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Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 2:30 pm
by sumacs3
Panorama wrote:
sumacs3 wrote:Looks like I must be the rascal. My downfall clearly started when I came here to praise PW's two scenes with Wendy Muller, . . .

The problem sumacs is not the fact that you wish to praise Woodman, it's the fact that you provide such little evidence for why we should praise him. Your one and only reason for deeply admiring him is his scene with Wendy Muller, which has been described by many as a "masterpiece". The only problem with that view is that you are only looking at it from a totally selfish, obsessed point of view.

. . . If you are a porn producer in a business, you are in a position of trust, especially when it comes to something as serious as sex. If you ask a model who is only at your casting to do fashion modelling if she would like to do hardcore sex and she says NO, Morally, it should be left at that. Anything that takes place AFTER that model says NO can be considered abuse or manipulation. You/we have absolutely no idea how Woodman got Wendy to say yes, you only judge your "master" on the results.

. . . how someone enjoys something.
A survey . . . found that 22% (. . . 22% who were brave enough to admit it . . .) of violent rape victims (caused by strangers) had orgasms. The women said that in some cases the orgasms they had were the most intense they had ever had. The psychological trauma was that they believed that their own bodies had let them down. They orgasmed because of the body's natural reaction to stimulation not pleasure, do you think for one second that they would actually enjoy that experience?

As for the other 47 films. How do you know he didn't blackmail her into doing them? You don't know, all you know is that she initially said NO. . . . Yes, all those suggestions are very unlikely I hear you say, but when you put the many pieces of what Pierre Woodman says, what he shows on camera, and how he treats people you begin to see things that are not quite right. That is of course only true if you haven't been blinded by one single scene that you have become obsessed with.

So, yes, in answer to your remark that "such praise is not welcome here" until you or anyone else can prove otherwise it isn't.

Thanks, Panorama. I think the chief problem for me is that I cannot believe PW would be that mean of a character at all times, and most others here think he can't be that beneficial a person to anyone at any time. I do agree that despite my enjoyment of the Wendy scenes (and some others, but to a lesser degree), I always felt something was "off" about the whole Castings setup across the years. But there was too much ambiguity for me to get a handle on it. So I did not feel guilty or ashamed for watching and at one time joining the site to get the Wendy scenes. I also agree that in PW's eyes, he can do no wrong and shall always be Superman.

I don't get the idea of how PW would blackmail her into doing the other 47 scenes, which were with other studios. If you can believe PW (and he does tell the truth about many things, just not enough of them!), she was going to become a big name in the U.S., but then decided otherwise and settled down. And he even somewhat cordially lol asked some of his fans to stop asking about her and let her get on with her life. The model Mia Mayblack worked with Wendy in several scenes for other studios. I joined her OF to ask details about what she thought of Wendy, particularly their scenes at straponcum, and she said she did not know much except that each model was paid a mere $30 per scene! Even though all models agreed to the price, they later realized how low that was compared to big US studios. She said the 18onlygirls scenes were as low as $10 each.

With regard to the statement about victims of rape by strangers, "They orgasmed because of the body's natural reaction to stimulation not pleasure." Thank you for that information. That adds, for me at least, a whole new dimension to the mystery. Wendy seemed to be a woman unusually sensitive to stimulation in many of her scenes, which you could see in some subtle bodily reactions. so I don't think that her sensitivity was faked. That sensitivity again worked to PW's advantage.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:15 am
by BlueShadow
PW learns that having sex with an underage girl can be a problem, and can be considered "manipulation" and gets hurt his feelings... LOL

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 4:04 am
by BlueShadow

A 20-year-old girl trying to explain to a 60-year-old man with a medieval, homophobic mentality what it means to be gender binary, gender queer--his brain here: PEW. :D
I feel sorry for the girl, in the end she just humors him and lets it go LOL He was boiling inside about what the girl was saying... trying to reason with a girl of our times and open minded with his backward mentality (the same one who says that putting posters with two men kissing incites to BECOME homosexuals) :D :D

And who knows what he was thinking when she kept saying they/them :rolleyes:
Have you ever been with a gay guy or STUFF like that... :D :D
But if he were gay I don't think I could attract him.

Well 20 years old girl 10 Omophobic PW 0.

