Unedited scenes for sale

Scenes from various directors.
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Unedited scenes for sale

Postby pukimakauhijau1 » Sun Oct 20, 2024 12:25 pm

Given the closure of the Gonzo Studio, how much would the community be interested if the each and every Gonzo film had the full, unedited footage for sale. I'm talking all the videos that were taken on the day of shooting etc. If such a thing is possible, we should petition Pornbox to do so.

However, are there any issues with this proposition from a financial and technical standpoint in this community's eyes that may stop Pornbox from doing so?

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Re: Unedited scenes for sale

Postby hyapet » Mon Jan 06, 2025 9:49 am

Realistically - these studios don't necessarily keep all of their past material.

Over the years - things get lost. Like - lots of things - including the original files themselves. I mean - imagine the space you would need if you were to keep all the footage shot from camera - plus all the hard-drives of all the different quality final recordings (those 4k ones are going to take up mad amounts of space) - not to mention the studio edit files in whichever software program they used to edit it all in?

They most likely don't have the budget or the space to store the (probably) petabyte or two of data all of this stuff would take up.

Not only that - but the cost to upload it wouldn't be worth the few people who would be interested in it. Nor would the man hours that would have to paid for people to put it all together.

It's a nice idea - it sounds simple - it's probably next to impossible to actually pull it off.

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