I'm afraid thats not a sustainable way of conducting business.

Mainly because even if its high fee DAP bookings 2 scenes only dont create enough income for the girls to make porn work trips to Prague really worthwhile.

xxxVIPERxxx wrote:I would have thought that multiple scene bookings would have represented better value.
hyapet wrote:So, okay, you have someone booked for five scenes. They will get the rates required from all of those scenes. And then ... the first scene doesn't sell that well. And the reaction to the second one is pretty lukewarm as well. And then finally, by the time the DAP rolls around, you get an alright selling scene. Well, okay. That might be the point where you break even. And while there's nothing wrong with breaking even (because you aren't losing money), that's not really a great incentive to being in business. You know, barely getting paid.
jjwhite1985 wrote:Agree with some of what you're saying, but a lot is based on your personal taste in terms of the type of girls you find attractive. I mean, Daruma Rai doesn't do a huge amount for me, and her DAP for GIO was only the 12th best seller of December. A "great" scene isn't an objective thing, and neither is who is a 9 or 10 out of 10 - it'll be different for most people. The problem, which Giorgio has alluded to before, is that the more scenes a girl is booked for, the more the return on investment shrinks, so it's less and less worthwhile for studios to do it.
dap-addict wrote:Thats the studio POV and I understand it.
But what will the studios do without the last remaining - and ideally new willing girls? To keep them going or drew new girls in you have to provide them with an attractive work offer, which is earning a decent amount of money by doing more scenes. Because raising the fee yet more from the already skyrocket fee isnt a sustainable way.
And if you can offer a girl barely 3k it doesnt pay for her to work in this job anymore.
dap-addict wrote:Checking Andrew X. AH001-AH055 releases this morning I realized the main GIO successor hardly ever booked a girl for more than 2 scenes in his first year of credited directorship.
I'm afraid thats not a sustainable way of conducting business.
latina-girls-yes wrote:when/if you are outselling Andrew with your mooted latin-american DAP venture, no doubt you will be far better placed to advise
latina-girls-yes wrote:to be fair and pay due respect to Andrew AH, DAPaddict, he's actually shooting and selling scenes full-time and IRL, so it's entirely reasonable to assume he knows his numbers (projected costs and projected income) and has also very likely spoken with Giorgio in depth (as part of handing over duties) about the best way to run an xxx studio in the extremely difficult circumstances of euroland 2025
i know your concerns are genuine (because you care passionately about xxx production, as we all do) and you intentions when you say these things are sincere, but talking about it and doing it are two profoundly different things. when/if you are outselling Andrew with your mooted latin-american DAP venture, no doubt you will be far better placed to advise
hyapet wrote:Yet - that medicine can only exist if those in charge themselves want to spend the time, and honestly, resources, in discovering it. They might think that that medicine doesn't even exist.
paco80741 wrote:need to program a fan-based crowdfunding system
SuperKeksimus wrote:paco80741 wrote:need to program a fan-based crowdfunding system
Here is few topics and one with a poll that shows that people absolutely support the idea, but non of the directors or admins answer yet there:
hyapet wrote:I think the number of studios who do those scenes being so small these days really hurts overall as well.
When the ladder rung of DAP has been broken, those girls often find difficulty in being booked for traditional, less intense shoots. Many people, even fans of the actress, will say something along the lines of, "Oh, it's just anal," or, "It's only a DP, I'll keep my wallet in my pocket for this one."
Further compounding this is that the studios who do shoot DAP usually supplement their lack of future ladder rungs to be broken by pure gross out shit. I won't even call it porn, because, really, when you're seeing a girl puking into another girl's mouth, what is that even anymore? But - essentially - the only place for that actress to go at that point is into pure degrading stuff, really heavy kink, and a whole series of circus acts that lay on the same street, if not the same exact address, as scat porn.
Add onto this - in North America - outside of like one or two studios there - there doesn't seem to be a huge market for DAP porn. I mean - the market is indeed there - but the studios aren't really willing to put in the time and effort to secure the models who are willing to do that stuff. And when they do, it's usually women (not girls) who are nearing forty and figure might as well score in for one last pay day.
