Feedback & questions

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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby stockard692 » Wed Jan 04, 2023 12:17 pm

My only suggestions: less cuts, and more BG pissing when possible. And keep it up with the great scouting of fresh new girls, young cuties like Jasmine Santanna and Larinha are rare jewels on this website

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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby visigoth2020260 » Sun Jan 29, 2023 3:59 am

Do a tattoo on tha guy with that white thing on his cock, it look unhealthy.
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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby Oscar Batty » Tue Feb 07, 2023 1:49 pm

visigoth2020260 wrote:Do a tattoo on tha guy with that white thing on his cock, it look unhealthy.

It is a scar from an accident during a BJ. Nothing unhealthy there

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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby visigoth2020260 » Tue Feb 07, 2023 11:54 pm

What I wanted to say is that that is a distraction, and it does not look good, actors should not perform while injured. It looks like he has something, I felt very uncomfortable to the point of not wanting to continue watching the scenes, some people will not purchase those scenes in questions, and we can not afford that to happen, let’s be more careful.
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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby Adrian_Nyszko » Thu Feb 16, 2023 12:08 am

@Oscar Batty
Buy new camera, I see black spots on left side - damaged lens, I see very huge degradation of sharpness due of this. Really you have only one camera?

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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby dap-addict » Thu Feb 16, 2023 12:48 am

visigoth2020260 wrote:What I wanted to say is that that is a distraction, and it does not look good, actors should not perform while injured.

Negro Top Delicia is completely healed up as far as I get it, but scar will just stay maybe forever. I feel studio has chosen a good way letting him perform on the left side rather than the right one thus hiding that part of his dick most of the time. Negro Top Delicia does an excellent job fucking the girls, would be a pity he'd have to left such a career just because of a scar.

Also white users please imagine you're getting hurt and your scars would be black instead of light pink! And than suddenly you get discriminated just because of that! :mad:
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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby visigoth2020260 » Fri Feb 17, 2023 10:30 pm

dap-addict wrote:
visigoth2020260 wrote:What I wanted to say is that that is a distraction, and it does not look good, actors should not perform while injured.

Negro Top Delicia is completely healed up as far as I get it, but scar will just stay maybe forever. I feel studio has chosen a good way letting him perform on the left side rather than the right one thus hiding that part of his dick most of the time. Negro Top Delicia does an excellent job fucking the girls, would be a pity he'd have to left such a career just because of a scar.

Also white users please imagine you're getting hurt and your scars would be black instead of light pink! And than suddenly you get discriminated just because of that! :mad:

No Ian not discriminating, too bad that he got that scar on his cock, that is why I stated that he maybe get a tattoo to cover that. But the way it is, is not appealing to many, in the modeling business it is a most to have your skin looking healthy with no injuries at all, as all eyes are on you.
Was he getting head from a shark?
If business aren’t doing so good why would you continued to ad things or allow them to be, that might hurt the business.
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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby visigoth2020260 » Mon Mar 13, 2023 5:41 am

this is to be taken into consideration for all future scenes.

as we all now know, the competition for paying customers has become an all-out war, with mercenary squads sabotaging their enemies' installations and going for the kill with no mercy at all.
in this kind of environment and situation, only a well-planned strategy has the best chance of survival.

I will detail my survivability plans as best as I can, here it goes Conrad.
know that this information will fall into the enemy's hands, very quickly so act fast.
our goal is for the population to wait for our advances no matter if we are delayed
by the enemy.
lat.jpg (6 KiB) Viewed 8238 times

full body view is a weapon of mass destruction that if used right will keep the enemy at bay, like in a cold war.
22.jpg (6.18 KiB) Viewed 8238 times
sure the girl in question is dressed to the teeth as in the picture above, but the full body display is short-lived, and no civilian will be able to digest such beauty in a few short live seconds.
My Video-31.gif
My Video-31.gif (1.09 MiB) Viewed 8238 times

from now on there should be much larger propaganda to fully immerse the civilians
in our goals of liberation with our wonderful weapons.
here is a patron from whom endless ideas should be taken.
My Video-32.gif
we need to show our weapons in full.
and then go to war with them.
My Video-32.gif (13 MiB) Viewed 8238 times

mistakes can cost many lives.
I will consider this to be a minor mistake and not let happen again,
My Video-33.gif
leg is covering the high heels.
My Video-33.gif (1.43 MiB) Viewed 8238 times ... 135overall a good scene, by our man OB with a sweet fragile teen.
my wish is for the newbies and not-so-experienced girls, to appear against 5 guys all the time no matter if you have to go soft on them because the look on their faces will outsell everything else.
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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby dap-addict » Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:55 am

IF Yummy is really out, OB could probably take some of Luis studs team easily at compatible fees. Question is rather is he already experienced enough to shoot with more ppl on set and how much does a larger studio cost. I for one do quite like the Mambo Perv rooms and prefer them over Yummy Studio.

