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Curious about the background of the actor's

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 6:55 pm
by NewUser_
Hi guys,
I got curious about these "upcoming" Russian porn studios and actors. It seems unusual, so, can you guys answer me some questions?

Like, why are the actors so young? Why there are always new girls joining and some leaving after a while? Who are the black guys too and why every girl do an interracial scene after a while (unusual for Russia)?

Thanks :)

Re: Curious about the background of the actor's

PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2024 8:51 am
by kumarsankar098
That's porn for you. These days, girls can make quick money by doing some porn, even some hardcore porn and vanish. The number of Amateurs has increased exponentially. Which is good for both people like us (amateur anal gangbang lovers) and the actors (quick bucks)

Re: Curious about the background of the actor's

PostPosted: Sun Feb 16, 2025 4:35 pm
by dap-addict
Havnt seen this before:
NewUser_ wrote:Like, why are the actors so young? Why there are always new girls joining and some leaving after a while? Who are the black guys too and why every girl do an interracial scene after a while (unusual for Russia)?

I'll try to answer from my mainly amateur porn experience in Russia:
1) They are young, which is good, but many dont do a solid job on the long run. The older Russian studs are better usually, but indeed they are younger than most EU actors.
2) Many girls just want to rise money for a certain need or plan and than disappear again. Russian talent pool is very big and studios specialized in providing fresh meat so to say. It turned into a Russian speciality born also from need of visas for EU and this process getting more costly and difficult last few years. At the same time also leading Russian studio structure didnt and doesnt help girls with long career plans. Russia has provided a lot of 1-day-birds, Important, however, is Europorn studios could convince them to try getting them doing the most demanded porn acts before they retired in 25 to 33% of successful scoutings, which reads low but is a solid DAP score. Important is also to keep the best of them in good memory because they herald the real richness and pride of Russia: Women!
3) Russian BBC are often ex-students sons from formerly socialist African brother nations of USSR. Russian girls fuck with them eventually because BBC market is big and local studios wanna sell their videos abroad. It's a simple market rule. However BBC studs talent pool is too limited in Russia to have given porn good enough BBC studs to compete with EU BBC studs.

Re: Curious about the background of the actor's

PostPosted: Sun Feb 16, 2025 4:47 pm
by dap-addict
dap-addict wrote:
NewUser_ wrote:Why there are always new girls joining and some leaving after a while?
2) ...getting them doing the most demanded porn acts before they retired in 25 to 33% of successful scoutings, which reads low but is a solid DAP score.

Addition: Economic situation in Russia has been difficult in the past and turned worse again after War. On top of that for girls police raids on local studios and NRX closure in 2024 created desperately low job options. Porn sex act fees dropped tremedously, which in turn gave studios not venturing into very demanding sex acts new opportunities. I remember a time still when my main Russian agent told me to offer 50$ on top if a girl didnt wanna perform DAP and wait for her answer. 50% said yes! Now prices are higher ofc, but opportunities are bigger than we have studios working still in Russia! It's also a great opportunity for Russian porn actors with a business mind - just that legal situation is difficult and porn has to be shot currently in complete underground.