Just 40 Tickets for 60 Bucks !  Topic is solved

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Just 40 Tickets for 60 Bucks !

Postby AngryRippedOffUser » Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:21 am


First Problem.

If i click that "TKT" Button, i have just the Option to pay 59 Bucks for 100 Tickets ! That sucks !

In the Past, there was a the Option for Recuring Extension and 120 Tickets for 59 Bucks !

So i used a Trick. I logged out, then i clicked Join, then i clicked "3 months € 58.81 40 tickets / month "
And then "Already a member of IDcert? Login" <--- ok then came that Blabla that i get 120 Tickts for 3 Month.

Now the second Problem !

"You have 55.85 premium tickets" WTF ?

I got 15.85 Tickets before i payed 59 Bucks !

And now just 40 more ? Where are remaining 80 Tickets ?

And why is not the Recuring Time extended ?

No Change here "Unlimited FREE downloads expires 13 April 2014" <--- That are not 90 Days of Extension, this is the old Date !

Sir Noel
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Re: Just 40 Tickets for 60 Bucks !

Postby Sir Noel » Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:42 am

I don't really understand why you don't contact support rather than post about i there, you would get it sorted much quicker.

the same thing happened to me when i recently reloaded for another 120 tickets. The system wrongly registers you and plans on giving you 40 tickets per month for 3 months rather than reloading your account with 120 tickets in one go. Raise the issue with support and they will sort it for you.

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Re: Just 40 Tickets for 60 Bucks !

Postby xxx » Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:02 am

3 months membership gives 40 per month. It used to give 120 immediately but this was exploited like you are doing : no matter the prices we choose (still thinking how to best price extra tickets for members) we must avoid having members go for several memberships.

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Re: Just 40 Tickets for 60 Bucks !  Topic is solved

Postby AngryRippedOffUser » Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:18 pm

xxx wrote:3 months membership gives 40 per month. It used to give 120 immediately but this was exploited like you are doing : no matter the prices we choose (still thinking how to best price extra tickets for members) we must avoid having members go for several memberships.

What Exploiting ? If LP Change Stuff, and give us Bad Prices (100 Tickets for the Same Price ! Why i should pay more ? i want 120 like the others, my Membership is a 120 Ticket Membership not a 100 Ticket !) LP leave us no other Choice !

In the Past, the System give me always the 3 Month 120 Ticket Option, and 120 Tickets at once, so i dont have to use Tricks.

I rather use >all< my120 Tickets like i want, and then Pay again 59 Bucks for 120, as to use 40 per Month <--- This sucks i must calculate which Clip i want first, and must put other Stuff that i like too in my "dont worth now" List.

But in that Time new Stuff is relased, then the "dont worth now" List grow up more and more.

It realy sucks, so Members with a 3 Month Membership are forced to Buy 100 Tickets for 59 Bucks, when they want to avoid that the "dont worth now" List grow and grow !

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