What is your type of man?
An intelligent man.

Well, for sure not PW.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 7:47 pm
by BlueShadow
Yes, that's why she, perhaps, don't want to go back to him...certainly not because of all the ''nice'' things he wrote about her on his forum LOL
(First he offends her, even says she's not even great in he's OK if she goes back to him :D :D )

Oh, so in the end she's not that stupid. :rolleyes:

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 6:36 pm
by Panorama
. . . . . . . . It's probably because she did something wrong, Pierre.

People aren't only refused entry into a country because they look like terrorists. Caprice has obviously done something wrong or she wouldn't have been turned away.
Maybe she didn't fill in the appropriate documents correctly, or maybe she worked illegally over there at some point and now they caught up with her? Who knows. You know all about getting into trouble in other people's countries, don't you???

But they didn't send her away for nothing that's for sure. At least she was only rejected, I'd love to see what the CBP/Homeland Security would do if you rocked up to security at LAX.

Anyway, stop trying to make out you're bezzies with Caprice.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 8:04 pm
by BlueShadow
A 60-year-old pig who has been asking for a nude photo of a girl at her workplace for three years.

Here he continues to say that he bother her despite her repeated no.
this is what he propagandizes on his forum.

PW thinks he is still living in the 90s, with harassing and stalking is not to be taken lightly...

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 8:06 pm
by BlueShadow

Oh, Baloufan, you can say that. :D

But in the meantime you still pay...

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 1:46 pm
by Panorama
BlueShadow wrote:A 60-year-old pig who has been asking for a nude photo of a girl at her workplace for three years.

This is why Woodman resides in a backwards little country like Hungary. A place where his 19th-century views towards women are accepted and can flourish because they haven't managed to drag themselves out of that particular century yet.
If he had asked a waitress here in the U.K. once to pose for nude pictures on his little website, he would have been thrown out of the bar/restaurant and banned.
If you want someone to work for you, you can ask them as many times as you like, to point. But if you ask someone to pose nude for you (particularly a random woman) and she says no, if you continue to pester her (because that's what he's doing) that is harassment. It's not only harassment, it is sexual harassment. Waitresses have to keep the customer happy so I bet this poor lass has to smile and be his friend because he tips well and keeps the money coming in.
I bet she'd just love to kick old the pervert in the balls.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:41 pm
by Panorama
Woodman's gone into full nut mode again and raided his little troll farm to put a point across that absolutely nobody other than himself is bothered about.

Apparently, nobody has been interested in this model since March so you decide to just "out of the blue" start slagging her off simply because she doesn't want to see you.

It must be really eating you up inside, Pierre, not being able to get your grubby little hands on this beauty!

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 11:05 pm
by Panorama
. . . . Like I said Pierre, she probably tried to enter the U.S. on a "tourist" visa when it is a well-known fact that models from Europe go to the U.S.A. to WORK. You can't do that. It's against the law, so that's why you get kicked out of the country.

And how do you know it was a HE that would have "emptied his balls on her" you never know, it might have been a SHE. Didn't she tell you that in your supposed "long discussion?"

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 5:21 am
by dap-addict
Very recently 4 days no post at all in this thread!
Must have become very quiet about Bp lier APE!
Is he hiding or what? Or is there nothing to talk about because he became a decent person and /or even a real porn producer again like in his early Private years all over a sudden? :confused:

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 7:29 am
by isis666xxx
i wonder how pierre woodman ass taste like

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 7:59 am
by isis666xxx
look at this video in youtube

'Pierre Woodman: Most Feared & Hated Man In Porn'


Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 7:16 pm
by Panorama
Like I said Pierre, you don't get refused into the the U.S. simply because you appear naked or have sex in front of the "Hollywood" sign. That is of course unless you enter the U.S. with a tourist visa film yourself engaging in sexual activity there and then try to sell it on the internet. As you well know Pierre, if you're going to WORK in America you need a WORK visa, if you don't you risk being kicked out and banned for at least 5 years.
I don't think so.jpg

While we're on the subject of Pierre's fairytales. How about showing us the "Carla Cox" initiation Pierre?? You promised this 12 years ago and it's mysteriously escaped your attention. Why don't you call your good friend Suzana who you know really well and get her to sign her release for the casting?? . . . . That's if it actually exists of course.
more lies.jpg

