Personality Disorders and Porn Use

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Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby sumacs3 » Sun May 07, 2023 10:11 pm

Do any of you have a Personality Disorder, and, if so, how does that relate to your porn consumption?

I have Schizoid Personality Disorder (SPD), and find it difficult to form relationships with people. I fear most people, including my family members. I am a senior and have never dated. Just prefer acquaintances and strangers and a casual but authentic brief conversation of at most 10 min. I do enjoy those interactions and even initiate many of them.

Sometimes I give a genuine compliment to a stranger on the street and usually the reaction is positive. Others do not tend to do that. I mean they don't interact at all. And I have enjoyed lots of online companionship and discussion. You can see it in some of my posts here at PB.

A good custom video from a favorite star has been heaven to me. Porn has been infinitely better for me as a substitute for nothing at all. Kind of like the fraction 1/0, but I guess nothing like the real thing with someone who cares and who might even be someone you are not afraid of. Thanks.

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby isis666xxx » Thu Mar 21, 2024 4:31 am

sumacs3 wrote:I fear most people, including my family members.

why u fear ur family???

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby isis666xxx » Thu Mar 21, 2024 4:42 am

sumacs3 wrote:I fear most people, including my family members

i personally dont fear people but i have a phobia against tattoos

this story is gonna sound kinda retarded

i personally have tons of tattoos of a certain symbol, because i readed in a book certain symbols would give me 'good luck'
so i have tons of tattoos of a certain symbol

the problem is that i despise tattoos and hate them, but i did mine as an exception, cuz i thought it would give me 'extreme good luck'
so now i have tattoos in my hand & neck

and everywhere i go i have to hide them cuz they give me bad vibes, very big bad vibes, i hate them
if someone sees them, it gives me very bad vibes

before doing the tattoo i knew it would give me bad vibes, but i thought it would give me 'extreme good luck' so it would be worth it
it hasnt given me any good luck, actually the oppossite, terrible bad luck


so now everywhere i go i get bad vibes when people see my hand & neck tattoos, fucking horrible

also the book says eating ur favourite food gives u 'good luck' too, so i only ate my favourite food, albacore, for almost a year, only albacore 24/7 and i became mercury poisoned

im so pissed, i dont read any book and trust any book anymore

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby isis666xxx » Thu Mar 21, 2024 4:49 am

also tattoos are so worthless

i feel stained, and im literally stained

the only tattoos that are cool are masochistic self-degrading sexual tattoos

normal tattoos are ********* stupid

also i dont remove mine cuz i personally take tons of sunbath very frequently and im scared of getting skin cancer or something if i remove it with laser
having ur skin charred or whatever with lasers i think it weakens it
and i need a healthy skin to take tons of sunbath

look what some articles say:
'increased risk of sun damage' yikes i cant afford that
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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby sumacs3 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 8:28 am

Hi, doraemon,
Thank you for talking about the challenges of tattoos. I am sorry they have been a big pain for you.
You asked about fear of family. Basically, they tend to want me to do things for them and I don't usually ask them to do things for me.
So I feel a bit like a slave.
With regard to a fear of other people, it is mainly again the fear that once I get closer to them, they will want me to do things for them, and I would ask little from them.
I have been quite happy to explore Nature, watch videos (including movies, documentaries and porn), read books and try to understand the universe.

Also the question was how a personality disorder affects your porn use.

For me, it is a reasonable substitute for a relationship, because I feel that a relationship would prevent me from doing lots of things on my own.
I prefer solitude to socializing.
Usually a woman wants her man to devote most of his time to the relationship.

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby sumacs3 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 8:33 am

I do like to read books, but when a book says something will give you good luck, ask what the proof of that is.
Try to find a book that is more scientific when it comes to solutions to problems.

I think a really great thing is to read books with quotations in them, and ask yourself what you think of a given quotation.
It is a good way to make yourself think, and you don't have to spend much time reading!

