shenmue wrote:to please you or weirdo dapaddict.
Again you and your obsession with us. Somehow, maybe, just maybe, I could only understand you, if dap and me are hot girls and refused to "give you"... Or if you are a homo and got wrong impression about us, also being refused. Actually, that would be even better reason for understanding, Homos are more obsessed. Dont know for dap but I know for myself, that dont owe a cent to anyone and Im not a hacker, never maded any damage to anyone on internet. Also never killed, raped, kidnapped anyone and never stole anything.
So, what would be the real reason, inside of the sick mind, to be obsessed with someone on some forum and follow his posts, then giving stupid answers? Posts where he not even mentioned? Even for the world best psycho experts, it would be very hard task, to give right answer.
Back on topic, your sick obsession, not gonna change the fact that AGO scenes are complete, unwatchable crap, from start to end, ruining hardly builded AV brand. And also your sick obsession not gonna drag me away from posting. Dont buy, dont watch, thats the easiest way, of course.