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East Europe in the 2000s versus 2024 - what changed?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:33 pm
by marcoB
I was in Poland once in early 2000s with a business partner and friend. We wore good clothes and what was immediately noticeable as we walked through the pedestrian zone: After a relatively short time we were asked whether we might have jobs. Or anything else like that.

Later we were approached by a saleswoman who wanted to “sell” some newspapers. My partner simply said: don't you want to celebrate with us tonight? She spontaneously said yes and that evening after a few drinks we had a threesome.

My partner said, “As a well-dressed businessman here, you have to keep the ladies away.” He then showed me a few photos of his affairs and I almost fell out of my chair. To prove this to me, the next day he picked up the next lady straight from the pedestrian zone.

I was recently (alone) in Poland again. Well dressed. Nobody spoke to me. For my part, just for fun i talked to a few ladies and was just looked at stupidly in a sense of "What do you want? leave me alone"

What has changed?

Re: East Europe in the 2000s versus 2024 - what changed?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 5:26 pm
by xxxVIPERxxx
I would say up to the late 00s, you could be a well dressed businessman, and you would be likely to score with the ladies.

However, since that point - women have got a lot more picky, there is a lot more women who like trendy/nerdy secret millionaires who do not always wear a business suit, the MeToo movement, a growing number of non-heterosexual women, etc.

It is just a case of times a man, you are much better off (if you insist on having affairs)...having one or two stable mistresses, or visiting a working girl/escort etc.

Re: East Europe in the 2000s versus 2024 - what changed?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 5:22 pm
by DD_hh_sgp
marcoB wrote:I was in Poland once in early 2000s with a business partner and friend. We wore good clothes and what was immediately noticeable as we walked through the pedestrian zone: After a relatively short time we were asked whether we might have jobs. Or anything else like that.

Later we were approached by a saleswoman who wanted to “sell” some newspapers. My partner simply said: don't you want to celebrate with us tonight? She spontaneously said yes and that evening after a few drinks we had a threesome.

My partner said, “As a well-dressed businessman here, you have to keep the ladies away.” He then showed me a few photos of his affairs and I almost fell out of my chair. To prove this to me, the next day he picked up the next lady straight from the pedestrian zone.

I was recently (alone) in Poland again. Well dressed. Nobody spoke to me. For my part, just for fun i talked to a few ladies and was just looked at stupidly in a sense of "What do you want? leave me alone"

What has changed?

i keep it simple and stupid. these days are over. today even in eastern europe they´re now sitting in an office dreaming of a saleswoman carreer. game over....

Re: East Europe in the 2000s versus 2024 - what changed?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 8:46 pm
by jupiter57
The obvious answer to this question has to do with poverty levels then versus now. It's no coincidence that sex-tourism is associated with poorer countries like Thailand, the Philippines, Haiti, etc.

Re: East Europe in the 2000s versus 2024 - what changed?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:26 am
by marcoB
jupiter57 wrote:The obvious answer to this question has to do with poverty levels then versus now. It's no coincidence that sex-tourism is associated with poorer countries like Thailand, the Philippines, Haiti, etc.

But that doesn't explain the completely changed vibe.

The change from open-minded, curious people who almost aggressively approached strangers... to people who are kind of afraid of strangers (paradoxically despite the increased security situation) combined with some kind of uptightness and arrogance and who feel uncomfortable even if they are just spoken to.

Something similar can also be observed in other countries completely separate from sex. As a friend of mine who likes to travel said about some maritime countries: 30 years ago people in the neighborhood sat together on the weekends and celebrated, today they sit alone and watch Netflix.

so the question is:
Does middle class prosperity makes a society way more stubborn, anxious, antisocial and uptight? and if so, why?

Re: East Europe in the 2000s versus 2024 - what changed?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 10:40 am
by dap-addict
marcoB wrote:I was recently (alone) in Poland again. Well dressed. Nobody spoke to me. For my part, just for fun i talked to a few ladies and was just looked at stupidly in a sense of "What do you want? leave me alone"

What has changed?

Thats an interesting experience, but very unpleasant indeed!
I'd say what changed is the poverty level but maybe also stress associated with it, ie. people not being as open and curious again because they have much stress at work maintaining their level of newly won wealth.

This said in my own experience Polish girls I met were open for really a lot and even very demanding hardcore anal porn careers, thus maybe you were just very unlucky. :( :confused:

Re: East Europe in the 2000s versus 2024 - what changed?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 7:07 pm
by M_sicas_Candido
marcoB wrote:so the question is:
Does middle class prosperity makes a society way more stubborn, anxious, antisocial and uptight? and if so, why?

I realize that the big change and disruption was the access to information. Today, anyone (regardless of age) has access to many types of content. This has its negative side too. Many do not have the maturity to deal with so much information arriving; this makes them anxious and antisocial (because the artificial world seems more "interesting"). The arrival of smartphones through which you can have "the world in the palms of your hands" has only accelerated the process. Many have become presumptuous because they are immature.

Re: East Europe in the 2000s versus 2024 - what changed?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 12:29 am
by jupiter57
I guess another thing to bring up is social isolation and loneliness caused by the information age, smartphones, internet, online dating, etc. It's a problem that seems to be getting worse everywhere. People are not willing to even talk or associate with strangers in real life at all. There used to be a possibility that you could strike up a conversation with a random person and become friends. That sort of thing seems very rare today. Most people are buried in their smartphones when they're out in public, and they wear earbuds as a sign to leave them alone. Talking to someone or trying to start a conversation can be seen as at best an annoyance and at worst a serious social transgression.

