pp03 wrote:
this is from [spam]
evil-pineapples wrote:Scenes are usually released roughly 2-3 weeks after being shot, so just take a deep breath.
pp03 wrote:there are three profiles: @luciewildexxx, @lucywildexxx and @lucywildxxx
PC_82 wrote:http://downloads.legalporno.com/437-trailer.mp4 so can someone check this out... step by step girl
jcchris wrote:Agree. This step-by-step awaiting concept starts to be annoying.
boobsrealm.com wrote:It is a business.. what if she does everything in the forst 2 scenes... there would not be anticipation for the following ones. It is understandable
realtip wrote:Yes, there would be. I would watch every scene of hers, and still anticipate more. There are girls on here who seem to be in a scene every week. I don't understand why keep taking so long to release Lucie's scenes.
DudeMan101 wrote:Instead of complaining maybe you should try to understand.
Do you know what needs to be done after a scene is shot? Learn.
Do you know not every girl wants to be constantly shooting so that a scene is released every week? Learn.
If you learn, you would understand that there isn't long waits. If you learn, maybe you wouldn't be so impatient.
DudeMan101 wrote:Again, who are you to say that a girl needs to be shooting scenes and releasing once a week. These girls are free to do what they want. They don't have to produce scenes once a week let alone once a year. They can shoot as they please.
Same as editing the scene. LP can take as much time as they need to edit and release a scene. Posting a trailer means nothing compared to the final product. Often times trailers for movies will have scenes included that get cut from the final movie. Just look at Spider-Man for a recent example. Having a trailer out means nothing.
You act like you know everything that goes on in the industry, but you know nothing. You aren't special. You aren't going to get your scene faster. You aren't going to force Lucie into shooting non-stop.
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