Btw, good point! :)
[quote="visigoth2020260"]I will consider this to be a minor mistake and not let happen again,
My Video-33.gif
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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby visigoth2020260 » Mon Mar 13, 2023 1:42 pm ... fuck_ob136

bravo OB, did you read my mind?

Karol red is incredible, stunning, beautiful, gorgeous and she knows it and you saw it, as
you got inspired to fashion model her body ( our weapons of war)
let us master the fine arts of showcasing the girls in full.

you got it OB. we need to work fast.

by dap-addict » Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:55 am
IF Yummy is really out, OB could probably take some of Luis studs team easily at compatible fees. Question is rather is he already experienced enough to shoot with more ppl on set and how much does a larger studio cost. I for one do quite like the Mambo Perv rooms and prefer them over Yummy Studio.

as we have seen all the positions, we must contribute with detailed examples. so he can become the greatest soldier that ever lived and win this war, the big studios will have to make Alliance for Peace and Freedom.

we need a big studio, I meant to say a big Barracks as we are at war.

beautiful scene by our man OB.
My Video-34.gif
lets master the fine arts of fashion modeling.
beautifully dressed.
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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby visigoth2020260 » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:14 am

I have only seen the trailer, but I just need to congratulate you.......don't tell me that you are the only one attending my school.....ha, ha, ha, ha ;)
for real I see something yummy it was the usual lame shit.

but with you, it is really something to be appreciated. great work OB.
Young sexy Brazilian ebony Rebeca Villar fucked by big black cock (anal, ATM, 1on1, tongue ring, BBC) OB151
the best scene of the day. is a 1-on-1 but pack full of goodies, and porn is more than just fucking an ass.
GG has good scenes but yours surpasses, his because you are emanating from the bottom.
we keep it like this and in no time we gonna make THE VIEWERS forget about the neighboring countries, they are doing a horrendous job.
OB you are the man.
My Video-193.gif
all eyes are on you.
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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby backflipman » Mon May 15, 2023 2:10 pm

I made this post in another thread where Oscar posted of the Jahman and Meyzi Black scene thought, i post it here as it is more towards Oscar and Mambo Perv studio.

Hey Oscar i saw the trailer of the video right when it released. Big Jahman for sure looks very promising and checking the top sellers on the site last 31 days this scene is on 12th place and it just released a couple of days ago.
Beside Meyzi of course being very very beautiful and sexy this also shows how male performers and dick size is also very important in porn as well, it is safe to say you made a great catch with him.

Then towards the action i saw in the trailer and to the topic of big dicks in general. As arousing as it is to have a beautiful girl and a huge cock it seems to devaluate quite drastically when it is just tip of half of dick going in or it is just very slow penetration due to the size. This comes up everytime with every male performer, where users complain and dislike male performer or blame them that they can't fuck.

Of course the girl shouldn't be in pain or let's say they shouldn't have a bad experience as some models may enjoy being pushed a little. The key for the action is the female performer and their willingness to prepare for a scene (by stretching out before the scene). I am sure there is a lot of difference how girls prepare for scenes.
I would expect for example Polly Petrova or Mih Ninfetinha putting some effort in stretching out before a shoot to take big dicks dap or have some huge gapes. The question is are newer/younger less experienced models aware of that? Do they know it or at some point do you as a producer bring up this topic when working or booking a model, that she could do some more preparation with stretching?
That also depends of the models willingness to do so and how much they like the idea and feeling to be stretched out. Maybe they fear some physical problems and rumors that they can't control their anus anymore. I am sure Stacy Bloom could prove otherwise :p

So yeah for future scenes with Big Jahman i hope you can bring that topic up for the females so they can take him balls deep and a bit harder due to better preparation. Also maybe encourage the females to push their butt on the dick as much as they can or make it clear to them they can tell the male to go deeper or harder.
Not only would that be hot dirty talk but would also improve the intensity of the scene.

I saw some of your youtube vlogs and you really seem like a cool guy, also i have the feeling you are most open for feedback and always willing to improve. You have great male and female talent and I am sure if you stay motivated you will improve and grow more and more.

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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby Oscar Batty » Tue May 16, 2023 6:00 am

Thanks visigoth2020260 and backflipman for your feedback. We really appreciate it.

