by beersamurai » Sun Apr 21, 2019 8:38 pm
I have the same issue, I spend all this money only to get to the part where I play the video, after I've already committed the tickets, to be told my account is locked and it happens to me quite frequenty and for no apparent reason other than to annoy me. Why can't we unlock our acconts ourselves, what was the ooint of adding authenticator to my phone and verifing my phone number to unlock my accont if I cna't really unlock my accont myself nad need to always go through support, this is the worst, nothing like getting excitedt to watch a video only to get denied before it even starts
They should tell you the accont is locked when you fiorst log in, prevent me from wasting my time nad money ntil it was unloicked.
And whjy does it take support almost two days on average to unlock. Ridiculous.