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Corrupt Clips / Downloads Subforum

PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:05 pm
by AngryRippedOffUser

I think it's a good idea the Create a Subforum for Problems like this


or this


or this


because that's a complettely different Thing as Questions about Membership etc

Re: Corrupt Clips / Downloads Subforum

PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:10 am
by shark1
There is a forum already, it's called the support forum. Many of these issues were brought up there already.

Re: Corrupt Clips / Downloads Subforum

PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:52 am
by AngryRippedOffUser
Yeah and it's a Mess !

Any Shit is mixed there, the overall view is a mess !

Problems with Membership, Problems with Blocked ISP etc, Broken Downloads, and Bugs in Clips.

Just at this Moment i know from 3 Clips with Issues, and other 3 broken Downloads. (and i'm shure there are many more broken 16MB Downloads)

I'm to lazy to open for each damn Broken Download a Topic, in the "Support" Subforum, or post anything that i found in one Thread, because then theres a bad overall view.

One Thread per "Corrupt Clips / Downloads Subforum" and any Admin can see, which File is Broken, just from the Topic Title (Solved, or unsolved)