@backflipman, Big Jahman is new to directed and mostly anal porn and learning very fast. Tonight we will release his scene with Qween Goddess.

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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby Spugetrodon » Mon May 22, 2023 4:20 pm

Let´s just enjoy these first scenes of these newcomers, and give them time to mature in their craft. Meyzi Black is totally awesome, so cute and sexy. It would be nice to see her introduced more in to deep throating and also getting her cute face messy with saliva.
Anyway, thanks for the gret work Oscar, Batty. Buying some Mambo Perv scenes is the first time I pay for porn after the DVD or VHS era.

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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby zigzg009 » Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:23 pm

Oscar, first off, thank you for engaging, showing an interest in getting feedback, and using when you can. Your scenes are awesome. What plans do you have for Eboxotic? The scene with Rebeca Nubian was incredible in the performance and rawness. Can we expect to see more of that type of more natural anal scenes without cuts?

Keep up the good work!!!

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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby visigoth2020260 » Sun Jul 30, 2023 3:47 pm

Wassup, my man; I'm keeping an eye on you.

the trailer looks nice.

Please leave a comment if you are a visitor who arrived as a result of my prodding.
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need to be as professional as possible.
Each and every detail is influential.
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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby visigoth2020260 » Thu Aug 31, 2023 1:18 pm

I have lost interest in MP, but why?

first, TD cum count is very low.
BJ, always looking at the camera and being portrayed as a star.
is as if OB is bragging about him continuously, his long hair is a minus to me.
lighting is not the best, it has gone down.

the usual positions all the time.
can not manage to take advantage of FBV.
cuts when they do not need to be.
the camera light shifting.
tilting when it is so obvious that is not needed.
and the go-to X site to view this.
and the scene preview finally got to me.
and the camera movements when showing the girls.
and the guys pulling out the buttplug, I hate that + OB touching the models, NO! NO!.

hope he can revalue his position.

Both the beginning and the ending are crucial components that, if done well, will keep the audience's attention. You did a few that were fascinating. Take an extra minute made them spread their legs, open their asses, and show the pussy, make them say a few words or sing a song. This is the time to be diva-like because their asses are busted and their faces are covered in cum.
they can also dance while spreading their broken ass.
the things to do are endless.
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Whoever said that while showing the models, the camera had to be moving all the time.
resulting in several unnecessary cuts, and unfavorable viewpoints.
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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby backflipman » Mon Sep 04, 2023 10:46 pm

Hmm yeah I would have to agree to many of these aspects. The scene preview inside the scene and long just still outro image to make the scenes 5-7 minutes longer is really unneccessary. Also about the video cuts, cuts are annoying gives viewer the feeling of missing out on something in every movie people prefer uncut versions, this applies especially to porn. Try to be a more consistent, keep positions longer, film the guys switching, action switching position changes and keep them in, but do them less frequently.
Camera tilting is always unnecessary. Going in and out is fine though. Male performers are performing fine in my opinion, also gets better with more consistency in the scene. Finding and recruiting new female performers is probably very difficult for every studio right now as they mostly have to do it themselves. There should be a fine balance between re-shooting and introducing new models. When your current female pool is 4-5 models releasing a scene with them every 3 days quickly gets unappealing. Don't take the bad aspects of what gio does and use it as an example or copy it. I know it is always easier to criticize as an outsider.
But the technical/scene production and editing issues are something you should keep an eye on.

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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby spiffodap » Tue Sep 19, 2023 1:23 am

I wasn't completely blown away by this studio but now i've watched Heloa Green OB212.
Really enjoyed watching the guys go fast and hard on this film. I wasn't sure the studs were up for that kind of scene.
May not be to everyone's taste and as long as the girls are well prepared it's great watching them get slammed till they start squirming.
Hopefully your guys enjoy those scenes as well?

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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby visigoth2020260 » Sun Sep 24, 2023 4:07 pm

spiffodap wrote:I wasn't completely blown away by this studio but now i've watched Heloa Green OB212.
Really enjoyed watching the guys go fast and hard on this film. I wasn't sure the studs were up for that kind of scene.
May not be to everyone's taste and as long as the girls are well prepared it's great watching them get slammed till they start squirming.
Hopefully your guys enjoy those scenes as well?

The anal rapid fucking is good, but if the balance is off, it will look like R. Therefore they ruined this girl's career I wanted to say her ass, but I guess it was both.

did not know how to make use of her strengths.

It's possible that the two sick poppies at AV were the ones admiring that scene.
Don't ever do it again, it was identical to a dying cat's final muscle spasms. I couldn't watch it, I was sorry, I only caught a glimpse and knew what it was all about.

it has no value, is your back broken? and change the camera it is no good no more.

