Ok, one question will be answered later, but interview is ready anyway.
Hope you like it!
If you feel like comment it here in Silvia Soprano's model thread, please, make some suggestions here or on PM in my signature, since in a few days I'll take to her again for the still missing fan favorite question nr. 19, anyway.
Silvia Soprano Interview by dap-addict, on March 25-27th and 29th 2021.

- Silvia Soprano revealed - Holidays in Venice 2019.
(private Foto, unpublished before)
Q01: You are Italian but you live in Barcelona. How come?Silvia Soprano: Yes, I'm Italian, from Rome to be precise, I've always lived in a very small neighborhood, I've always felt very close to it and I'm the classic girl who has always said "when I'm 18 I'll leave Italy". In the end it happened when I was 21, but better late than never.
I decided to move to Barcelona because I wanted to learn Spanish, and above all because I needed to feel far from home a little bit to test myself and become independent. When I made the ticket I only had a room rented through the internet and some money aside.
At the beginning it was not easy, I am not a very sociable person and I had great difficulty with the language at first and I suffered a lot because of this. After I found a job, I started to make first acquaintances and from there it went all better. I learned the language quite well and I started to adapt more and more.
I would do this experience a thousand more times, and I'm proud to have had the courage to throw myself into the void. Even if I had a lot of worries at the beginning, now I'm doing great and probably if I had not left I would never have even started acting. Traveling makes you think, opens your mind and above all makes you discover new facets of yourself. I would recommend all my peers to do an experience like this, it can really change your life in a positive way!
Q02: How and why did you enter porn biz? What did you do before to earn your living?Silvia Soprano: Before entering porn I always worked as a hairdresser, for about 5-6 years. During school I always thought I had a strong passion for this job, but when I started, I realized how much it oppressed me and how much it made me feel bad. The first few years of apprenticeship are tough because employers take advantage of you and with the excuse that you have to learn they make you work long hours and you are paid a pittance. You don't always meet colleagues who know how to work as a team, so very often I found myself being treated badly by people older than me, who were in fact just supposed to teach me.
Initially I was there because I was small and naive and I really loved this job, I was willing to face this apprenticeship and try to educate myself as much as possible without taking the bad examples of people I had around me. But the more time passed and the more I saw that despite the hard I work never reached satisfaction, I always seemed to be at the same point and I never had even a little free time for me, I began to hate this job, coming to the conclusion that it was not for me.
The change happened in Barcelona: When I moved there one of the first things I did was to buy my first sex toy. I had never had one before because at home with my mother I was always afraid she might find it. To have one finally made me feel really great, like when you go out for the first time alone or when you open your first bank account. And above all it made me free! There always comes a point in life when you feel like you're alone, don't be afraid because it's in those moments you see everything more clearly.
I've always been curious about sex but at the same time embarrassed and scared. So finally living my intimacy freely changed something inside me, I simply understood that sex was what made me happy. In life before Barcelona I've always looked for strong emotions in the wrong ways, so it was a great achievement for me to find this euphoria in something healthier. I've always been very shy, I never thought I'd end up naked in front of a camera. But it's like one day my limits that I thought I had, just disappeared and I started to seriously consider becoming a porn actress because I really felt that need. It's like for the first time in my life I saw it clearly. I had never experienced this feeling and so I let myself be carried away by these emotions and I started to get myself informed. My search for information was simply "how to become a porn star?" on google. Writing it in Spanish I found an amateur site that gave the opportunity to send a form with your data and photos. I obviously tried thinking that they would never even call me. Instead, after a few days the producer called me and proposed me to do 3 scenes: The first was a bga with a black guy, the other two were simple bg. I accepted immediately thinking that it could be definitely a good start. After I did these scenes I had the confirmation that this was just the job I wanted to do.
I don't know what advice I can give to all the shy people in this world, but I know what it feels like and I know it's a great discomfort. But I can only assure them, that sooner or later shyness disappears, and you don't even remember what it is anymore. There comes a time when you feel so good with yourself that an energy takes possession of you to make you live life to the fullest without unnecessary paranoia and focus only on yourself.
Anyway, going back to the subject of how I got into porn, it happened like this, by sending a form with data and photos. From there my second step was Robin who I suppose discovered me from there.
Q03: Since last Summer you made about 10 scenes for GIO/GLab. Most are DAP and 0% pussy format. You also made a TP. Do you feel better with anal sex only? What is the difference in feeling between DP, TAP and TP?Silvia Soprano: Let's say that anal sex gives me more physical sensations, I feel it more, but in my private life I see it as a very intimate and special thing so it's only for a few of my private sex partners.
There's a feeling that DP, DAP and TP have in common, the feeling of being full, but in a positive sense. I always feel constantly a lot of emptiness inside me, as if I never feel 100% satisfied, there's always something that makes me think I could have more, let's say it's like when you go to a SPA after a long period of stress, or when you go on holiday. I don't know how to explain this feeling but it certainly makes me feel good.