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby netzerkaiser » Fri Mar 22, 2024 12:06 am

doraemon_washington wrote:also tattoos are so worthless

i feel stained, and im literally stained

the only tattoos that are cool are masochistic self-degrading sexual tattoos

normal tattoos are ********* stupid

also i dont remove mine cuz i personally take tons of sunbath very frequently and im scared of getting skin cancer or something if i remove it with laser
having ur skin charred or whatever with lasers i think it weakens it
and i need a healthy skin to take tons of sunbath

look what some articles say:
'increased risk of sun damage' yikes i cant afford that

its a sad story, & it arouses enormous sympathy. We all fuck up in life, but you've the balls to tell it straight....


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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby isis666xxx » Mon May 20, 2024 2:09 pm

sumacs3 wrote:Also the question was how a personality disorder affects your porn use.

a yea sorry is cuz im narcissist and i diverted the thread to tell my tattoo curse story hehe

sumacs3 wrote:You asked about fear of family. Basically, they tend to want me to do things for them and I don't usually ask them to do things for me.
So I feel a bit like a slave.
With regard to a fear of other people, it is mainly again the fear that once I get closer to them, they will want me to do things for them, and I would ask little from them.

then be negative and evil

you should only do things that you like selfishly

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby isis666xxx » Mon May 20, 2024 2:14 pm

isis666xxx wrote:
sumacs3 wrote:Also the question was how a personality disorder affects your porn use.

a yea sorry is cuz im narcissist and i diverted the thread to tell my tattoo curse story hehe

sumacs3 wrote:You asked about fear of family. Basically, they tend to want me to do things for them and I don't usually ask them to do things for me.
So I feel a bit like a slave.
With regard to a fear of other people, it is mainly again the fear that once I get closer to them, they will want me to do things for them, and I would ask little from them.

then be negative and evil

you should only do things that you like selfishly

you can be a slave selfishly btw

from masochism

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby sumacs3 » Mon May 20, 2024 2:56 pm

Part of the challenge of human relationships for me is that I prefer Nature, which asks nothing from me, and I ask nothing from it.
So when you compare Nature with humans, one realizes that there is tremendous selfishness in human relationships.
Usually we only compare one human relationship with another human relationship, to determine the degree of selfishness.

As I said, I do like people, but not the seemingly endless demands. So I prefer casual conversations.
I suppose I could choose to be a masochistic slave, but it is not my thing.

Growing up, I thought most men loved Freedom, but I could not explain why many men were content to stick to their chosen cages.
It seems most people also have a very narrow perspective on Life. It is all about human relationships.
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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby Anselm_Weinberg » Fri May 24, 2024 11:59 am

isis666xxx wrote:a yea sorry is cuz im narcissist and i diverted the thread to tell my tattoo curse story hehe

Do you mean narcissistic in a kind of ironic snarky way or do you literally have "narcissistic personality disorder"? Genuinely curious.
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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby isis666xxx » Fri May 24, 2024 3:55 pm

Anselm_Weinberg wrote:
isis666xxx wrote:a yea sorry is cuz im narcissist and i diverted the thread to tell my tattoo curse story hehe

Do you mean narcissistic in a kind of ironic snarky way or do you literally have "narcissistic personality disorder"? Genuinely curious.

narcisism is considered a 'disorder'???


i dont know what kind of sophisticated theories they have
for me narcissism means 'pride' and 'arrogance'
(maybe im wrong and it doesnt mean that???)

so i mean i have pride and arrogance or something

pride and arrogance is high, i dont care what this stupid society says

society in the past scared the sheeple by telling them pride is a 'sin' uh???

now they scare the sheeple about pride too but in a more sophisticated way by telling is a 'disorder' or something like that????

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby sumacs3 » Fri May 24, 2024 4:14 pm

isis666xxx wrote:i dont care what this stupid society says
society in the past scared the sheeple by telling them pride is a 'sin' uh???
now they scare the sheeple about pride too but in a more sophisticated way by telling is a 'disorder' or something like that????

