Scenes not showing up if date is missing

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Scenes not showing up if date is missing

Postby sjonesha » Thu Feb 20, 2025 11:59 am

Hi. I have thousands of scenes and went to watch some old Sineplex Classics ones I knew I had. I couldn't find them, sorting by date, searching model name etc. Nothing. I then searched by the EXACT title name (which I knew) - and they suddenly appeared in my library.
I found at least 3, need to search the exact text eg: Gooey Buns scene #900535 - Monster Gapes scene #901131 - triple stacked scene #81. The concern is I had to type EXACTLY the name of the scene to find it (thank you IAFD!). There must be other users and dozens/hundreds of scenes with the same issue, no date = no show. I've uploaded 2 pics. One showing a missing date and one normal example showing a date and this shows in all searches. Is there a way to search files missing a date or please can you get dates added to the files missing a date? I think even just any date would then let it be searched by performer name.
Thanks and I hope this get resolved.

Not Showing in Searches (no date)
Screenshot 2025-02-20 at 09.50.38.png

Showing OK (date is there)
Screenshot 2025-02-20 at 09.52.10.png

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