Essentially, this is all Legalporno's fault. By adding in all that bizarre circus act gross out shit into traditional porn - they essentially snapped DAP porn away from being "just a step higher than a DP" into full blown "gonzo skank hooker" territory.
Any girl doing anal or even a DP will be like, "I'm a young girl who does porn, what about it?"
But, when part of their repertoire is them doing a DAP, then it's just assumed that they'll be glugging a gallon of piss, or being spun around in it, or being filmed puking shit up. It's like, all eyes turn to them when someone asks who's got a meth addiction. Might as well just stop wearing clothing and walk around in see-through plastic all the time type of deal. Them screaming at a John that they still owe them ten dollars behind the 7-11 would be par for the course at that point.
And so, the studios who do still shoot DAP's have to rely on a small handful of performers who either willingly (due to their kink) or unwittingly got locked into that genre. And there they stay, shooting their twenty-fifth DAP that year, while 99.999% of the porn model market steers well clear of those studios.
Sure, South America, but how long will the money flow so richly down there before they too start asking for increased pay, or start branching out into their own online careers when the rabid fan-base that knows exactly who they are due to their stint in the DAP market, will actually follow through and buy their individualized content on platforms like OF? Or when the standard of living and greater access to local online marketplaces for various services of all kinds see them being able to make a lot more for a lot less?
Fucking Legalporno with that awful pissing garbage, man.
Not only ruined all the shoots that crap took place in - but all potential shoots going forever into the future as well.
Fucking hell.
hyapet wrote:Essentially, this is all Legalporno's fault. By adding in all that bizarre circus act gross out shit into traditional porn - they essentially snapped DAP porn away from being "just a step higher than a DP" into full blown "gonzo skank hooker" territory.
hyapet wrote:Sure, South America, but how long will the money flow so richly down there before they too start asking for increased pay, or start branching out into their own online careers...
dap-addict wrote:hyapet wrote:Essentially, this is all Legalporno's fault. By adding in all that bizarre circus act gross out shit into traditional porn - they essentially snapped DAP porn away from being "just a step higher than a DP" into full blown "gonzo skank hooker" territory.
jjwhite1985 wrote:No new scenes today, from any studio. I guess production is down for everyone. The new normal it seems...
hyapet wrote:"It sells better," was essentially the recipe for trading in the entire future of the genre and industry that surrounded it for a few quick dollars of the day.
DAP porn used to be at the very end of the line for traditional porn. The last stop. Yet - it was still part of that rail network. When an actress did that - it showed that she was essentially a porn champion. That she could take anything. And that she had earned her porn actress bona fides. A name for the record books type deal.
With what Giorgio introduced - or maybe somebody else introduced it - but by what he continued on and made a mainstay of the genre with pissing effectively did this:
It took DAP porn from being the last stop at the traditional porn line - and instead transformed it into being the first stop at the gross-out porn line. And that was a big problem.
Much like like19 said below - if 99.5% of society saw you watching a video of a girl pissing on another girl - or puking into her mouth - they'd think there was something seriously wrong with you.
Serious psychopath type shit, you know?
And that shit isn't normal, DAP-addict. It just fucking isn't.
Neither is DAP-porn - but, but ... for the average person, they'd raise a serious eyebrow at you if they caught you watching that kind of thing. Instead of wondering whether or not they should phone the police if they caught you with videos of girls peeing or puking on each other. The question would just naturally be, "Is that the only type of content you have on that PC, son?
So - essentially - DAP got transported from being this act that the right producer could convince a legitimately attractive model into doing - into this absolute no-go zone for any model who wants to be performing porn that doesn't look like she needs to be sprayed with a hose during every five minutes of filming.
You have to understand, dap-addict, girl's care immensely about how they're perceived. Being a porn actress is raunchy and taboo-breaking. It's hot. Drinking piss and eating vomit is definitely not.
