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Cheyla Collins videos missing?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:12 am
by eugene.oneil
I posted something about this in the model forum under Cheyla's discussion, but I'll also mention it here: I'm a big fan of Cheyla Collins, and today I discovered to my alarm that several of her videos have mysteriously disappeared from the store. Was there a deliberate choice to remove these videos, or was it just some sort of technical mix-up? I hope nothing bad has happened. I want to see more and more Cheyla videos, not less and less of them.

Re: Cheyla Collins videos missing?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:28 am
by eugene.oneil
Looks like they're all back. Crisis averted.

Re: Cheyla Collins videos missing?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 12:10 am
by Deeprunner
eugene.oneil wrote:I posted something about this in the model forum under Cheyla's discussion, but I'll also mention it here: I'm a big fan of Cheyla Collins, and today I discovered to my alarm that several of her videos have mysteriously disappeared from the store. Was there a deliberate choice to remove these videos, or was it just some sort of technical mix-up? I hope nothing bad has happened. I want to see more and more Cheyla videos, not less and less of them.

This studio is Notarius for doing this. They even removed after purchase. I don't know if it is bungling or something worse. I never purchase new scenes now as they often disappear withing hours. I think they like to Sell, delete and repost.