Re: Dafne Robinson

Wed Jan 15, 2020 1:29 am
by alekseich
First time anal + DP = best debut ever
Re: Dafne Robinson

Wed Jan 15, 2020 1:55 am
by Iddaoeeok
I hear LP only uses skinny models who all look the same

Re: Dafne Robinson

Wed Jan 15, 2020 1:56 am
by avanfurwet
Iddaoeeok wrote:I hear LP only uses skinny models who all look the same

And this, the day after Taylee.
Hope it's a trend.
Re: Dafne Robinson

Wed Jan 15, 2020 2:18 am
by Angel Eyes
Damn if I'm not feeling something for this girl.
Is it the cock intoxicated look in her eyes. The adoring gaze waiting for cum? The all natural, exploding with vibrance presence she has?
Re: Dafne Robinson

Wed Jan 15, 2020 8:50 am
by avanfurwet
qwertyu25 wrote:Love her, want more
Cute. Check.
Curvy. Check
Brunette (my favourite). Check.
Happy & slutty attitude on screen. Check.
Stripper heels. Bonus.
Think Gonzo may have a new starlet in the works.
Hope she does well.
Re: Dafne Robinson

Wed Jan 15, 2020 8:10 pm
by takktix1
this girl is absolutely smoking, hoping the curvy model trend continues

Re: Dafne Robinson

Fri Jan 17, 2020 4:21 am
by MackZatis
takktix1 wrote:..... hoping the curvy model trend continues

If we all want it to continue, then we all must buy... Tickets or not, spend straight up $$$ for a scene if thats what you really want. It's the only way that'll happen...
Re: Dafne Robinson

Fri Jan 17, 2020 10:43 am
by avanfurwet
MackZatis wrote:takktix1 wrote:..... hoping the curvy model trend continues

If we all want it to continue, then we all must buy... Tickets or not, spend straight up $$$ for a scene if thats what you really want. It's the only way that'll happen...
Agree. Since Giorgio says curvy girls don't sell at LP. Fans need to put their money down and support these girls.

Re: Dafne Robinson

Sat Jan 18, 2020 7:14 pm
by azuniga992
Well, my appreciations, I bought the membership again just because this Chilean was in LP, because they asked. Well, because in Chile the national porn cinema is dead and the only way to see Chilean girls in porn is to go back to national productions of the 90s, 30 years ago, where a girl named RACHELL started the xxx cinema, for a while she converted to the gospel and did not film again. it is there where movies like panochitas, south of de boarder, rejuvenated a xxx cinema that was on the rise but again disappeared, Eric Everhad must remember his time in Chile and the fuck he got with Emy and they are sofia. How do I know all this because I think I am the only Chilean LP fans who writes in this forum and it is appreciated that I have girls from my country in their staff.
I hope this message is read by Daphne, and that she opens the door to new girls who want to film for LP, or who recruit Tara Holidays, who is the most representative MILF in our country.
recommendations, I don't know if for the actress or for the director
It is a pity that the Latin girls do not speak in their native language that is Spanish, it is known that the scene is shot for multinational spectators, but it is on the scene with Daphne, all the actors Chris, Ian and Luca, spoke to She is Spanish, she emitted few words in her language, and all sex lovers, we know that the dirty words of a girl warm the scene a lot. It is like a recognition to I believe the only active member of Chile, that I am jajajajajaja, likewise this recommendation goes for Colombian, Venezuelan and for all Spanish-speaking Latin @ s that is within LP. Eye, I don't want all the scenes to speak in Spanish, it's just a little darling once in a while
Congratulations to DAFNE again, for daring and with all my heart I hope he stays to shoot many more scenes and many more compatriots to come.
en español
Bueno, mis apreciaciones, volvi a comprar la membresia solo por que esta Chilena estaba en LP, porque se preguntaran. Pues por que en Chile el cine porno nacional esta muerto y la unica forma de ver chicas chilenas en el porno es remontarse a producciones nacionales del los años 90´, osea 30 años atras, donde una chica llamada RACHELL dio inicio a el cine xxx, desde de un tiempo ella se convirtio al evangelio y no volvio a filmar. es ahi donde peliculas como panochitas, south of de boarder, volvieron a rejuvenecer un cine xxx que venia en alza pero nuevamente desaparecio, Eric Everhad se debe acordar se su paso por chile y de las folladas que se dio con Emy y son sofia. como se todo esto porque creo que soy el unico Chileno fans de LP que escribe en este foro y se agradece que tenga chicas de mi pais en su staff.
ojala este mensaje lo leyera Dafne, y que ella abra la puerta a nuevas chicas que quieran filmar para LP, o que recluten a Tara Holidays, que es la MILF mas representativa de nuetro recondito pais.
recomendaciones, no se si para la actris o para el director
es una lastima que las chicas latinas no hable en su idioma natal que es el español, es sabido que se roda la escena para unos espectadores multinacionales, pero se en la escena con dafne, todos los actores Chris, Ian y luca, le hablaban a ella es español, ella emitio pocas palabras en su idioma, y todo los amantes del sexo, sabemos que las palabras sucias de una chica, calientan mucho la escena. es como un reconocimiento a creo el unico miembro activo de Chile, que soy yo jajajajajaja, igual esta recomendacion va para las colombianas, venezolanas y para tod@s l@s latin@s de habla hispana que esta dentro de LP. ojo no quiero que todas las escenas hablen en español, es solo un cariñito de vez en cuando.
nuevamente felicitaciones a DAFNE, por atreverse y de todo corazon espero que se quede que filme muchas mas escenas y que vengan muchas mas compatriotas.
Re: Dafne Robinson

Sat Jan 18, 2020 7:18 pm
by avanfurwet
Good idea to allow all girls to say a little in their own language.
Giorgio does this sometimes.
LP can be an educational site (for perverts).

