bdsmpretty wrote:You have said that you are wary of it, which I respect. Too many think of it is a neutral resource, rather than a US resource.
wow, that's a post reply in the rules of art
, I will try to do the same.
I welcome your respect. I think we can talk about geopolitics with respect even if we are not on the same channel. And, as PB members, we are all on the same channel
therefore, make love not war. I know it sounds childlike...
I'm wary by nature and since I’ve kids, old enough to dig into geopolitics, especially Ukraine war, I try to be careful about my words, because we are the biggest influencers of our kids.
I follow Netzerkaiser's mentality since years, conflict after conflict: life is not black or white, naughty Russians and nice Americans, or for the others, naughty Americans and nice Russians...
history is full of complex and paradoxical items we have to face and admit, if we want to be honest, this is my honesty:
USAworld wide champion of genocide with the native indian in Americans.
world wide champion of slavery
first and only one user of Nuclear bomb
Irak war for fake reason (WMD never found)
and of course, control of the NATO to fell like the first cop of the world
Russiasecond place on the podium for the biggest genocide with Staline's Goulag
“life was hard” for people living at the east of the berlin wall during URSS military occupation.
poutine is monopolizing the leadership since 1999 (Medvedev was a puppet until Puntine modified the constitution to be president again)
most dangerous opponent like Khodorkovski or Navalny are systematically sued for tax evasion
the purpose (and relation wit Poutine) of Wagner (not a couple of mercenary but rather 1000's of trained solders) is not clear (Mali, central africa, Syria...)
Franceone of the biggest colonizer on earth, with UK and Spain.
not far behind USA regarding industrial slavery
guilty of dirty wars with torture and napalm bombing (Algeria, Indochine)
I do have respect for Russians, Americans and Frenchs people, but their respective government have a lot of blood on their hands.
bdsmpretty wrote:"it seems that the nazi influence is going to disappear".
What? How? Why? Just disappear??
They are currently the most highly funded - NATO funded - and the most heavily armed - NATO armed - NeoNazi paramilitary on the planet. For this reason Ukraine has become the premier global training ground for NeoNazis/White Supermacists. .
I’m not saying that European Union is a perfect system but they try to support some values (fight racism, corruption, death penalty). If Ukraine is not part of the EU, it’s because they still have to improve some items like corruption (and prove that the government is fighting nazi organisation). But I’m careful about words like “premier global training ground for NeoNazis/White Supermacists”. Don’t forget USA when dealing with military white supremacists (though not NATO armed of course).
bdsmpretty wrote:"Jewish-Ukrainian billionaire and oligarch Igor Kolomoyskyi is giving a lot of money".
Why would a Jewish billionaire fund an anti-Jewish Paramilitary?
Because Jewish billionaries are not the kind of Jews that end up in gas chanbers.
I disagree with your explanation, if I was jewish, I would vomit on nazi whatever my richness is. Millions of jewish lost a parent in the gaz chambers. I hope Kolomoyskyi is the kind of guy trying to choke nazi vibes in Azov bataillon.
bdsmpretty wrote:"anyway, there is a lot of Nazi in France (and Belgium, Germany and Netherland), ok they are not doing war and potential war crime but it is not acceptable to have a foreign country invading yours by saying we will denazify your earth."
If the French speaking element in the border populations of either Germany/Belgium/Spain (any France-bordering country) had been constantly bombed/killed/maimed/murdered/mutilated/raped/abused, terrorised and dehumanised,(....)do you think that your people or government would not have said enough at some point?
Your explanation is subject to debate because we could invade a lot of countries with this logic : china (think about ouïghours or Tibetan), Iran, North corea, Palestine…..
bdsmpretty wrote:French journalist Anne-Laure Bonnel who has reported from The Donbass throughout that period. Her conflict reportage and documentary photography has been outstanding (and heartbreaking).
Thanks for this info: I’m listening to her feedback. Russia is accusing France of censorship about this journalist. She says Ukrain is the bad guy in Donbass since 2014. But France is a democracy, she is invited to media (radio/TV) to share her POV. I don’t have the same feeling about the freedom of speech of russian journalist against war in Russia.
bdsmpretty wrote:Macron is a superficial politician of superficial gestures, and French voters will soon decide if they have had enough of that.
Marine Lepen is dangerous.
Even if I don’t like communitarianism and of course terrorism attack (a lot of blood has been shed in France), I can’t believe she wants to ban the veil for Muslims and the yarmulke for Jews.
There will be a civil war in my country if she is elected.
bdsmpretty wrote:But despite my taking apart bits of your comment, I genuinely do respect your general attitude, because I get the feeling you strongly suspect that there is a gulf between what you are seeing in your media and what the reality is on the ground.
I think your instincts are good and you should trust them. The more you dig into Ukraine the darker and murkiers it gets.
Thanks. Even if nobody can convince me that bombarding Ukrainian civilians can be justified by the potential nazi wasp's nest in Azov, I keep an ear on that