NTP looks like she changed hers.
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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby dap-addict » Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:11 am

Oscar, can you please instruct Big Jahman NOT to add a wrong hole insertion in each 0% pussy format Mambo Perv. video?!
Thanks! :)
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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby backflipman » Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:05 pm

visigoth2020260 wrote:The anal rapid fucking is good, but if the balance is off, it will look like R. Therefore they ruined this girl's career I wanted to say her ass, but I guess it was both.

did not know how to make use of her strengths.

It's possible that the two sick poppies at AV were the ones admiring that scene.
Don't ever do it again, it was identical to a dying cat's final muscle spasms. I couldn't watch it, I was sorry, I only caught a glimpse and knew what it was all about.

it has no value, is your back broken? and change the camera it is no good no more.

NTP looks like she changed hers.

She didn't look stressed out in any way, also fast penetration does not necessarily mean it's "harder" for the model. I doubt it was her last scene or she will end her career/porn because of it? NTP scenes often look much rougher going from tip fucking to suddenly pushing the dick all in is probably more painful than increasing the pace at the same depth or "dipping" the dick in and out could also probably cause more difficulties. If the model is well prepared and can take it, why should there be slowmo tip fucking like in 90% of the other scenes?

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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby ClaireObscur921 » Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:23 am

What is the trackname / song in the trailer of Bianca Dantas?

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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby Valdor869 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:10 pm

Is there any chance we will see khali noire back for another scene? That girl is head and shoulders above any other in porn in my opinion. Real star quality. Also doesn’t she have some unreleased scenes?

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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby xxxVIPERxxx » Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:55 am

visigoth2020260 wrote:

bravo OB, did you read my mind?

Karol red is incredible, stunning, beautiful, gorgeous and she knows it and you saw it, as
you got inspired to fashion model her body ( our weapons of war)
let us master the fine arts of showcasing the girls in full.

you got it OB. we need to work fast.

by dap-addict » Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:55 am
IF Yummy is really out, OB could probably take some of Luis studs team easily at compatible fees. Question is rather is he already experienced enough to shoot with more ppl on set and how much does a larger studio cost. I for one do quite like the Mambo Perv rooms and prefer them over Yummy Studio.

as we have seen all the positions, we must contribute with detailed examples. so he can become the greatest soldier that ever lived and win this war, the big studios will have to make Alliance for Peace and Freedom.

we need a big studio, I meant to say a big Barracks as we are at war.

beautiful scene by our man OB.

Is it possible to see a glammed up Karol Red back in these studios again soon ???

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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby beklof » Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:08 am

I bring this topic up because I want to make a wish,that now that you have such a super cute and sexy new girl as Vivian Lola, try to hold on to her! She is the hottest girl in a long time and I definitely want to see more scenes from her. So keep her happy and treat her well.

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Re: Feedback & questions

Postby visigoth2020260 » Sat Dec 09, 2023 12:33 pm

xxxVIPERxxx wrote:
visigoth2020260 wrote:

bravo OB, did you read my mind?

Karol red is incredible, stunning, beautiful, gorgeous and she knows it and you saw it, as
you got inspired to fashion model her body ( our weapons of war)
let us master the fine arts of showcasing the girls in full.

you got it OB. we need to work fast.

by dap-addict » Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:55 am
IF Yummy is really out, OB could probably take some of Luis studs team easily at compatible fees. Question is rather is he already experienced enough to shoot with more ppl on set and how much does a larger studio cost. I for one do quite like the Mambo Perv rooms and prefer them over Yummy Studio.

as we have seen all the positions, we must contribute with detailed examples. so he can become the greatest soldier that ever lived and win this war, the big studios will have to make Alliance for Peace and Freedom.

we need a big studio, I meant to say a big Barracks as we are at war.

beautiful scene by our man OB.

Is it possible to see a glammed up Karol Red back in these studios again soon ???

the most stravagant lookin model, but they let her go or whatever happened.
She is beautiful and confident beyond words.

This is a scene to own; buy with confidence and help to get her back.
if only OB would give us a detailed explanation as to what happened with her.

1: She got married to a very rich man.
2: Hollywood snatched her from OB's hands.
3: acting careers on Brazilian TV.
4: won the lottery.
5: became a cam model and made more money doing that.
6: Another studio gave her a life-time contract.

The only thing I know is that she is more than exemplary.
the finest of the finest.

I think I should make a FVT with that scene. Thank you, xxxVIPERxxx for bringing this up.
She is perfection.
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