Studio Membership

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Studio Membership

Postby Elm1ster » Fri Jan 26, 2024 1:24 pm

Hi, When studios offer temporary memberships (1 month, 3 months, 1 year) they explain the conditions in the icon (?)
There the user is informed of how many monthly downloads they will be able to make and what number of scenes are available and are not available with the membership to be able to view. In this case, what Latin Teens Productions indicates in its membership is all access to the membership, monthly download limit of 5 per month and unlimited streaming, without indicating any type of restriction on unavailable scenes. Well, to my surprise I discover that more than half of the scenes are not available with the membership, something that is never explained in the conditions. Luckily I only paid for one month.
Waiting for the Studio's response, thank you.

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