The really hot girls, you know, the 11/10's? They would never consider DAP porn now. They would never, ever lower themselves to the acts that the 5 and 6 out of 10s are forced to do to get a paycheck in the field.
The result? You have to fly half way around the world now to find girls who are still willing to do that stuff. And then, only for as long as their economic conditions don't improve to the point where they don't have to anymore.
I mean, what are you going to be doing in ten years from now? Be thankful that pissing got introduced to your favorite genre of porn, because now you have to go to the Congo to find girls willing to do it?
Add to this that pissing, in and of itself, is the most dreadfully boring thing anyone can literally do. I mean, in a genre of film where the key ingredients are intensity, passion, and powerful movement - you literally have everyone standing around for minutes at a time - while the girl gets progressively uglier, by every conceivable metric, and then cue the scene switch, because nothing says "intensity" and "passion" like needing to stop the camera because everything was ... what? Too exciting?
Pissing, man. It ruined DAP porn. Straight up.
Or, as somebody else so eloquently said: Prague LP studios cutting down on multiple scene bookings
Giorgio Grandi wrote:hyapet wrote:"It sells better," was essentially the recipe for trading in the entire future of the genre and industry that surrounded it for a few quick dollars of the day.
DAP porn used to be at the very end of the line for traditional porn. The last stop. Yet - it was still part of that rail network. When an actress did that - it showed that she was essentially a porn champion. That she could take anything. And that she had earned her porn actress bona fides. A name for the record books type deal.
With what Giorgio introduced - or maybe somebody else introduced it - but by what he continued on and made a mainstay of the genre with pissing effectively did this:
It took DAP porn from being the last stop at the traditional porn line - and instead transformed it into being the first stop at the gross-out porn line. And that was a big problem.
Much like like19 said below - if 99.5% of society saw you watching a video of a girl pissing on another girl - or puking into her mouth - they'd think there was something seriously wrong with you.
Serious psychopath type shit, you know?
And that shit isn't normal, DAP-addict. It just fucking isn't.
Neither is DAP-porn - but, but ... for the average person, they'd raise a serious eyebrow at you if they caught you watching that kind of thing. Instead of wondering whether or not they should phone the police if they caught you with videos of girls peeing or puking on each other. The question would just naturally be, "Is that the only type of content you have on that PC, son?
So - essentially - DAP got transported from being this act that the right producer could convince a legitimately attractive model into doing - into this absolute no-go zone for any model who wants to be performing porn that doesn't look like she needs to be sprayed with a hose during every five minutes of filming.
You have to understand, dap-addict, girl's care immensely about how they're perceived. Being a porn actress is raunchy and taboo-breaking. It's hot. Drinking piss and eating vomit is definitely not.
The really hot girls, you know, the 11/10's? They would never consider DAP porn now. They would never, ever lower themselves to the acts that the 5 and 6 out of 10s are forced to do to get a paycheck in the field.
The result? You have to fly half way around the world now to find girls who are still willing to do that stuff. And then, only for as long as their economic conditions don't improve to the point where they don't have to anymore.
I mean, what are you going to be doing in ten years from now? Be thankful that pissing got introduced to your favorite genre of porn, because now you have to go to the Congo to find girls willing to do it?
Add to this that pissing, in and of itself, is the most dreadfully boring thing anyone can literally do. I mean, in a genre of film where the key ingredients are intensity, passion, and powerful movement - you literally have everyone standing around for minutes at a time - while the girl gets progressively uglier, by every conceivable metric, and then cue the scene switch, because nothing says "intensity" and "passion" like needing to stop the camera because everything was ... what? Too exciting?
Pissing, man. It ruined DAP porn. Straight up.
Or, as somebody else so eloquently said: Prague LP studios cutting down on multiple scene bookings
no, we are not getting anywhere
what move 95% of the girls are the money.
I repeat: the money.
in the past years DAP or DAP with pee would provide a good paycheck, totally worth for the model
with time passing, that paycheck increased, to a point that in most of the case is was not worth for the producer to pay it... (but this is not the point).
in the meantime, models have started generating money on their own to a point that.. that paycheck, even the most disproportionate, has become les and less interesting. It's not a problem with the sexual act, but with how much it is paid for.
