the last 2 months, I have spent almost $200 here, and I would have been happy to continue spending at least that much, as long as you continue to make great scenes.

However, I'll be damned if I am going to continue to patronize a business that treats me like a mark, to be milked for as much money as possible, and taken advantage of with bait-and-switch schemes!

You should really reconsider this idea, if not for the sake of integrity, then for the sake of profit, because I guarantee you, no matter how good your product, if you treat your loyal customers like garbage, they will leave.

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:21 pm
by Sir Noel
utopiaa wrote:Or indeed as the poster above said have some kinda limit on the reload that you can only do it when you are under certain ticket amount. That way you don't have people buying membership and reloading 1000 tickets and cancel ( not sure if that even happens thought)

I get the feeling i must have misunderstood xxx and must be really fucking stupid and missing something.

As it stands i just don't see his concern with someone joining, reloading several times and then cancelling a recurring membership whilst sat on a big wad of tickets.

It seems to me that the scenario (the he fears) would run that a person buys a 3-monther and then reloads twice, for example, and cancels(sat on 360 tickets). Given that you can easily spend 100+ tickets a months (and if the tickets are there in your account you are way more likely to impulse spend them) that by the end of that three month run you are pretty much going to have spent up. At that point, assuming you enjoyed the content (and if you aren't you'd be cancelling any membership you still did have) you will be tempted to rejoin (especially as you are now reassured that cancellation is painless).

So now the mastermind scheme is to make reloads look prohibitively expensive to dissuade people from reloading, lest they then cancel. So now, after three months, the customer will have spent only 40 tickets per month and spent about 1/3 of what they would have done (unless they can be bothered to actually run multiple memberships which, let us be honest, virtually no-one will). It is almost as if they are trying to stop us spending too much on porn!!!

Obviously. all of that makes so little sense that I realise there must be some elephant in the room here that we are blind to.

Funny thing is, their arch-enemy Pierre Woodman, much as i dislike the guy, gets this spot-on with his site, rewarding members in a structured and logical way: ... tml#p86114

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:15 pm
by xxx
Shotgun00 wrote:
xxx wrote:Let's see : if the price is lower for reloads people reload a lot then cancel membership.

If the price is higher, they buy several memberships.

Then wouldn't it make sense to have reloads cheaper but make it impossible to reload unless you have say less than 10 tickets?

Thanks. That will solve the problem. We will introduce these changes soon :)

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 2:04 pm
by shark1
Yeah, this really sucks as I was just about to reload at the lower price, and BAM, the reload prices are now much higher!

I don't mind the 3-4 tickets per scene, I am willing to pay more for this premium content as I mentioned in many threads.

My credit card expired which made me rejoin at new higher prices to start out with, that was my fault, but at least the reload price was lower. Now, its higher!

All this will do is make me buy LESS scenes, scenes I cant live without, instead of buying more tickets to purchase scenes that I would like to see, but aren't an absolute must.

So, keep the reload prices higher and I will just wait for my membership to renew with more tickets instead of reloading before another renew, and you will overall make less money from me :-)

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:43 pm
by vyker84
How does one change their billing information in the event that their credit card is nearing expiration so that they can keep their membership running without having to rejoin with a new card?

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:49 am
by patzmar
I have same problem,few weeks ago ,maybe month I reloaded tickets for my 3 month membership 120(40x3 months) with price about ~41 because 120 tickets for 3 month is not enough ,but now price is 57.6!!! ,but it's not all soon my membership will be renewed and I found that after renewal I'll only get 35 tickets per months it's 105 tickets in total and not 120!!!
I don't understand this situation why memeber that want be loyal should pay more.

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:25 pm
by ElJab78
Not a big fan of the ticket reload increase. I actually might have caused the change. I didn't realize there was an option to recharge under members that gave you 120 tickets for at the time 59.99, I had added 100 tickets for 79.99. When I found out there was the recharge option I emailed TimB about the fact I paid 20 dollars more for 20 less tickets and after about a week he said that this was a mistake and the 120 tickets for 59.99 was an error and the price went up to 79.99. I was quite disspointed at this. He did credit me with 20 extra tickets to make up for the fact. But it seems like there isn't much of a benefit of being a member. I downloaded all the free scenes I didn't have before from Videobox, and the new free scenes are just omar stuff from evil angel which I already have and isn't really that exclusive. As I mentioned before, if the First Gape exclusive stuff and GG exclusive stuff could be free for members rather than 1-2 tickets that would make membership worth it more. Or if thats not possible, give the discounted price for ticket reloads (ie 59.99 instead of 79.99).

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:04 am
by Tastes Like Ass
xxx wrote:
Shotgun00 wrote:
xxx wrote:Let's see : if the price is lower for reloads people reload a lot then cancel membership.

If the price is higher, they buy several memberships.

Then wouldn't it make sense to have reloads cheaper but make it impossible to reload unless you have say less than 10 tickets?

Thanks. That will solve the problem. We will introduce these changes soon :)

How soon? It has been almost 2 weeks now, and the price for reloads has not gone down at all. It's still a whopping $80 for 120 tickets.

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:37 am
by AngryRippedOffUser
Tastes Like Ass wrote:How soon? It has been almost 2 weeks now, and the price for reloads has not gone down at all. It's still a whopping $80 for 120 tickets.

Now the "New Membership" Prices got the same expensive Prices ! (the Content was never so worse ! In my 2 Years of LP
there was just 3 Clips that i dont downloaded, because the Chicks were ugly, or average, the Action was lame, or the Price for
the Scene dont worth for a average Chick, but in the last 3 Month it grow to 66 !)

3 months € 70.00 40 tickets / month



I dont pay 70€ for a new Membership, or reload for 70€ or buy a 2 months € 48.09 37.5 tickets / month
Membership, when i get just 3 Month Ago, 120TK for 45€

and by the Way.


Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:00 am
by Tastes Like Ass
xxx wrote:
Shotgun00 wrote:
xxx wrote:Let's see : if the price is lower for reloads people reload a lot then cancel membership.

If the price is higher, they buy several memberships.

Then wouldn't it make sense to have reloads cheaper but make it impossible to reload unless you have say less than 10 tickets?

Thanks. That will solve the problem. We will introduce these changes soon :)

So XXX, were you serious about reinstating the reload discount for members, or were you just blowing smoke up our asses?

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:24 am
by Sir Noel
Tastes Like Ass wrote:So XXX, were you serious about reinstating the reload discount for members, or were you just blowing smoke up our asses?

Don't you see, they came up with another way of solving the issue, rather than reduce the membership reload price down to that for new members they raised the price for new members up to the inflated member reload price instead! Brilliant!

Re: Reload ticket Price Issue

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:57 am
by Tastes Like Ass
sirnoelplum wrote:
Tastes Like Ass wrote:So XXX, were you serious about reinstating the reload discount for members, or were you just blowing smoke up our asses?

Don't you see, they came up with another way of solving the issue, rather than reduce the membership reload price down to that for new members they raised the price for new members up to the inflated member reload price instead! Brilliant!

I could live with paying $80 for a 3 month membership, if the reloads were a reasonable price, say maybe $60 for 120 tickets. Of course, if they really wanted to encourage people to remain members, they would make it so that each month that you keep your membership active, the cheaper the reloads become, maybe starting at $80, and going down by $5 a month, down to as low as maybe $20 after you had been an active member for an entire year.