Narcissists think "It is my way or the highway." They see themselves as essentially perfect and everyone else is the problem.
Hence, "pride and arrogance is high, I don't care what this stupid society says."
So basically one is driven by a sense of specialness even if there is no specialness to the person.
On the other hand, if you really do have special skills, talents, etc., then you would not be thought of as a narcissist.
We often generalize everyone else as the stupid masses. But there are some bright people out there.
I recently talked outside a thrift store with a young guy about 20, who had just bought a bunch of VHS tapes of The Godfather series for $6.
He was excited and knew he could sell them for about $40 online, as they were still in great condition and the box in pristine condition.

The real problem is the herd instinct, and, as you say, the sheeple.

For me, our existence is a zillion times more remarkable than anything we may do while having it.
I laugh both those at the top and those at the bottom, who focus so much on social status as if the rest of the universe does not exist.
In the big picture, we are all pretty much nothing.
But it is still fun to chat about it. :)

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby isis666xxx » Mon Jun 03, 2024 6:09 pm

netzerkaiser wrote:its a sad story, & it arouses enormous sympathy. We all fuck up in life, but you've the balls to tell it straight....


thank you dear♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

i love u♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

kiss me♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

sumacs3 wrote:Narcissists think "It is my way or the highway." They see themselves as essentially perfect and everyone else is the problem.
Hence, "pride and arrogance is high, I don't care what this stupid society says."

so ur saying im narcissist disorder for saying society is the problem????

sumacs3 wrote:We often generalize everyone else as the stupid masses. But there are some bright people out there.

we are all fucking stupid in more or less degree

like stephen hawking said: 'the history of humanity is mostly the history of stupidity'

i personally have the theory humans are not the result of natural evolution

i think species in the universe evolve into balanced creatures that are perfectly adapted to the enviroment
not into creatures that destroy the enviroment, are afraid of female nipples, use shoes that twist their big toes, overpopulate, cause a lot of stress and suffering to other animals in their farm-slaugtherhouses, are designed to be naked like the rest of animal species but use stupid clothes and shoes and are afraid of nudity & nipples (humans are equatorial specie), are designed to have long hair but cut it instead (thus contradicting their own natural design), etc

humans are stupid & psychotic, i think we cant be the result of natural evolution
i think we were created by a high natural specie race and then left on our own

is impossible this abomination humans are the result of natural evolution, species dont evolve into creatures that are afraid of nipples & use shoes that twist their toes

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby sumacs3 » Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:28 pm

isis666xxx wrote:
netzerkaiser wrote:so ur saying im narcissist disorder for saying society is the problem????
sumacs3 wrote:We often generalize everyone else as the stupid masses. But there are some bright people out there.

we are all fucking stupid in more or less degree
like stephen hawking said: 'the history of humanity is mostly the history of stupidity'
i personally have the theory humans are not the result of natural evolution
i think species in the universe evolve into balanced creatures that are perfectly adapted to the enviroment
not into creatures that destroy the enviroment, are afraid of female nipples, use shoes that twist their big toes, overpopulate, cause a lot of stress and suffering to other animals in their farm-slaugtherhouses, are designed to be naked like the rest of animal species but use stupid clothes and shoes and are afraid of nudity & nipples (humans are equatorial specie), are designed to have long hair but cut it instead (thus contradicting their own natural design), etc
humans are stupid & psychotic, i think we cant be the result of natural evolution
i think we were created by a high natural specie race and then left on our own

is impossible this abomination humans are the result of natural evolution, species dont evolve into creatures that are afraid of nipples & use shoes that twist their toes

I am saying that being close-minded about the idea that society is the problem can be somewhat narcissistic as it could imply that it is all society's fault for the state of the world and that we cannot step up and be role models in an effort to change it. And yes, we are all essentially ignorant of most things, although some people can listen to reason and not always be followers of the sheeple.

With regard to stupidity, I have this idea that if we are the most intelligent species, why are we the only species that needs to go to school? :)

Your idea about us being a creation of a high (I guess you mean much higher) natural species race and then left on our own is interesting.
We could simply be an experiment and the Earth is the laboratory.
To me, from age 5, it seemed odd that people were more interested is social status rather than seeing if there was a secret to immortality.

