You show some of the hottest porn. Yet your cameras deliver the "softest" views of the action, by positioning the lens off to the side of the actress. You position her ass to right and left side of our screen where we can barely see her ass getting fucked. Your camera then flips her half-way upside down. It's like you porn directors are constantly trying to irritate us, to disappoint us with views of the women that literally suck to watch. It's like you "know" what we want to see, but you absolutely refuse to position your camera in the "money spot" the front seat - only going there for a view of a gape. Talk about frustration and ruining one's erection.
Look at how much footage is "face zooms" and "gapes". This is where no fucking is being filmed, everything stops for a closeup view of her goddam face which you can see anyway, but obviously the director thinks it adds to your erection if he repeatedly zooms in to her face, while her ass is being fucked. Who the hell wants to stop watching her ass being fucked to get a close-up view of her face which you can already see?
These are dick-killers, erection killers, designed to keep you from cumming. Believe me it is a struggle trying to enjoy your movies. They mostly do nothing but waste time as I am constantly fast forwarding looking for a good view of the action, something that lasts at least 5 minutes. Alas, but there are none. You may get 8 to 20 secs. But these asshole film directors are so scared of someone cumming, that they literally "ruin" the view to keep all those "2 inch dick" college kids from cumming faster than their average time of 10 secs. Is this your base? Film directors must be from the planet Uranus. I live on Earth asshole, try to get a clue what we like here, not your cheap, pathetic sorry ass camerawork where everything is halfway upside down and off to the side. It's a fucking joke, it's like going through an obstacle course watching the films here, so much crap camerawork and editing that leaves you full of anger at the loss of your money and time.
Look at these videos. As soon as they start, the view begins by watching the actress at some fucked up angle. So many bullshit camera angles that barely reveal the actress true features. Giorgio Grandi, Jochim Kessef, Gonzo, this entire website sucks. I've passed up so many films to buy because of this side-show camera work. Can't believe you film directors continuously feed us this shit. Come on guys, why do you insist on ruining the view for us? Give us a normal goddam view please.