This was 2 months ago when I was very excited about Mei´s first Dp .
I was quite surprised that nobody did respond . In fact I compared it with the reactions of the most famous US models when I tag them to the most famous US studios :
Most of the time I get favourable feedback like " likes " and even comments -- the % is low however : It can be as low as 2 models out of 10 reacting , but on lucky days it´s almost half of them ...
So as nobody reacted from Lady Dee´s team and from the Latinas nearby I thought : " Who do they think they are ? "
It´s a very small studio , quite unknown ; the models are not famous worldwide ; but yet they behave opaque in comparion to the communicative Us superstars .
I also thought : Well maybe they are not interested in more DPs for the Mexican/Latina models ; but with Sam´s new Dp I doubt that .
PS : The Yummy models / males ( Brz , Col etc ... ) are very communicative and like getting promoted on Twitter , for comparison .
So many times I have got written responses when I requested their models for her first DP or first Gangbang .