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 7:36 am
by isis666xxx
pierre woodman should try to look more gangsta

more mafia-like or something

like this character in the game cyberpunk, his name is woodman, maybe they based the character on pierre woodman lol

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:33 pm
by Panorama
doraemon_washington wrote:pierre woodman should try to look more gangsta

more mafia-like or something

That's the thing doraemon, proper gangsters don't "look" like gangsters. Because of where I grew up I know some proper shady characters, but to speak to and interact with you would never guess they were "gangsters". The vast majority are under the radar quiet, have legit businesses just like Woodman, pay taxes, the lot. That's why I know Woodman's paedophile mate Dennis Burkas is just a slippy, big-mouthed little nonce who is only good at terrorizing teenage girls and not the big gangsta he would have people think he is.
Woodman on the other hand probably knows gangsters rather than being one himself. He probably has contacts in the Hungarian government (and that's just my more likely guess) because as we all know, most of them a corrupt to the core anyway.

In other news...........

Came across a recent picture of Sledyen this morning and thought I'd post it just to remind Pierre of what he helps to create.
Although his lesbian turning straight story was obviously yet another lie, it cannot be denied that the Sledyen that turned up to Woodman's casting was a far more natural young woman than what now stands before us taking selfies of her ridiculously huge breasts.

******Have a really good look Woodman, you helped to create this.******

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 7:54 pm
by BlueShadow
Shut up, idiot! :D Always the same propaganda. Prague. His obsession.
2023-11-04 185323.jpg

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 8:07 pm
by BlueShadow
2 weeks I don't talk about him, I go to his propaganda forum and he's still there talking about Prague. :D :D :D He really can't.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 1:32 am
by Panorama
So this evening's story is all about Pierre trying to distance himself from his own terrible judgement and greed.

Firstly, when asked if he is going to have any future dealings with his paedophile friend Dennis Nonce Burkas Pierre all of a sudden doesn't know what his member is talking about! The friend that he was going to stand staunchly by suddenly becomes someone to whom he has never given any money!!

Pierre, nobody is bothered about the MONEY. Sometimes things like honesty, transparency, and generally doing "the right thing" are more important than any money you can give. You have closely associated yourself with a multi-convicted paedophile, you've dipped your hands in "Black Magic's" indelible black ink and you can't wash it off. You know Buraks is going to jail, and you want to disassociate yourself from the fallout. You better make sure that you are just as "clean" as you say you are because they will look into EVERYTHING and EVERYONE that has had dealings with him.
Oh no Pierre there is no escape.jpg

Also, it looks like Pierre saw my post this afternoon about his creation. Again, you can't disassociate yourself from what Sladyen has done. Yes she is a woman of her own means but would she have done what she did if she hadn't met you and all the others who used her for their own greed?

Like it or not Woodman, you played a MAJOR roll in creating what you now revile.
Your handy work Woodman.jpg

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 8:30 am
by isis666xxx
Panorama wrote:
doraemon_washington wrote:pierre woodman should try to look more gangsta

more mafia-like or something

That's the thing doraemon, proper gangsters don't "look" like gangsters

u have to look gangsta & badass too to be badass

the looks are very important

that sleyden turned into a bimbo hahah

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 1:22 pm
by ValenciaCF
Legalporno was bad reference for him but then he goes and bring girls already having done this and coming from where??? :D :D :D

He is a total and utter clown. Every 1 of his tweets shows his jealousy towards competitors. Its all he talks about, how much its on his mind lol

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 1:28 pm
by ValenciaCF
I think he forgot that Miss Chloe and Helen have already taken the train before for analvids lolololol
The only clown in industry who talk nonsense about competitors. Massive ego problem

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:35 pm
by BlueShadow
ValenciaCF wrote:I think he forgot that Miss Chloe and Helen have already taken the train before for analvids lolololol
The only clown in industry who talk nonsense about competitors. Massive ego problem

This is the point my friend, the only one who has the need to talk bad about competitors, other models etc. PUBLICLY on his forum.
If he just mind his own business without throwing shit at others maybe he would have some friends.

