ZiziMinuscule wrote:New glamour studio = good thing = wider public = more buyers = more money for xxx to produce quality hardcore scenes
Please, trust xxx and Giorgio.
GIO no problem. He's an idealistic anal hardcore pornographer, just with an eye on sales as everybody in this biz.
xxx, however, has flirted with much softer approaches in the past. In terms of softcore permissiveness he's worse than SOS was. Especially that mainstream drive, that apparent need to come out of the niche corner. Why oh why if your niche is selling good and you can quietly live with it? Its this mix of reaching for mainstream and US recognition and pure business attitude that makes me weary a bit.
Lets take latest strategy: US market move by importing girls to Prague in order to reach the wider US users public and thus sell their scenes much better was a good 1st step. But than fellowed the LP platform given to two US studios not keeping LP anal standards. Now Euro softcore, and later sure in consequence US softcore and even lez to reach yet a wider public.
Scenes are there because DDF produced some of them even before xxx involvement. Of course now they can be sold also via the LP platform. All can be sold via LP basically.
At the same time talent sharing doesnt work at all from DDF to LP, if at all it work only the other way round. Because most girls prefer easier and softer work for still good money, too.
No incentives to get DDF girls working in Prague so far.
No consistent drive for a harder approach, despite good sales within the niche. No real vision as far as piss and also hardcore anal manhandling niche is concerned. A visionary would be needed, not just a good salesman!