If a producer could pay 4000-8000$ for a DAP with pee, and offer 3 scenes in a week, he would get models that you cant believe.
the issue is that to pay that prices it's not sustainable
if tomorrow all models would lose their own incoming because it became illegal to do self production or so (just an absurd example), you will have a the queue of girls available to do what they have always did, for a reasonable price.
the change (shift) is in the porn market, not in whats models are willing to do.
the 2 year with covid, with almost no one shooting (except me and a few others) forced the members of the industry to create a different market... so models shifted and created a real parallel industry. covid sure that a process that would have taken 10 years took place in two
Giorgio Grandi wrote:no, we are not getting anywhere
what move 95% of the girls are the money.
I repeat: the money.
in the past years DAP or DAP with pee would provide a good paycheck, totally worth for the model
with time passing, that paycheck increased, to a point that in most of the case is was not worth for the producer to pay it... (but this is not the point).
in the meantime, models have started generating money on their own to a point that.. that paycheck, even the most disproportionate, has become les and less interesting. It's not a problem with the sexual act, but with how much it is paid for.
If a producer could pay 4000-8000$ for a DAP with pee, and offer 3 scenes in a week, he would get models that you cant believe.
the issue is that to pay that prices it's not sustainable
if tomorrow all models would lose their own incoming because it became illegal to do self production or so (just an absurd example), you will have a the queue of girls available to do what they have always did, for a reasonable price.
the change (shift) is in the porn market, not in whats models are willing to do.
the 2 year with covid, with almost no one shooting (except me and a few others) forced the members of the industry to create a different market... so models shifted and created a real parallel industry. covid sure that a process that would have taken 10 years took place in two
Giorgio Grandi wrote:If a producer could pay 4000-8000$ for a DAP with pee, and offer 3 scenes in a week, he would get models that you cant believe.
the issue is that to pay that prices it's not sustainable
dap-addict wrote:hyapet wrote:Essentially, this is all Legalporno's fault. By adding in all that bizarre circus act gross out shit into traditional porn - they essentially snapped DAP porn away from being "just a step higher than a DP" into full blown "gonzo skank hooker" territory.
Looks like my OP critic of Andrew X. booking policy is turning into DAP-bashing!![]()
It's not LPs fault, but instead of that LP was the first studio platform to realize the high potential of DAP around 2015 and therefore to demand from porn girls to push their envelope faster byond DP.
And, hyapet, you much acclaimed NRX fellowed that path in 2023 by securing their girls a financially attractive full service packet within 10 scenes up to 1-3 DAP, depending on their individual anal talent. And no, they didnt dwell much on piss and puke!
Problem is rather that sales analysis showed especially GIO that wet content sells much more copies than the cut dry content. Therefore GIO added wet, and than Yummy with ex-Gonzo director Luis took it from there and added puke - them not as a mere additional sales creator, but as a next step guided by the wrong US porn assumption of step-by-step progress.
Whereas step-by-step is a pretty fast rookie program at the beginning of a porn career guided entirely by anal training needs - such as NRX understood perfectly well - while once DAP-proofness is reached next DAP scenes can be filmed based on new themes, new styling options and new stories - without any further step needed.
Departure from US porn step-by-step calculations was the essence of Europorn since 2015!hyapet wrote:Sure, South America, but how long will the money flow so richly down there before they too start asking for increased pay, or start branching out into their own online careers...
South America comes into play because EU fees skyrocketed last 3-4 years and OF took a lot of sales potential. Latina girls perform DAP simply for much less money and as long as it stays like this they get booked. Once they demand much more, porn biz will be forced to move further and scout in new places where a few hundred $$$ are still a good and fair payment. Its simple free market rules - rules not excluding more expensive EU and US porn workers, just supplementing them to make up a mix which is financially feasible for porn studios.