It does seem that our priorities have stayed extremely childish and very limited. Thanks.

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby isis666xxx » Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:15 am

sumacs3 wrote:You asked about fear of family. Basically, they tend to want me to do things for them and I don't usually ask them to do things for me.
So I feel a bit like a slave.
With regard to a fear of other people, it is mainly again the fear that once I get closer to them, they will want me to do things for them, and I would ask little from them.

you seem to have a being-nice problem

you do things you dont like out of fear

you are afraid of saying no

just say no to them and thats it

also porn is not associated with personality disorders, porn is holy
porn is demonized by society a lot but society is stupid & afraid of reality, it always has been stupid if you study history

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby sumacs3 » Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:07 am

isis666xxx wrote:you seem to have a being-nice problem
you do things you dont like out of fear
you are afraid of saying no
just say no to them and thats it

also porn is not associated with personality disorders, porn is holy
porn is demonized by society a lot but society is stupid & afraid of reality, it always has been stupid if you study history

Thanks. Yes, you are right that I do not like to say No.
I was the proverbial 90-pound weakling as a boy and that sense of vulnerability stayed with me even after I grew up.
Even so, I was always the introverted one who wanted to wander through the woods and study other species.
I could not understand how people lived almost unthinkingly for dating, marriage, kids and social status.
There were so many other things to do and to study.

Yes. I love to collect certain pornstars' videos and even have created collections.
I think of a favorite scene as an old friend. When I see the face of a favorite model, I feel joy.
I agree that society is afraid of reality. Reality to them is conventional relationships and everything else is an escape and meaningless.
You get told you live in a fantasy world. But fantasy is part of the big picture, a part of "Reality."
But what if that is what you wanted? What if you love to read works of fiction by a science-fiction writer?
I am not a gamer but look how many fantasy worlds gamers experience.

And the average person does not make discoveries or even tries to. There seems to be no interest in independent research or original thinking.
Not even so much as to come up with a new joke.
Let's watch TV instead.

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby dap-addict » Thu Jun 06, 2024 11:36 am

sumacs3 wrote:Yes. I love to collect certain pornstars' videos and even have created collections.
I think of a favorite scene as an old friend. When I see the face of a favorite model, I feel joy.

Itsnt the big plus that it's all out there for us to buy without any interaction needed?
But how does it work with custom videos if you dont want to say no never?

Me in the past I had lots of interaction with pornstars and some was really painful. Porn works only if it's detached from society, if I am just a consumer demanding my needs met without direct human contact. In that case I get soulless in a way, no real emotions involved, only my egoistic demands.
ex-Eurobabeforum DAPlist responsible - PM contact:
TWO DAP SCENES PER DAY! - More true fast balls deep DAP! More 0% pussy! - Dress them to fuck and pop their eyes - Heels on! No condoms!!! - Lets lets get a GONZO non-vanilla successor!!!

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby BlueShadow » Thu Jun 06, 2024 2:01 pm

isis666xxx wrote:
Anselm_Weinberg wrote:
isis666xxx wrote:a yea sorry is cuz im narcissist and i diverted the thread to tell my tattoo curse story hehe

Do you mean narcissistic in a kind of ironic snarky way or do you literally have "narcissistic personality disorder"? Genuinely curious.

narcisism is considered a 'disorder'???


i dont know what kind of sophisticated theories they have
for me narcissism means 'pride' and 'arrogance'
(maybe im wrong and it doesnt mean that???)

so i mean i have pride and arrogance or something

pride and arrogance is high, i dont care what this stupid society says

society in the past scared the sheeple by telling them pride is a 'sin' uh???

now they scare the sheeple about pride too but in a more sophisticated way by telling is a 'disorder' or something like that????

