dpconnoisseur1 wrote:^ Remember you can only select a max of 10 choices for the poll. Also doing the poll where members write their opinion of "-5 to +5 for each sex act" would be tough for whoever tries to add it up because the members would have to right there response in the same manner. The more concise the better. For instance are these answers the same (5 points for Pussy):
Pussy 5
Pussy +5
5 Pussy
+5 Pussy
I admit this would be more accurate but the person that was trying to keep the count would hate life trying to track it manually. I guess someone can volunteer to write a python script to automate adding up the totals but it seems overly complicated for just for fun meaningless forum poll.
The percentages for the above poll are calculated automatically. The same thing can be done for any kind of calculation.
And I would say that PHP is the language to use in this situation, rather than Python. Because few, if any, internet browsers and servers are designed to work with Python, but most are designed to work with PHP.
It's relatively simple and easy to put on a web-page a bunch of slide-bars with a scale going from -5 to +5 in steps of 1. All the users would need to do is click on the slide-bar and move it to some numerical position on its scale. The computer will do the rest, including the adding up of numbers from all users for each sex-act. You will get only one number for each sex-act, except it won't be a percentage, it will be just a number.
And it's possible with some additional automated calculation to normalize the sum for each sex-act, so that it is on the same scale of -5 to +5, but it's an average for all users and not just a number for one person.