Re: East Europe in the 2000s versus 2024 - what changed?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:59 am
by bubbasaurs
As far as Poland goes (I have family there so I visit often), what basically happened is that Poland got really rich and developed, and also very conservative (they were always the most conservative of the countries controlled by Soviet Union, but part of the process of them to reclaim their nationality was to reclaim their very conservative catholic roots. If you get the polls from around 2005 and the polls today 20 years later you will see that "belief in god" has increased from 25% to around 45% what IS REALLY HIGH for Europe as it is not as backwards as the United States were every adult needs an imaginary friend to survive not having healthcare, housing or labor rights, or not being able to eat dinner because 80% of the Americans cannot afford groceries).

The other Eastern European countries also followed suit, even the ones that are not aligned with the EU but with Russia. Russia also got way richer and way more conservative than it was in 2000s.

I live in Europe and can say that the only two countries that got a little more progressive and with people becoming more sexually open were Spain and Germany. The other countries are basically going back to middle ages and following the United States on becoming some sort of Christian Iran.

Re: East Europe in the 2000s versus 2024 - what changed?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 6:26 am
by dap-addict
bubbasaurs wrote:As far as Poland goes (I have family there so I visit often), what basically happened is that Poland got really rich and developed, and also very conservative

I dont know which areas of Poland you visit, but thats a blank generalization in my experience. They went more conservative in the countryside maybe, but bigger towns have vast liberal and sexually experimenting young populations.

Some other forum members actually discuss it in the model thread of this new Polish girl just entering Europorn biz, Livia Lee: viewtopic.php?f=104&t=85411&p=1258349&hilit=Poland#p1258349

Problem I see for porn scouts for sure is Poland got really rich during last 10 or so years. Also EU offers all Eastern European EU members lots alternatives for better incomes in GB, Scandinavia or Ireland. Thus porn scouting is a lot more difficult in all those countries than it has been in the iconic Private 1990ties. But for Poland you also have to consider that not every young girl wants to leave the country and Czech Rep is really close. Also Poland has still lower wages compared now even to the Baltics, but also Czech. Thus there is lots of options, just scouts are needed. Also working on social media ofc, because thats they way young girls communicate all over the World now!

Re: East Europe in the 2000s versus 2024 - what changed?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:17 pm
by M_sicas_Candido
bubbasaurs wrote:Poland got really rich and developed, and also very conservative

bubbasaurs wrote: If you get the polls from around 2005 and the polls today 20 years later you will see that "belief in god" has increased from 25% to around 45%

Let's remember that the author of this topic asks about changes in relation to the social behavior of individuals - he recently had the impression that Polish women today are more indifferent and antisocial than they were 20 years ago.

What is your theory to prove that belief in God, Christianity or even improved quality of life have transformed people into individualistic and indifferent beings? In my view, it is precisely progressivism that separates people from each other, dividing them and stigmatizing them for whatever reason; added to the unbalanced use of technology.

Re: East Europe in the 2000s versus 2024 - what changed?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:42 pm
by dap-addict
M_sicas_Candido wrote:Let's remember that the author of this topic asks about changes in relation to the social behavior of individuals - he recently had the impression that Polish women today are more indifferent and antisocial than they were 20 years ago.

What is your theory to prove that belief in God, Christianity or even improved quality of life have transformed people into individualistic and indifferent beings?

Very good observation!
Btw, it's also not true to believing in God is on the rise in Poland, its actually the opposite since about 2025.

But anyway, OPs basic question does affect prospects of porn and porns scouts ofc. And that is crucial here!
With social behavior we just also have to be aware that 20-25years ago any Westerner be he from Germany, Italy or US was more likely to be seen as an interesting rich specimen, while meanwhile Polish guys can be rich, too and Poland itself - along with other former Soviet dominated countries - turned into a wealthy nation. What could count for Polish girls are looks as such, but sure not wealth or "Western-ess".
It's just not at easy anymore to lay a Polish girl as a German or Italian, its just a fact! ;) But again this also backfires to porn scouts. I'd say today they have to be insiders, Poles basically. And there is a terrible lack of such scouts with international connections! :(

Re: East Europe in the 2000s versus 2024 - what changed?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:53 pm
by dap-addict
About social abilities and scouting: I mean imagine in the last 3 years we had only 6 Polish girls on AVLP, half of them did DAP, which is actually a pretty high rate showing that those Polish girls scouted are prepared to do the most demanding hardcore anal sex acts on porn sets! :cool:
But Poland has over 30 Mio. inhabitants! For me it's the last frontier of Europorn, a large talent pool completely untapped!
Question is why? Because it looks like at least half of those porn girls were actually scouted by 1 Spanish actor, not even Polish scouts! It's a really crazy situation! :mad:

Re: East Europe in the 2000s versus 2024 - what changed?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:55 pm
by dap-addict
edit: Its 7 Polish girls actually since 2021 because Livia Lee (viewtopic.php?f=104&t=85411&p=1258349&hilit=Poland#p1258349) is starting her international porn career in April finally. :)

Re: East Europe in the 2000s versus 2024 - what changed?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 6:50 pm
by M_sicas_Candido
dap-addict wrote:But Poland has over 30 Mio. inhabitants! For me it's the last frontier of Europorn, a large talent pool completely untapped!
Question is why? Because it looks like at least half of those porn girls were actually scouted by 1 Spanish actor, not even Polish scouts! It's a really crazy situation! :mad:

By the way Mr Addict do you have information about Polish studios (if there are any)? Polish cinema has produced interesting works; That's why I have expectations that in the field of pornography there should be some potential offer.