It's not only a question of "pride" . When someone think they are always right, they never question themself (example: "i dont care what this stupid society says"... you don't care of what others say... you confirm what I say) you think everyone has to praise you, and you are in constate search of attention and praise then yes, it can be a "disorder". And it can literally become a “pathology.” And, not to be underestimated (which you do), it also often afflicts those around them and who are in contact with a pathological narcissist, because they are often manipulative and show lack of empathy because they have consideration only for themselves.
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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby BlueShadow » Thu Jun 06, 2024 2:15 pm

sumacs3 wrote:
isis666xxx wrote:i dont care what this stupid society says
society in the past scared the sheeple by telling them pride is a 'sin' uh???
now they scare the sheeple about pride too but in a more sophisticated way by telling is a 'disorder' or something like that????

For me, our existence is a zillion times more remarkable than anything we may do while having it.
I laugh both those at the top and those at the bottom, who focus so much on social status as if the rest of the universe does not exist.
In the big picture, we are all pretty much nothing.
But it is still fun to chat about it. :)

isis666xxx wrote:
netzerkaiser wrote:its a sad story, & it arouses enormous sympathy. We all fuck up in life, but you've the balls to tell it straight....


i think species in the universe evolve into balanced creatures that are perfectly adapted to the enviroment
not into creatures that destroy the enviroment, are afraid of female nipples, use shoes that twist their big toes, overpopulate, cause a lot of stress and suffering to other animals in their farm-slaugtherhouses, are designed to be naked like the rest of animal species but use stupid clothes and shoes and are afraid of nudity & nipples (humans are equatorial specie), are designed to have long hair but cut it instead (thus contradicting their own natural design), etc

humans are stupid & psychotic, i think we cant be the result of natural evolution
i think we were created by a high natural specie race and then left on our own

is impossible this abomination humans are the result of natural evolution, species dont evolve into creatures that are afraid of nipples & use shoes that twist their toes

Open your eyes, open your mind
don't pretend to be blind

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby sumacs3 » Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:20 pm

dap-addict wrote:
sumacs3 wrote:Yes. I love to collect certain pornstars' videos and even have created collections.
I think of a favorite scene as an old friend. When I see the face of a favorite model, I feel joy.

Itsnt the big plus that it's all out there for us to buy without any interaction needed?
But how does it work with custom videos if you dont want to say no never?

Me in the past I had lots of interaction with pornstars and some was really painful. Porn works only if it's detached from society, if I am just a consumer demanding my needs met without direct human contact. In that case I get soulless in a way, no real emotions involved, only my egoistic demands.

Yes, it is a big plus that one can skip the interaction, especially if you are someone who has prioritized other things.
It seems most men are driven by sex and social status, whereas I was more interested in Nature and doing research.
i was never a bro culture type of guy. It seemed immature and uninteresting.

I don't understand what you mean by the sentence
"But how does it work with custom videos if you dont want to say no never?"
Could you make that question clearer?

I think it would be exciting and also nerve-wracking to pursue a pornstar.
In some ways I am glad they are usually in a country other than my own.
And of course they are simply human beings. I think I prefer the fantasy.
Yes, it can be soulless to focus on porn away from society. Simply an appetite satisfied.

I get my sense of meaning from looking at the big picture.

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby isis666xxx » Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:21 pm

BlueShadow wrote:It's not only a question of "pride" . When someone think they are always right, they never question themself (example: "i dont care what this stupid society says"... you don't care of what others say... you confirm what I say)

when did i said im always right?
if society says pride is a mental disorder, then i dont care what this stupid society says about it

also do you think society is always right and can never be questioned???

you get triggered when i contradict society???

you think doctors and psychologists are always right and cant be questioned???

i dont know what sophisticated theories people have, but for me pride is consider yourself high, anyone who says consider yourself high is a 'disorder' and a mental problem, has mental problems themselves
for example muhammad ali was extremely arrogant and proud & narcissist, always saying he was the greatest and pretty etc, so he had 'disorders' and 'mental problems' for being like that???

pffff bs

if you wanna believe all the theories psychologists say is your problem

pride is holy & high

look at this quotes of muhammad ali, so he had 'mental disorders' uh????
pride 2.jpg
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pride 1.jpg

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby misangrenegra2 » Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:24 pm

Well, personality disorders are not mainly connected or related with porn.

