Habitual Deletion of Scenes and paid for Content.

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Habitual Deletion of Scenes and paid for Content.

Postby Deeprunner » Mon Jun 10, 2024 3:27 am

I would advise anyone planning on purchasing New Content from Natasha Teens Productions or Studios such as CINEPLEXINTERNATIONAL or Lancelot Styles to not commit to a purchase for at least 48 hours.
These studious often delete scenes within an hour or two of first posting. Your paid for content disappears and even if it is restored after time consuming complaints it becomes difficult to find in your library.
The content is eventually reposted a few days later. Presumably it is to avoid heavy competition or to adjust price. Either way you end up double paying if you really want the scene.
The content is good but don't buy a fresh scene. This has gone on long enough.

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Re: Habitual Deletion of Scenes and paid for Content.

Postby jzabel19571964 » Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:46 pm

Be wary of this website. The scene released yesterday with Hannah Hayek was previously released over 2 months ago in late March 2024. At some point in time this scene was subsequently pulled from the website and re-released yesterday as a new scene. I purchased the scene when it originally came out and now it is missing from my library of purchased scenes. I have had the same experience with another one of the scenes from this website. I guess their goal is to make you purchase a scene twice.

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Re: Habitual Deletion of Scenes and paid for Content.

Postby Tito1981 » Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:41 pm

I noticed the same things I don't know what they problem is sometimes the screen disappeared and posted the next days.they have to solve this issue is not fair.

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