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Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Mon Jan 01, 2024 9:47 pm
by Pboxer88
This will be my second and last new topic on 8K. GG, please see my post below to see why 8K is awesome even for people with 4k TVs.
Obviously if you go through the trouble of it, avids should start allowing you to post the actual 8k files too (which you can get to a much more reasonable file size using AV1).
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Mon Jan 01, 2024 11:33 pm
by Christopher_Williams1
I have a high-end tv too. Well, at least as it relates to 2019 technology. I don't know how much the tech improve since then. Initially, it was awesome. Then I got used to it and didn't notice a thing. If I were to go to 8k, I will probably face the same fate. But... I bet if I were to go back down, I would instantly notice and want to go back up. As of right now, I tend not go higher than 4k because of the time and cost. I think these days, internet service providers provide a cap on internet too. I have AT&T, if you're familiar with them and they cap me at like 1TB a month. And it's no way I would download a 70GB or whatever large size that file is. I don't recall the exact number, but I do remember being shocked with the file size.
But I'm sure GIO would provide us with a list of options, making it no problem if GIO wants to invest into better resolution.
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:57 am
by drevokocur66
HDR 4k > 8K.
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:59 am
by Pboxer88
Using Av1 of h265 you can easily fit an 8k file into 12-18 gb, not 70. The reason analvids wastes so much space with their downloads is they use a decade old file compression format, h264
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Tue Jan 02, 2024 2:24 pm
by Alan2008
Giorgio, if you want to sell more why don't you consider having a "Happy Hour" lets say every Friday, where customers can get discounted prices of older releases (Maybe 3+ months old) for a limited time (especially to your good customers). You could also have bank holiday promotional prices/discounts. Alternatively you could have a 10-20% discount of a new release for the 1st 24 hrs. You may need to experiment a bit (with a few parameters ie video quality, which parts in a 2 part movie etc.,) to find the "sweetspot" for your sales. Also there seems to be a lot of video piracy which you need to tackle. I think without tackling that any sales campaigns that you start may not be very effective, especially for long term sales. I think having time-limited PPV for new videos might be another option.
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Tue Jan 02, 2024 2:51 pm
by Giorgio Grandi
I planned to shot in 8K already in 2022, but I did not have the right condition to work on it.
Most likely in 2024 I will move over 4k. It seams stupid to say, but the last of the problem is the camera. to shoot in an higher resolution that 4K requires a huge upgrade in the hardware for post production (more expensive than a video-camera)
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Tue Jan 02, 2024 8:47 pm
by Pboxer88
Giorgio, that would be amazing if you moved over sometime this year! Does analvids give you the right to post the actual 8k file? Again, you can save a TON of storage space compressing with h265 or better AV1 over the h264 you're currently using.
So far I've seen 5k porn on on my 8K TV and even that is a noticeable upgrade to the visual quality. 8k matters more to porn than anything else if you ask me. We're staring at women with beautiful faces, skin, hair etc. after all.
GG, "if you build it they will come." (Field of Dreams)

Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Wed Jan 03, 2024 5:44 am
by Alan2008
Alan2008 wrote:Giorgio, if you want to sell more why don't you consider having a "Happy Hour" lets say every Friday, where customers can get discounted prices of older releases (Maybe 3+ months old) for a limited time (especially to your good customers). You could also have bank holiday promotional prices/discounts. Alternatively you could have a 10-20% discount of a new release for the 1st 24 hrs. You may need to experiment a bit (with a few parameters ie video quality, which parts in a 2 part movie etc.,) to find the "sweetspot" for your sales. Also there seems to be a lot of video piracy which you need to tackle. I think without tackling that any sales campaigns that you start may not be very effective, especially for long term sales. I think having time-limited PPV for new videos might be another option.
There could also be bulk discounts. e,g Buy 2 and you get 1 at 50% Discount (for the cheapest one) etc., etc.,

Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Wed Jan 03, 2024 8:47 am
by Pboxer88
Analvids is a niche product. I'd rather GG improve video quality than make the existing quality cheaper, but that's just me.
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Wed Jan 03, 2024 9:50 am
by Alan2008
Pboxer88 wrote:Analvids is a niche product. I'd rather GG improve video quality than make the existing quality cheaper, but that's just me.
If it is a niche product then you can't complain about the price. Niche products are more expensive. I think video quality needs to be maintained.
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Fri Jan 05, 2024 6:14 pm
by xxxVIPERxxx
For GIO, take your time with the move to 8K...if you want something doing properly, take your time...and do not rush.
Your true fans can wait. Better to have the right, quality product, at the right time. Than a botched, mediocre product earlier.
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:46 am
by achmeth
Pboxer88 wrote:This will be my second and last new topic on 8K. GG, please see my post below to see why 8K is awesome even for people with 4k TVs.
Obviously if you go through the trouble of it, avids should start allowing you to post the actual 8k files too (which you can get to a much more reasonable file size using AV1).
Bollocks, even 4k is pushing it and hardly worth the huge file size...
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Sun Feb 18, 2024 1:09 am
by Pboxer88
achmeth wrote:Pboxer88 wrote:This will be my second and last new topic on 8K. GG, please see my post below to see why 8K is awesome even for people with 4k TVs.
Obviously if you go through the trouble of it, avids should start allowing you to post the actual 8k files too (which you can get to a much more reasonable file size using AV1).
Bollocks, even 4k is pushing it and hardly worth the huge file size...
You just proved my point. The current 4k vids could easily be compressed into 4-6GB instead of 10-15GB using exiting and far superior compression technology, hence making size less of an issue, and maintaining identical quality. Using H265, or better, AV1.
It's 2024. We can have our cake and it eat it too, but for some reason site operators seem to have less knowledge about basic file management than the average Reddit tinkerer. And if you say, " they just don't care", well, they care about money, and smaller files save server space, so it actually makes no sense from a business standpoint either. It's just ignorance.
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Mon Feb 19, 2024 12:11 am
by achmeth
Pboxer88 wrote:achmeth wrote:Pboxer88 wrote:This will be my second and last new topic on 8K. GG, please see my post below to see why 8K is awesome even for people with 4k TVs.
Obviously if you go through the trouble of it, avids should start allowing you to post the actual 8k files too (which you can get to a much more reasonable file size using AV1).
Bollocks, even 4k is pushing it and hardly worth the huge file size...
You just proved my point. The current 4k vids could easily be compressed into 4-6GB instead of 10-15GB using exiting and far superior compression technology, hence making size less of an issue, and maintaining identical quality. Using H265, or better, AV1.
It's 2024. We can have our cake and it eat it too, but for some reason site operators seem to have less knowledge about basic file management than the average Reddit tinkerer. And if you say, " they just don't care", well, they care about money, and smaller files save server space, so it actually makes no sense from a business standpoint either. It's just ignorance.
It's not just file size. I imagine 8k has a pretty big financial impact on shooting and editing equipment. And exept maybe for some special promo material, I can barely see the difference between 4k and 8k at normal viewing distance and tv size.
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Thu Feb 22, 2024 2:05 am
by Pboxer88
I guess to each eye his own. I watch porn and game on an 85 inch 8k TV and to me the difference is more mindblowing than full hd to 4k. Every friend I've shown so far agrees. For example, re4 in 8k. Can't wait for porn to catch up. there's literally nothing special about video demos that can't be replicated today with an 8k cam, production costs aside.
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Thu Feb 22, 2024 6:57 pm
by aloyhalo
8k is a waste of money and resources - 4k is more than enough.
I would MUCH rather see Giorgio film in 60fps instead of 30fps - it makes such a huge difference to video clarity. Giorgio - would you please consider filming in 60fps?
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:28 pm
by xxxVIPERxxx
I think there is no need to rush to move to least not in 2024, in my opinion.
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Sun Feb 25, 2024 1:06 pm
by PornoManiac
4K 60 FPS it's the best option
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Mon Feb 26, 2024 1:32 am
by Pboxer88
If not 8k yet till 2025 or 26, then yes please do 4k60، but with a high bitrate like Facial Abuse does for its separate (from the main site) purchase system. I hate FA content but their image quality is unmatched and a yardstick for 4k quality. Analvids has been stuck on same quality and format since 2016. Thats an eternity in tech years and its the best content site so please up your IQ game. :)
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Wed Mar 06, 2024 8:13 pm
by aloyhalo
Does Giorgio read this forum? Please, Giorgio, film in 4k 60fps!
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Fri Mar 08, 2024 7:14 am
by saculrehsif
I rather have a option for 60 FPS or the old 12K bitrate to be brought. Seems a lot more plausible and makes much more of a difference when you watch porn on some big TV.
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:14 am
by aloyhalo
It's a shame Giorgio isn't listening to these requests/feedback. 60fps would absolutely transform his scenes. They would look so much better, in my opinion.
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:03 pm
by aloyhalo
Actually, I've just noticed that his latest scene (Monika Fox) is at 50fps, which is an improvement! 60fps would be better though, Giorgio

Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:43 pm
by aloyhalo
aloyhalo wrote:Actually, I've just noticed that his latest scene (Monika Fox) is at 50fps, which is an improvement! 60fps would be better though, Giorgio the scenes are back to 30fps

What's going on, Giorgio? The Monika Fox scene looked great in 50fps!
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Wed May 22, 2024 12:02 am
by xtb155
6 or 8k camera and editing might make sense, since you can easily zoom in, pan, crop and so on in post production without loosing detail/quality.
For encoding/export, and as download file for end customer more than 4k makes no sense at all in my opinion.
And i say this as a big and long time fan of high quality porn. (over 1500 scenes from Giorgio alone, and he is not even my favorite)
Would even go as far that 4k is already somewhat overkill for most gonzo style porn scenes. It is stunning for all sorts of Sports, Movies, Series, Documentations, Youtube...
Because there you often have wide shots with tons of deatails.
In porn you are usually limited to a room with a couch, most of the time you are not even showing a whole human body because you are zoomed in somewhere.
VR is very different, there 8k ist must have, but for 2D it must be useless waste of bandwith/disk space.
I agree that 60fps is way more important than going beyond 4k.
But these days 30fps is only annoying me if i watch directly from PC. If i let the TV play the files directly, true motion makes it look incredible natural.
Resolution is similar, if it is good quality 1080, not ruined by over compression, upscaling on the new TV is so good, it is sometimes hard to tell if it is 1080 or native 4k.
(Again, for porn only, on Youtube, Netflix or Sky it is very noticeable when it skips back to 1080 for a moment with most content i watch)
What always gets overlooked is codec and compression/bitrate.
When some genious at Analvids last year decided to cut bitrate by half to safe money, that was really noticable. (I Canceled instantly back then, a f****n joke to skimp at this considering how expensive this site has become while at the same time quality of content only goes down)
Beyond me why they did not change to HEVC if they wanted to reduce traffic/storage.
So for me, 4k60 in HEVC please.
Bitrate not sure, would it look noticeable better if you keep same rate/file size as now with h264, or how much could you reduce while keeping image quality at same level ?
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Fri May 24, 2024 4:37 pm
by aloyhalo
Yeah I have not idea why Giorgio won't even consider filming his scenes at 60fps. It instantly improves the visual clarify and makes scenes look so much better. 4k60 is all we need. Giorgio - do you read this forum?!
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Tue May 28, 2024 4:01 am
by blktyp2
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Mon Jul 08, 2024 12:34 pm
by Mark951753
4K 60fps is better than 8K 30fps.
The AV1 codec is perfect for this. For 8K 60fps it is better to wait for the AV2 codec.
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Fri Jul 12, 2024 1:33 am
by Pboxer88
Giorgio should only do 4k/60 if he increases bitrate and/or encodes with a non prehistoric encode format. Otherwise the videos at 4k/60 will look worse as there's the same bitrate to share for double the frames.
As I've said before, if he encodes with av1 or even H.265 (aka HEVC), they can get better visual quality, higher frames and smaller file sizes at the same time! They're stuck on H.264 for crying out loud, two gens old.
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Sun Jul 14, 2024 4:28 pm
by Mark951753
I understand why it takes so long for porn companies to adopt AV1. It means a major investment in new powerful computers.
But when AV1 arrives I hope they record in 4K 60fps with a high bitrate.
It would be a mistake to reduce file size to save bandwidth. People will spend more money on high-quality videos without motion blur.
So please stop recording in 30fps.
Thank you
Re: Giorgio, if you want to sell more longterm, Move to 8K!!!

Sat Dec 28, 2024 5:17 pm
by YanPowerful
Giorgio Grandi wrote:I planned to shot in 8K already in 2022, but I did not have the right condition to work on it.
Most likely in 2024 I will move over 4k. It seams stupid to say, but the last of the problem is the camera. to shoot in an higher resolution that 4K requires a huge upgrade in the hardware for post production (more expensive than a video-camera)
First of all, it would be cool to see scenes in 60 fps.
When 18+ scenes are filmed in 60 fps, it's a completely different universe. It's just heaven for the eyes!
It would also be nice to increase the quality of the scenes. At least to 1440p or 4k.
Watching a 1080p scene on a 2k monitor or 4k TV is a pain in the eyes.