Some personality disorders create obsessions and big fixations with some random things, and of course one of those things can be porn.

In this forum some users talked openly about have some personality disorders, i will not mention them directly, but there are cases of course that found a refuge in pornography.

And not just people with mental issues, also loneless people, people withour parnter in their middle-age, some people with stress and problems with relatives/friends find too refuge in porn.

Personally i consume and watch pornography because i love it and satisfy needs and desires and, of course, to skip too some shit and problems of my life, so is a kind of refuge for me too as a place of calm and pleasure or nobody disturb me.
- 0% PUSSY
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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby sumacs3 » Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:33 pm

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Good one, Blue! Thanks.
I also Pay taxes so that I don't Live in a Cell Block. :)

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby isis666xxx » Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:39 pm

BlueShadow wrote:It's not only a question of "pride" . When someone think they are always right, they never question themself (example: "i dont care what this stupid society says"... you don't care of what others say... you confirm what I say)

also doctors & psychologists do a lot of stupid things

for example they are the ones that have created all this gender stuff & transgenderism, giving people surgeries & artificial hormones

without doctors & psychologists transgenders wouldnt exist and they would be just natural crossdressers, drag queens are quite hot, and conchita wurst too

but you think doctors & psychologists are always right and cant be questioned uh??? if they say a certain thing is a disorder you have to accept it uh???

castrating people is whats really a 'disorder'

also everyone knows society was stupid in the past, you dont need stephen hawking or einstein saying humanity has always been stupid, to know humans in the past have always been stupid
you think the past dont count? society was stupid in the past but today is magically not stupid anymore?

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby sumacs3 » Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:59 pm

misangrenegra2 wrote:Well, personality disorders are not mainly connected or related with porn.
Some personality disorders create obsessions and big fixations with some random things, and of course one of those things can be porn.
In this forum some users talked openly about have some personality disorders, i will not mention them directly, but there are cases of course that found a refuge in pornography.
And not just people with mental issues, also loneless people, people withour parnter in their middle-age, some people with stress and problems with relatives/friends find too refuge in porn.

Personally i consume and watch pornography because i love it and satisfy needs and desires and, of course, to skip too some shit and problems of my life, so is a kind of refuge for me too as a place of calm and pleasure or nobody disturb me.

Yes, as one who is a schizoid (although I like being that way and it does not have to mean you are unemotional or have few pleasures, but rather prefer solitude and don't care much for relationships), I find lots of porn to be interesting and fun, even heavenly, as you can see new models and watch a story unfold visually. I do not have a partner and sometimes wish for one, but mostly I prefer to be alone. Once you are in a relationship, preferring to be alone is not a good thing. I would say I wish I had someone with me 15% of the time, and to be alone 85% of the time. And yes, porn time can be a place of calm and pleasure. I find a similar thing when I am out in Nature or when I research a particular subject. The schizoid person is not always considered to have a schizoid personality disorder if they like their schizoid way of life. They are not anxious about it. I only become anxious about it when they say something is wrong with you and you need to be in a relationship. I just have had so many unconventional interests since age 5, not because I was supposedly rejected by society and trying to cope by using porn! I have been a birdwatcher, independent researcher in chemistry, beta-tester to improve free versions of e-document formats such as DjVu, the little-known format that is more efficient than PDF. These various interests are not shared by the typical person I have encountered. Yet they help provide "meaning." Thanks.

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby sumacs3 » Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:30 pm

isis666xxx wrote:
BlueShadow wrote:It's not only a question of "pride" . When someone think they are always right, they never question themself (example: "i dont care what this stupid society says"... you don't care of what others say... you confirm what I say)

also doctors & psychologists do a lot of stupid things
for example they are the ones that have created all this gender stuff & transgenderism, giving people surgeries & artificial hormones
without doctors & psychologists transgenders wouldnt exist and they would be just natural crossdressers, drag queens are quite hot, and conchita wurst too
but you think doctors & psychologists are always right and cant be questioned uh??? if they say a certain thing is a disorder you have to accept it uh???
castrating people is whats really a 'disorder'
also everyone knows society was stupid in the past, you dont need stephen hawking or einstein saying humanity has always been stupid, to know humans in the past have always been stupid
you think the past dont count? society was stupid in the past but today is magically not stupid anymore?

