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I Want My Free Tickets!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 3:31 am
by Angel Eyes
I have an open support ticket for this for over a week No reply so I'm now forced to open my own thread here on the support forum to try and get attention.

Someone else has a similar thread "Free Tickets Not Showing Up". I posted in that thread also days ago. Nothing there either. :mad:

I get that free tickets ended for those subscribing August 1st or later. I subscribed before then. I was receiving a daily free ticket up until about August 30 or 31...then they stopped. My account still reflects I should get a free ticket daily yet my total hasn't increased from 165.8.

I don't have thousands of 'Free' tickets so they have real value and are a real incentive for me to maintain active membership.

Please fix this issue.

Re: I Want My Free Tickets!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 7:19 am
by i.soriano
Same here .. have a recurring membership and free tickets are not showing up even though it was mentioned that "old" members will still get their daily dose.

Re: I Want My Free Tickets!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 7:31 am
by i.soriano
I see that my free tickets are showing up in the member's area and not on the main page.

So I do still get them but you have to look into the member's area.

Re: I Want My Free Tickets!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 11:56 am
by Angel Eyes
i.soriano wrote:I see that my free tickets are showing up in the member's area and not on the main page.

So I do still get them but you have to look into the member's area.

My Member's Area is NOT reflecting any newly awarded free shows the same unchanged total as everywhere else, 165.8. :(

Re: I Want My Free Tickets!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 5:36 am
by Angel Eyes

Don't know if this will help your Develpers team fix my free ticket issue, but the floating hover help "?" icon has disappeared from my PornBox

Free tkt hover help gone.JPG
How it looks now
Free tkt hover help gone.JPG (7.7 KiB) Viewed 3344 times

This view is different than when I first reported the issue.

+1 Free tkt at each membership day.JPG
How it used to look
+1 Free tkt at each membership day.JPG (12.13 KiB) Viewed 3344 times

Re: I Want My Free Tickets!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 6:30 am
by dap-addict
AE, I have the same bug, but free tickets are still allocated.
You seem to have 165,8 free tickets.
All which is not working is the automatic transfer link to the scenes you can get for them.
You can go however here and see which new 2yo scenes you can get with them:
Currently its page 88 and you can get all scenes for free with date 27th Sept 2016 or older.
Tomorrow you have to adjust it hand steered so to say.
Anyway, I 'bought' and old scene with my free tickets today and it worked. :)

Re: I Want My Free Tickets!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 11:55 am
by Angel Eyes
^ Dap-a, my issue is my free daily ticket stopped being awarded about a month ago. I did not opt out of getting free tickets. I've been stuck at 165.8 since late August. Is this the same problem you have? If so, I don't understand what your advising in your post.

Kapoun assures me it is being worked on via PM.

Re: I Want My Free Tickets!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 12:50 pm
by Kapwn
We moved the "?" sign to a filter system on the sites.

Under advanced, you can select free ticket now and it should show you scenes for free tkts.

Alternatively you can use this link : ... ee-tickets

Re: I Want My Free Tickets!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 2:09 pm
by dap-addict
Angel Eyes wrote:^ Dap-a, my issue is my free daily ticket stopped being awarded about a month ago. I did not opt out of getting free tickets. I've been stuck at 165.8 since late August.

Thats complete shit, if they dont allocate you the free tickets anymore while you stayed with the old system. :mad: :(
Kapaun, can you resolve Angel Eyes problem on this, please!

Re: I Want My Free Tickets!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 2:17 pm
by Angel Eyes
^ dap-a, Kapoun's working on it. Assures me I'll get my tickets...manually added if it comes to that. But there is a bug affecting me and a couple of other members that requires a more permanent programming fix.

Re: I Want My Free Tickets!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:28 am
by richard419
same issue here, i just noticed this... disappointing. do i have to get in touch through the zendesk thing too or is complaining here enough?

Re: I Want My Free Tickets!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:47 am
by Angel Eyes
richard419 wrote:same issue here, i just noticed this... disappointing. do i have to get in touch through the zendesk thing too or is complaining here enough?

Try sending a PM to Kapoun.

Re: I Want My Free Tickets!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:47 am
by Angel Eyes
Kapoun...I sent you an update on my issue via PM the other day. Please advise.


Angel Eyes/ Chazzum

Re: I Want My Free Tickets!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 12:20 am
by Angel Eyes

All looks good! Daily free ticket resumed and my total is correct. :)

Many thanks for seeing this through and making it right!

Angel Eyes/Chazzum

Re: I Want My Free Tickets!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:50 pm
by papayaman2
I got caught out by this development. I tend to be an irregular subscriber and renewed my subscription in September after a hiatus. Whilst I appreciate that we now get more premier tickets for our subscription it strikes me as a really bad deal if the free tickets are eliminated. If my calculation is correct we are only getting 8 extra premier tickets assuming we go for maximum tickets and we are losing 30 free tickets (one daily). In no way do 8 premier tickets compensate for 30 free tickets. One new scene can be as many as 5 or 6 tickets, whereas most of the older scenes average out at more like 3 to 4. We could be talking about being able to get maybe 2 new scenes instead of 7 or 8 older ones. That is a very poor exchange. And if customers like me are not getting free tickets who is going to spring their expensive premier tickets for the older scenes - I wouldn't unless it was something I really had to have, and that is quite rare in porn. Whilst I really like the LP content this development seems to me to be a serious disincentive to continue subscribing even on an irregular basis.