Why is DAP production going down since Sept'24?

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Why is DAP production going down since Sept'24?

Postby dap-addict » Mon Jan 20, 2025 11:45 am

ex-Eurobabeforum DAPlist responsible - PM contact: dap-a@seznam.cz
TWO DAP SCENES PER DAY! - More true fast balls deep DAP! More 0% pussy! - Dress them to fuck and pop their eyes - Heels on! No condoms!!! - Lets lets get a GONZO non-vanilla successor!!!

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Re: Why is DAP production going down since Sept'24?

Postby dap-addict » Mon Jan 20, 2025 11:47 am

Why did they shoot so little DAP?

Cant be a fee question I think because Medelling going rate for DAP used to be very stable post-pandemia. Is it a NTP studs problem?
ex-Eurobabeforum DAPlist responsible - PM contact: dap-a@seznam.cz
TWO DAP SCENES PER DAY! - More true fast balls deep DAP! More 0% pussy! - Dress them to fuck and pop their eyes - Heels on! No condoms!!! - Lets lets get a GONZO non-vanilla successor!!!

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Re: Why is DAP production going down since Sept'24?

Postby latina-girls-yes » Sat Feb 01, 2025 5:53 pm

at a guess (and this is purely speculation i'm throwing out for discussion) it could be that pay for other options available to models (that might have been be drawn towards shooting such content in the past) has increased. or there is just an increase in options, so more work to go around.
the cost of living in the country has not changed in the time period you state, and there is no reason to suggest models suddenly want to earn less. so it seems reasonable to suppose they are making their money shooting less demanding content elsewhere (or modelling, dancing in xxx clubs, other options)
so look to new studios or increases in production by established ones. and also at any new online options (latin-american OF equvalents) that fgrown in popularity over the past six months

or it could simply be that Natasha has run her numbers and she is not seeing the return on DAP content that justifies the increased production costs for that act. Natasha is an extremely wise woman and no one can doubt that she knows her business (she built it on her own from nothing and each year it gets bigger and better). she is not running NTP as a hobby or for her own amusement. her immediate financial security and future (and that of her family) depends on her paying constant close attention to keeping income and outgoings balanced in the best interests of her business.
therefore if the numbers don't add up, then it will be appear on the menu less frequently (that said, there is probably a 'loss-leader' promotional incentive to shoot something 'extra' or special every now and then, which only breaks even, just to get people talking so as to raise awareness of the studio to those who have not discovered it yet)

plus there is the physical aspect. DAP is very demanding compared to other acts i think, and if i were a model i would far rather shoot two DPs than one DAP because i suspect the recovery time from DAP is so much longer and probably unpredictable. sticking to non-DAP work means models can maintain prebooked shooting schedules far better if they are not juggling unpredictable recovery times from more extreme acts.
models that have to cancel scenes because recovery from DAP is taking longer than expected cost studios money, and such cancellations could (unfairly) lead them to receiving an 'unreliable' tag in the industry which will costs them work and thefore income (which negatively outweighs any supplement for DAP they receive).
that prospect is deeply unfair, because no one who cares about the models wants them to feel pressured to return to shooting before they themselves ready. but i'm sure that pressure is there. so models sticking to DP means they can better maintain their schedules (and professional reputations) and avoid finding themselves in such predicaments

plus if models are in a relationship, that extended recovery time can intrude on their own private sex lives. relationships are often a model's rock and safe place after a long and demanding (physical and emotional) day at work. so keeping that relationship as healthy as possible (which for most will invlove maintaing a healthy sex life) will be a personal priority for them, which is to be respected

many possible reasons. chose one, some or none, and/or add your own
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