Nancy McWilliams has a deeper understanding of many so-called "disorders."
She often prefers to think in terms of a particular character or lifestyle or disposition or set of habits, rather than a disorder.

"A related characteristic of schizoid individuals (one that may be misunderstood either negatively as perversity, or positively as strength of character) is an indifference to, or outright avoidance of, personal attention and admiration. Although they may want their creative work to have an impact, most schizoid people I know would rather be ignored than celebrated. Their need for space far outweighs their interest in narcissistic supplies of the usual sort."

I have sometimes given concerts with a piano or keyboard.
But I would rather be behind the spectators than in front of them!
I surely need some pills, but maybe not in the eyes of Nancy.

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby isis666xxx » Fri Jun 07, 2024 4:34 am

consider yourself high & pride is not a disorder

theres a type of pride that is evil though, degrading others

but thats not really pride, some proud people degrade others but i dont think thats pride

thats humbleness

trying to humble others


consider yourself high and praise & highen & rise others (pride into others) = high, holy, supreme

consider yourself not so high, lower yourself, HUMBLENESS & lower others & humble others = evil, pathetic, sad

the masses have always demonized pride while praising humbleness
same as demonizing nudity and other stupid stuff

i think that thing they call the 'law of attraction' is real also, and consider yourself high & feeling important & high makes you attract high things
while humbleness doesnt attract nothing great
nothing great comes out of lowering yourself and be humble and lower others
only bad stuff comes from that

btw i degrade society, but im degrading humanity as a whole, so is ok, also im not even degrading it, humans are really stupid in general and always have been stupid
also im degrading the degrader, society demonizes pride so i demonize society, like stealing from a thief

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby isis666xxx » Fri Jun 07, 2024 5:07 am

i was seeing how a lot of people call putin a 'narcissist' for his images barechested


omg the sheeple are so sad seriously

'hes barechested so hes NaRciSsist'
'HeS TrYiNg To CoMpEnSaTe'
'narcissism is a sense of grandiosity, is a DiSoRdEr' beeee beeee beeee

article 1.png
article 2.png

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby isis666xxx » Mon Oct 21, 2024 4:12 pm

sumacs3 wrote:Narcissists think "It is my way or the highway." They see themselves as essentially perfect and everyone else is the problem.
Hence, "pride and arrogance is high, I don't care what this stupid society says."

hence why you assume i see myself as perfect?
nice white collar insult

BlueShadow wrote:It's not only a question of "pride" . When someone think they are always right, they never question themself (example: "i dont care what this stupid society says"... you don't care of what others say... you confirm what I say)

this 2 guys saying i think im perfect, i think im always right and narcissitic


im just contradicting doctors in some ways, you mad?

for example do you know your beloved doctors considered homosexuality a 'mental disorder' a few decades ago?

Homosexuality was classified as a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

in December 1973, the APA board of trustees voted to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder.

ive seen doctors using narcicism in wild ways

for example once a saw a doctor in tv, and the doctor analized a person with tons of body modifications on the body and face, and the doctor started to say the person with body modifications may like attention and have narcissist mental disorders

so according to a lot of doctors if you have tons of body modifications you may have narcissism mental disorders

or the article of putin above
according to a lot of doctors if you go shirtless in a proud macho way on a horse, it suggest you may have narcissist mental disorder and mental problems

if you wanna believe all the negative theories doctors say is your problem

doctors have a lot of theories, what they say is not as solid as some types of science

