poll title: should women adopt farting as a mating call?
first of all, i will state that i'm not being serious in this poll, it's intended more as a fun and provocative proposition that members here might find amusing to think about and engage with to liven up the weekend
furthermore i will say that i think it would be totally unworkable in practice, because it would (in most cases i think) be difficult for males to distinguish between women's farts intended as a mating call, and women's farts in general. it would present huge potential for awkward and dangerous misunderstandings, though as someone with an extremely dark sense of humour, i have to admit that i find the thought of the situations that do result in misunderstandings extremely funny (culpa mea!)
so this is an abstract proposition, but since this is a site with an anal focus, i thought the membership here would be the ideal audience to present with such a proposition
the poll question:
the basic question (yes or no) is would you like women to adopt farting as a form of mating call, to indicate to men (or women) she is attracted to that she is interested in having sex with them in general, and (since this is a forum with an anal focus) that she is interested in having anal sex with them in particular?
poll to last for 1 week and a day (until monday 24th february)
thoughts for an accompanying discussion:
and by way of a discussion to accompany this simple yes or no poll, i invite you to think about what kinds of fart you would find most attractive and least attractive?
as with mating calls in the wild, were this practice to be adopted i think it's reasonable to assume that women would eventually begin to differentiate their calls in the mating market place, in order to make their calls stands out from those of others as presenting the best proposition.
so what, as the intended recipent of these calls, would you find most attractive and what would you find not find attractive in a fart intended as a mating call?
it may be the case that a lower pitched fart is considered the more attractive, as (following the priciples of wind intruments) it would indicates a deeper and looser source of the sound
conversely, the higher pitched fart may be considered the more desireable, indicating a smaller and tighter sound source
according to the principles of natural selection and the efffect of selective pressures on those making the calls, women eventually would learn to adapt their calls to match those sounds considered most attractive to the male
so do you have a preference? or anything to say on the subject, for or against?