I liked the TP particularly because it's another limit I overcame and I remember precisely the feeling of feeling full, the same feeling you have when you are in front of a fireplace and it's snowing outside, you feel your heart is warm.
Q04: How important is the pairing in porn sets for you? What is more important with porn studs: attractivity, performance and wood-proof dick or character? Is there a difference for you whether you perform with a white or a black porn actor?Silvia Soprano: It's important but not too much. So far I can say that I've got on well with all the actors and actresses I've shared the set with. I think this depends a lot on me, it's really hard for me to have problems with a person, I can always establish good relationships with people.
I'll give you a ranking in order from the most important of these aspects to the least: 1. character; 2. performance 3. cock proof; 4. atractivity
For me there is no difference between working with a white or black actor, how can the color of the skin change anything?
Q05: Would you like the porn studs to cuddle you on set, or before start of work? How much intimacy you feel okay with in porn work?Silvia Soprano: I don't look for any particular attention from my colleagues. Because the most important thing is respect and kindness and this is enough for me to work in harmony. Intimacy is enough for you to be able to do your job without discomfort, but not too much. Because otherwise I wouldn't have any more special moments left for me.
Q06: So far you performed on set together with Rebecca Sharon and Anna de Ville: How was it working with them? What do you prefer with each of them? Silvia Soprano: I enjoyed working with both of them. Having a woman on stage makes you feel more supported let's say. The things I appreciated most about Rebecca was her polite way, her calmness and above all it's always a pleasure to work with a sunny and smiling person. With Anna it was my first scene divided in two parts, which means many more hours of shooting, and I must say that it went great because we got along very well. I appreciate her character and her sense of humor.

- Favorite moments of life, holidays!! - Camerota 2019.
(private Foto, unpublished before)
Q07: Watching your DAPs I realized you still have problems sometimes in cowgirl DAP position: What makes that position so difficult for most porn girls? Which DAP position works best for you?Silvia Soprano: Yes, it's true that I often have difficulties in cowgirl DAP position. I think it is because I have to arch my back to assume a more harmonious and more nice-looking posture and I automatically get very stiff. But I am sure that with time I will improve.
If I can stabilize myself with a comfortable position in reverse cowgirl DAP I can relax and I don't have any problems.
Above all I can give the best of myself when I have my mind emptied of all thoughts, in some periods it is not easy, but I have always had the ability to neutralize all the negative thoughts that I may have in that day.
Q08: How did working in porn change your personal life? Did it also change your private sexuality? Did it change you as a person?Silvia Soprano: This job has changed my life for the better, I can confirm it every day more and more. First of all, now I feel that I am surrounded only by people who really love me. Since I started I lost many friends, at first, I felt bad about it but now I understand that they were never real friends. With my parents I have never had such a good relationship, absurdly enough since I left and confessed to them that I wanted to start this career they have become my best friends. With my parents, now I talk about things that we had never discussed and I no longer have any secrets. Of course, there is no need to go into specifics, I don't tell them every detail, but the important thing is that they always know that I am well.
My lifestyle is now much healthier than it was a few years ago, I love myself much more because I know that my body is my working tool, so I always try to respect and take care of it. I tried to go out with a boy some time ago, and everything seemed to go well, I was happy because he knew everything about me, even if he didn't like the idea very much, but with him I had my own space that made me feel like the simple girl I have always been. This dating ended because he told me he had found a girl more serious than me and with a normal job. This hurt me a lot, it really hurts to try to constantly show how much you love someone and the conclusion is that you are not serious enough because of the job you do. But like all the unpleasant things that happen in life you get over it and move on.
However, apart from this small chapter in my intimacy I prefer to give myself to someone I love. Casual sex doesn't give me any satisfaction because thanks to my job I feel I can live my sexuality to the full.
Q09: How did your friends and family, relatives react on you doing that kind of work? Silvia Soprano: My parents weren't very happy at first, having such news through a video call can't be easy to process, but they are really two great people. My mother at first was just worried that someone might have convinced me in some way and that I alone far from everyone at home in Italy got carried away. First thing my father asked was if I had economic problems. He just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing it just for the money. When they understood that it was just my choice and that I felt very comfortable they were happy for me, and even now they always support me. As I said before, our relationship is getting better every day, I can't wait to see them, hug them and say thank you, because without their support it would never have been the same.
Friends often turn out to be all the opposite. But these are experiences that help you grow, to stop believing in fairytales of friendships forever. When my best friend stopped talking to me I was terrified of bonding with people, but then I realized such behavior is of no use: You have to always be yourself, never hold back, you have to make the most of your experiences and if one day it ends for whatever reason, life goes on and the world is full of people who will give you good times and good memories.
Q09b: How you cope with negative internet (LP forum, IG, Tw etc.) comments?Silvia Soprano: I feel lucky because on the internet I've never read terrible comments about me. If they write that I'm a whore I won't be offended. It's clear that what I do can't convey anything else, maybe that's the beauty of the game, that everyone can think what they want. But when you know who you really are, it doesn't really matter. Maybe sometimes I've read that I'm not very pretty, but that's fine, everyone has their own taste and I understand it perfectly. I can say that until now I've never read anything about myself that made me feel bad.