Re: Dafne Robinson

Sat Jan 18, 2020 7:28 pm
by mastercloth
She needs the GIO treatment.
Re: Dafne Robinson

Sat Jan 25, 2020 4:08 am
by MasTuerZo87
Oh god, she is beautiful and more for the heels she uses, they should use that type of mule heels more. but her debut was very good but it would have been better if they ended up on her face, leaving her glazed, hopefully see more videos of her.
Re: Dafne Robinson

Sat Jan 25, 2020 4:21 am
by MasTuerZo87
azuniga992 wrote:Well, my appreciations, I bought the membership again just because this Chilean was in LP, because they asked. Well, because in Chile the national porn cinema is dead and the only way to see Chilean girls in porn is to go back to national productions of the 90s, 30 years ago, where a girl named RACHELL started the xxx cinema, for a while she converted to the gospel and did not film again. it is there where movies like panochitas, south of de boarder, rejuvenated a xxx cinema that was on the rise but again disappeared, Eric Everhad must remember his time in Chile and the fuck he got with Emy and they are sofia. How do I know all this because I think I am the only Chilean LP fans who writes in this forum and it is appreciated that I have girls from my country in their staff.
I hope this message is read by Daphne, and that she opens the door to new girls who want to film for LP, or who recruit Tara Holidays, who is the most representative MILF in our country.
recommendations, I don't know if for the actress or for the director
It is a pity that the Latin girls do not speak in their native language that is Spanish, it is known that the scene is shot for multinational spectators, but it is on the scene with Daphne, all the actors Chris, Ian and Luca, spoke to She is Spanish, she emitted few words in her language, and all sex lovers, we know that the dirty words of a girl warm the scene a lot. It is like a recognition to I believe the only active member of Chile, that I am jajajajajaja, likewise this recommendation goes for Colombian, Venezuelan and for all Spanish-speaking Latin @ s that is within LP. Eye, I don't want all the scenes to speak in Spanish, it's just a little darling once in a while
Congratulations to DAFNE again, for daring and with all my heart I hope he stays to shoot many more scenes and many more compatriots to come.
en español
Bueno, mis apreciaciones, volvi a comprar la membresia solo por que esta Chilena estaba en LP, porque se preguntaran. Pues por que en Chile el cine porno nacional esta muerto y la unica forma de ver chicas chilenas en el porno es remontarse a producciones nacionales del los años 90´, osea 30 años atras, donde una chica llamada RACHELL dio inicio a el cine xxx, desde de un tiempo ella se convirtio al evangelio y no volvio a filmar. es ahi donde peliculas como panochitas, south of de boarder, volvieron a rejuvenecer un cine xxx que venia en alza pero nuevamente desaparecio, Eric Everhad se debe acordar se su paso por chile y de las folladas que se dio con Emy y son sofia. como se todo esto porque creo que soy el unico Chileno fans de LP que escribe en este foro y se agradece que tenga chicas de mi pais en su staff.
ojala este mensaje lo leyera Dafne, y que ella abra la puerta a nuevas chicas que quieran filmar para LP, o que recluten a Tara Holidays, que es la MILF mas representativa de nuetro recondito pais.
recomendaciones, no se si para la actris o para el director
es una lastima que las chicas latinas no hable en su idioma natal que es el español, es sabido que se roda la escena para unos espectadores multinacionales, pero se en la escena con dafne, todos los actores Chris, Ian y luca, le hablaban a ella es español, ella emitio pocas palabras en su idioma, y todo los amantes del sexo, sabemos que las palabras sucias de una chica, calientan mucho la escena. es como un reconocimiento a creo el unico miembro activo de Chile, que soy yo jajajajajaja, igual esta recomendacion va para las colombianas, venezolanas y para tod@s l@s latin@s de habla hispana que esta dentro de LP. ojo no quiero que todas las escenas hablen en español, es solo un cariñito de vez en cuando.
nuevamente felicitaciones a DAFNE, por atreverse y de todo corazon espero que se quede que filme muchas mas escenas y que vengan muchas mas compatriotas.
Tienes razon azuniga992, son minoria las actrices latinas, pero esta chica Dafne es una hermosura, mas que nada por lo natural que se ve y me recuerda una novia que tuve, tiene un parecido casi exacto en cuerpo y rostro, esperemos ver mas videos de tu compatriota que hizo un estupendo trabajo. Saludos desde Mexico !
Re: Dafne Robinson

Thu Feb 13, 2020 3:19 am
by IndyPleco
Really hope she's back soon! She seems to have a fun personality and she took her first time really well

Re: Dafne Robinson

Thu Feb 13, 2020 12:17 pm
by avanfurwet
IndyPleco wrote:Really hope she's back soon! She seems to have a fun personality and she took her first time really well

Agree. Hope Dafne comes back to LP soon.
Re: Dafne Robinson

Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:45 pm
by DarkSolidSnake
Ella tiene otros videos con torbe
Re: Dafne Robinson

Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:55 pm
by IndyPleco
She's taking the Dubai route.
Re: Dafne Robinson

Mon Mar 16, 2020 6:42 pm
by ayrtight
Dear Dafne , don´t go to the cheiks who barely respect human rights .
Re: Dafne Robinson

Sun Apr 19, 2020 4:47 pm
by JoeG9
I love this actress. I love Latinas, especially Chilenas and Colombiana. Good mamasitas!

Re: Dafne Robinson

Sat May 09, 2020 6:25 pm
by ayrtight
I hope she can give an apropriate sermon to Silvia Rucks .