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Free for members  Topic is solved

PostPosted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:23 pm
by 4vaorrprdoeemaraaf
When I signed up, there was the promis of 1800 scenes for free. Free scenes!

But how to find them?

The picture of another post in this forum hinted how to do that.

In case you want to know, you can find them as follows:
- In the top bar, next to "Search here" and the "Search" button, there is a filter icon. Click on it and the "Filter by" bar will appear directly below
- In the "Filter by" bar, click on the red bordered dropdown button, which is directly to the left of the "Apply" button
- Select "free for members" and unselect all others. Then click the "Apply" button.

Have fun with it...