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby isis666xxx » Mon Oct 21, 2024 4:24 pm

isis666xxx wrote:doctors have a lot of theories, what they say is not as solid as some types of science

for example quantum physics is a solid thing

and decades after quantum physics was discovered doctors were so extremely stupid and crazy that they believed homosexuality was a 'mental disorder'

btw speaking of homosexuality and narcissism
heres a dialog from the character gay tony saying he loves narcissism
gay tony.gif
gay tony.gif (2.22 MiB) Viewed 3348 times

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby sumacs3 » Mon Oct 21, 2024 7:21 pm

For sure there is the question of scientific theory vs the idea of a theoretical discussion of things.
Definitely Psychology is supposedly a science but when the manuals keep changing definitions or saying homosexuality is no longer a disorder. . . Hmm.
If you look at the idea of Addiction, its definition has changed many times.
I don't think there is a clear definition of it that all people agree upon.
Even a so-called Addictive Substance may be only addictive at higher doses.
Lots of ambiguity.

And yes just because someone tries to look good in a more convincing way that we ourselves might does not make them a narcissist.

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby isis666xxx » Sat Oct 26, 2024 5:18 pm

@sumacs3 do you think im gonna even read your messages????

you say i think im perfect and that i have mental disorders and you think im gonna read your messages????


say i have mental problems and disorders, that i think im always perfect and right and all the negative things you want against me

the more negative things you say about me the more fun dear ♥♥♥♥

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby isis666xxx » Sat Oct 26, 2024 5:22 pm

considering yourself great and high, liking attention, etc is not associated with mental disorders

you wanna believe all the stupid negative theories doctors say is your problem

it seems in society if you dont behave like a humble castrated sheep you are either a sinner or you have sophisticated disorders

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby sumacs3 » Sat Oct 26, 2024 5:44 pm

isis666xxx wrote:considering yourself great and high, liking attention, etc is not associated with mental disorders

you wanna believe all the stupid negative theories doctors say is your problem

it seems in society if you dont behave like a humble castrated sheep you are either a sinner or you have sophisticated disorders

You are not the only one on this forum, isis, so I will speak to others, too, here.

Yes, unless one follows the herd, one is often considered problematic and gets treated poorly and labeled.

A book on Abnormal Psychology usual only deals with those with deficits, and not those with exceptional assets.

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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby Anselm_Weinberg » Sun Oct 27, 2024 4:16 pm

Neither psychology nor psychoanalysis are sciences but it may be fair to say that some may employ a scientific approach in formulating their theories. But it goes without saying that mainstream ego psychology that gets all the funding, academic departments and what have you tends to focus on treating patients in such a way that they may "properly" function within the current social order and its reproduction rather than actually getting at the core of neuroses and helping to understand the root causes and often this approach remains at rh3 surface level of treating symptoms.

I am not cynical and saying that these psychologists consciously do this, but structurally this tends to be the way things work. Now the fact that trying to function within society or critique thereof obviously don't factor into this practice and there's a trend to more and more medicalise deviations from the "norm" that one could argue is just as historical and in parts or altogether unnecessary for human society to function.

So, yes, if one has mental problems seeking an analyst, psychologist or whatever may at points become acutely necessary, but one shouldn't swallow up all of the ideology that tends to get espoused in these circles as much as anywhere else in society. I've found an interesting quote and summary of the stance of Lacan on the scientific status of psychoanalysis in particular.

"Psychoanalysis is not a science. It has no scientific status - it merely waits and hopes for it. Psychoanalysis is a delusion - a delusion which is expected to produce a science. It is a scientific delusion, but this doesn't mean that analytic practice will ever produce a science"
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Re: Personality Disorders and Porn Use

Postby xxxVIPERxxx » Thu Oct 31, 2024 5:57 pm

I think those who are socially awkward are more likely to watch porn.
And any man who tells you they have never seen any porn, or lads' magazines in their life...are telling you porkies.

I have many sons, stepsons, and I can tell you every single one of them frequently watch should see the number of bedsheets that I have cleaned over my life :)

Nothing wrong with porn use, and for some they may well have some form of personality disorders.

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