First he was talking about me, then it was someone else, then the problem was Lucas, etc. it can be anyone.

I haven't been in this thread for weeks now.... but I see that he keeps propagandizing against, here it is clear who is the real obsessed.

Here he only gets what he deserves here. Same coin.
There is par-condicio.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:21 pm
by BlueShadow
And now there is the first: tied-up anal sex :D :D :D Great exclusive!! :D :D :D
At least he make me laugh with his obsession to be the first.

also their narrative makes me laugh

Usually happens the other way around?
Here are "some" of the models he booked after they appeared on AV:
Nadja Lapiedra, Lana Bunny, Taylee Wood, Jessy jey, Venera Maxima, Yenifer Chacon, Siya Jey, Lana Bunny, Barbie Esm, Bella Angel, Scarlet Rebel, Tina Fire, Lia Ponce, Lucky Bee, Baby Kxtten, Monika Fox, Nina Volt, Tori Dakota, Anna Khara, Mary Jane, Jasmine Waterfall, Macarena Lewis, Alba Lala, Silvia Soprano, Sarah Simon, Melina Mai, Christal Sinn, Candy Scott, Sydney Love, Alejandra Rico, Crystal Cherry, Lisi Kitty, Monika Wild, Katty West, Lia Lin, Alice Drake, Cristal Richi, Miriam More, Mona Snake, Anita Blanche, Eden Ivy, Jade Amor, Kitty Li, Safira Yakkuza, Marsianna Amoon, Selva Lapiedra, Jada Sparks, Cristina Starr. ..

And the list is to be continued...

Oh, I was sure about that... :D always the same little story repeated over and over and over and over and over...
Oh I'm also sure she told him many things against the competitors, his only goal and focus. :D Since he can't have nothing exclusive for real.

But remember, this year he decided to be more focus on exclusives girls. LOL

But I can understand that, after all, if he didn't book girls that already appeared on AV he would only have 3-4 new girls a year on his site. And all Spanish or belgian.

A kind reminder about who lies to their clients (here, again, always he is the first one who publicly speaks bad of competitors, as always accuses others of thing HE does)
He should shut up and mind his own business, since he comes across as not credible -- but go on.


Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:19 pm
by isis666xxx
pierre woodman fucked twins i think

omg he fucked twins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

guaguancogomez wrote:tw

im not sure if he fucked them himself or one of his minions beta men fucked the twins instead though

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:25 pm
by isis666xxx
wow so cool & gangsta

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:48 pm
by isis666xxx
sleydelyen and her mom appeared on pornbox too

probably a cooler scene than that scene pierre did with that weird blue backround hahahahahahahahah


that blue backround was stupid hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:15 pm
by Panorama
I've got some advice, Pierre.

People like variety. When you try to push a certain type of model on them, let's say Spanish/Hispanic, you're only going to appeal to a "certain" type of member.
Your members like young European virgins that are going to be given "the Woodman treatment". So pushing models on them that are all the same isn't going to work, is it? No wonder memberships are down!

How many Spanish.jpg

. . . . . . And when I say young virgins I mean REAL Virgins, not "Almost virgin!" What the hell is one of those? Is that like being almost pregnant? Come on.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:41 pm
by BlueShadow
Panorama wrote:. . . . . . And when I say young virgins I mean REAL Virgins, not "Almost virgin!" What the hell is one of those? Is that like being almost pregnant? Come on.

Like is cock, almost erect.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 10:34 pm
by Panorama
BlueShadow wrote:Like is cock, almost erect.

Well, technically a cock can be soft, erect or even almost erect. (I know where you were going with it by the way :) ) But "almost virgin"???? Does he think we all came down in the last shower??

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 10:59 pm
by BlueShadow
Panorama wrote:I've got some advice, Pierre.

People like variety. When you try to push a certain type of model on them, let's say Spanish/Hispanic, you're only going to appeal to a "certain" type of member.
Your members like young European virgins that are going to be given "the Woodman treatment". So pushing models on them that are all the same isn't going to work, is it? No wonder memberships are down!

Only on the home page (considering only 2023, obviously not including scene from past years updated 7 years after :D )
among Spanish, Colombian, and Venezuelan seems more Latina casting X (including at least 3 directly from AV, to which must be added two more (Little Chloe and Helen Star, direct import from Natasha Teen studios, I don't see all these exclusive girls, his focus this year he said...)