Q10: Can you tell us a bit more about porn shootings: Do you get real orgasms on porn sets? In how many in the 12 GIO/GLab porn sets did it happen?Silvia Soprano: Sometimes it happens that I have real orgasms. But I have to say the truth it does not happen always, simply because I need a lot of concentration to have an orgasm and when I'm on the set, I'm focused on something else. Anyway, I think the scene where I had the most orgasms was the one with Dylan.
Q11: Which porn sex act or fetish was the most difficult for you at start? Was "piss" or swallowing sperm first repulsing for you? Silvia Soprano: I've always swallowed sperm and it has never bothered me, pee neither, simply because the idea doesn't disgust me. People eat and drink a lot of things and have no idea what's inside, like energy drinks, fast food sandwiches etc. So why be shocked by sperm and pee?
Q12: When you are performing on set you do it for your fans to watch you later: Does this knowledge help you doing all those acts? Does it even create a sexual tension and lust for you?Silvia Soprano: Thinking that someone will watch me afterwards definitely motivates me a lot to give my best, and it definitely gives me a lot of pleasure. I like to have the idea that I can make others have a good time, so I am proud of what I do. That's why I always try to make eye contact with the camera.
Q13: Is working on a porn set funny at times? Are there also boring moments? Silvia Soprano: Working on a porn set is fun because sometimes it doesn't even feel like a real job, and most of the times you are dealing with nice people. Boredom is a feeling never experienced on a set before.
Q14: How do you feel after your on-set job done? Are you tired and just want a shower? Hungry for food finally? Sexually charged for more sex even?Silvia Soprano: When a scene is over I have a wonderful feeling, I feel really satisfied. The first thing I do is to take a shower and eat, then I usually drink a beer to relax and rest. Because after the moment of euphoria I start to feel tired.

- Favorite moments of life, holidays!! - London 2019.
(private Foto, unpublished before)
Q15: How long would you like to stay in porn biz? Do you have any plans for the time after porn retirement? Do you eventually want husband and children?Silvia Soprano: Obviously as long as possible, as long as my body allows me to. The dream I always had in life is to open my own barbershop with only female employees, I would like to create a place where women take care of men with the utmost professionalism.
I'd love to get married. One day I'd like to have a man to spend the rest of my life with, but some things can't be planned, let's say that if it happens I'm happy, if it doesn't it won't be a drama. But I've never thought about having children. First of all, I'm still very young and then I don't like the idea, this world is totally wrong, I'd be afraid to bring someone into the world knowing that they could suffer a lot.
Q16: What do you like to do in your leisure time? Which of your favorite music, films or books can you recommend your fans?Silvia Soprano: In my spare time I like to read, go for a walk by the sea to relax, go to the gym to workout. I really miss practicing a sport. When I was little I always did ballet, I stopped because when you become a teenager you turn into a dickhead and think about something else. But I'm going to sign up for boxing soon.
My absolute favorite singer is David Bowie, he was from another planet, his music really makes me travel, my favorite song is "Moonage daydream", I especially recommend delving into the lyrics.
After Bowie, I like all genres, there is not a minute that passes without me listening to music, it has always been part of my life, my mother sings in a choir and my father plays bass and double bass.
My favorite books are: "Ocean Sea” (“Oceano mare") by Alessandro Baricco, "Eleven Minutes" by Paulo Cohelo and "Veronika Decides to Die" by Paulo Cohelo.
My favorite films are by Quentin Tarantino, 1st “Pulp Fiction”, 2nd “Django”.
Q17: Could you describe some of your tattoos? Which one is especially dear to you and why? When and why did you get your first one?Silvia Soprano: I have a love/hate relationship with my tattoos. I started getting them before I was 18 and if I had waited a bit longer I wouldn't have so many probably. What happened is that I grew up and changed my way of seeing the beauty of a woman's body. The tattoo I'm most attached to is on my arm, a glass bottle in the middle of the sea with a parchment inside with "words" written underneath: I've always had great difficulty in speaking, that tattoo represents all the words I've never said. That tattoo always reminds me, that if I don't take opportunity to express myself my words will end up in a glass bottle in the middle of the sea and there will be no way to get them out.
Q18: LP forum talkers still want this question in my interviews, thus let me ask: How many boys you had sex with before entering porn? And how many since? Silvia Soprano: Before entering porn, I was with about ten guys I think. Now the number has increased considerably, if we count actors, but in private life the number is more or less the same, less than 20 for sure.
Q20: And finally last question: Is there anything I did not ask but you would like to tell us? Silvia Soprano: I would like to thank all the people who watch my scenes for supporting me, being chosen among so many girls, is flattering. A special thanks goes to those who will read this interview, after seeing me in all possible ways I decided to open my heart too. I embrace you.