Giorgio Grandi wrote:hyapet wrote:"It sells better," was essentially the recipe for trading in the entire future of the genre and industry that surrounded it for a few quick dollars of the day.
DAP porn used to be at the very end of the line for traditional porn. The last stop. Yet - it was still part of that rail network. When an actress did that - it showed that she was essentially a porn champion. That she could take anything. And that she had earned her porn actress bona fides. A name for the record books type deal.
With what Giorgio introduced - or maybe somebody else introduced it - but by what he continued on and made a mainstay of the genre with pissing effectively did this:
It took DAP porn from being the last stop at the traditional porn line - and instead transformed it into being the first stop at the gross-out porn line. And that was a big problem.
Much like like19 said below - if 99.5% of society saw you watching a video of a girl pissing on another girl - or puking into her mouth - they'd think there was something seriously wrong with you.
Serious psychopath type shit, you know?
And that shit isn't normal, DAP-addict. It just fucking isn't.
Neither is DAP-porn - but, but ... for the average person, they'd raise a serious eyebrow at you if they caught you watching that kind of thing. Instead of wondering whether or not they should phone the police if they caught you with videos of girls peeing or puking on each other. The question would just naturally be, "Is that the only type of content you have on that PC, son?
So - essentially - DAP got transported from being this act that the right producer could convince a legitimately attractive model into doing - into this absolute no-go zone for any model who wants to be performing porn that doesn't look like she needs to be sprayed with a hose during every five minutes of filming.
You have to understand, dap-addict, girl's care immensely about how they're perceived. Being a porn actress is raunchy and taboo-breaking. It's hot. Drinking piss and eating vomit is definitely not.
The really hot girls, you know, the 11/10's? They would never consider DAP porn now. They would never, ever lower themselves to the acts that the 5 and 6 out of 10s are forced to do to get a paycheck in the field.
The result? You have to fly half way around the world now to find girls who are still willing to do that stuff. And then, only for as long as their economic conditions don't improve to the point where they don't have to anymore.
I mean, what are you going to be doing in ten years from now? Be thankful that pissing got introduced to your favorite genre of porn, because now you have to go to the Congo to find girls willing to do it?
Add to this that pissing, in and of itself, is the most dreadfully boring thing anyone can literally do. I mean, in a genre of film where the key ingredients are intensity, passion, and powerful movement - you literally have everyone standing around for minutes at a time - while the girl gets progressively uglier, by every conceivable metric, and then cue the scene switch, because nothing says "intensity" and "passion" like needing to stop the camera because everything was ... what? Too exciting?
Pissing, man. It ruined DAP porn. Straight up.
Or, as somebody else so eloquently said: Prague LP studios cutting down on multiple scene bookings
no, we are not getting anywhere
what move 95% of the girls are the money.
I repeat: the money.
in the past years DAP or DAP with pee would provide a good paycheck, totally worth for the model
with time passing, that paycheck increased, to a point that in most of the case is was not worth for the producer to pay it... (but this is not the point).
in the meantime, models have started generating money on their own to a point that.. that paycheck, even the most disproportionate, has become les and less interesting. It's not a problem with the sexual act, but with how much it is paid for.
If a producer could pay 4000-8000$ for a DAP with pee, and offer 3 scenes in a week, he would get models that you cant believe.
the issue is that to pay that prices it's not sustainable
if tomorrow all models would lose their own incoming because it became illegal to do self production or so (just an absurd example), you will have a the queue of girls available to do what they have always did, for a reasonable price.
the change (shift) is in the porn market, not in whats models are willing to do.
the 2 year with covid, with almost no one shooting (except me and a few others) forced the members of the industry to create a different market... so models shifted and created a real parallel industry. covid sure that a process that would have taken 10 years took place in two
SuperKeksimus wrote:As I got it - we have only simple comparison - the director makes a wet version and dry - and wet is sold better. It may not be from the fact that people love to see urine in their monitors, but from the fact that the user decides to buy the full version, realizing that the "dry" version is just a cut "wet" version.
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