And the usual Belgian from we know who...

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 8:47 pm
by isis666xxx
sleyden & her mom rulez

more scenes with them both plz

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 10:34 am
by isis666xxx
pierre woodman would really like this image

doraemon_washington wrote:look at this image, so hot omgggg

internet porn is holy & sacred

'mr sir what do you do for a living?
i fuck thousands of hot girls, piss on them, make them lick my asshole & im rich & famous


(ive heard pierre's networth is 10.000.000)

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 11:53 am
by Beauty_Loverz
Hi pierce! Please bring Kinsley Anne to pornbox. She retired in 2021 but she is now back. Her T is Kinsley_anne_3x. She's perfect for the hardest slapping in the ass with hand not with instrument. Record the slapping sound loudly. Thanks

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:44 pm
by Panorama
I've been hearing that Woodman's site has taken a huge hit in memberships this last quarter thanks primarily to his association and defence of his paedophile mate Dennis Burkas. Can anyone confirm this?

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 12:06 am
by BlueShadow
Panorama wrote:I've been hearing that Woodman's site has taken a huge hit in memberships this last quarter thanks primarily to his association and defence of his paedophile mate Dennis Burkas. Can anyone confirm this?

Don't know membership but the traffic for sure: -32%

and not surprisingly most of them are from Spain.... since there are only latinas and girls from "Lapiedra" LOL
This means something.

forum -21%

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 1:42 am
by Panorama
Thank's Blue. Looks like being caught lying about his scenes and his steadfast friendship with the nonce Burkas really is doing for his popularity. I would imagine now that he has gone over to using Latin models that the figure will continue downwards. Happy days!

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 4:36 pm
by isis666xxx
he has 10 million as networth

according to some websites

if he really has that much money hes just working for fun, or for greed or both

trump became president not for the money

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 8:33 pm
by Panorama
doraemon_washington wrote:he has 10 million as networth

according to some websites

if he really has that much money hes just working for fun, or for greed or both

trump became president not for the money

. . . . And that's the thing doraemon. It's not about the money, it's about being "The Man". Woodman CRAVES publicity and exposure, he would give away all his wealth and probably his family if someone told him that he would be popular again. He says he's not bothered about going to conventions AVN, Venus etc, but the fact that he isn't there shining for the camera must be absolutely killing him. You only have to see how busy it was with almost everyone and everything represented, but no Woodman.

As the member below states, he must have thousands of hours of footage featuring European models that he has acquired over the years, most of which would put him right back up there if he published them, but he can't. His dishonesty over the years is finally catching him up. He has hours and hours of BTS and castings that would be worth thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars, but the only person who will EVER see them is himself. He's stuck in Budapest unable to work anywhere else showing the same boring scenes, over and over again. Even his loyal followers will wake up at some point and realise that their membership isn't worth the lies and bullshit that Woodman comes out with and then they too will slip away. And the best thing about it is that we get to watch it unfold.
The Truth.jpg

This member states how weak 2023 has been and he's not wrong. Despite Pierre's promises of a great 2023, girls like Buntarka, and Skaya (just to name a few) disappeared quicker than a fart in a hurricane. Of course, we can't forget the video where Pierre was going to show how magnificent he was by slapping down Eva Berger but instead showed himself using fake urine and throwing into doubt his entire "casting" set-up!
Now we get to November and he's really desperate, only featuring Hispanic models and models who have worked elsewhere the writing is on the wall. . . . And it's only going to get worse in 2024.
Writing is on the wall.jpg

So yes doraemon Woodman IS very wealthy, but is he happy, hell no.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 10:10 pm
by BlueShadow
He could very well stop producing and publish only the scenes he has in stock and he could continue for years to come... (and good part of the members would be happy... but there would be another part that wants to see ''new girls''...but if these new girls are just 2-3 per year...and all the same style...)
In one month he lost more than 2 million visits to the's not random. It's symptomatic.
But knowing his "policy"(...even wait 11 years to publish a scene), I don't think he ever will easily), the problem is...who knows how many of those videos he can actually publish...