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Audio Dubbing

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:05 pm
by thebdk
Please please please, for the love of God, stop dubbing the audio!!!
Your scenes lately have been nothing short of brilliant... However, there's one thing keeping them from becoming legendary - your constant overdubbing of the audio. Not sure what the reason for doing this is, but I imagine it's to cut out your voice as you're giving direction. IMO the rawness and authenticity of a scene are two of the most important factors when judging its quality. When I see a fantastic gape I want to hear the squishes and farts that go along with it, not the sound of a girl sucking dick or some other audio that clearly doesn't match the video. The mismatch is so blatantly obvious every time that I'm surprised you aren't constantly getting negative feedback from your viewers. I'm willing to bet that if you conducted a poll, the vast majority of your viewers would feel the same way I do.

Re: Audio Dubbing

PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 1:25 pm
by magizi877
I been thinking about this.

Giorgio, you should wear a microphone near your neck. Or maybe taped to your cheek.
With low sensitivity so it only picks up your voice. This is important.
It should be wired to an independent recorder, different than the mic on the camera.

So the idea is that later while editing. Your voice gets removed from the sound of the video recorded by the camera.
In theory the camera picks the ambient noise, moaning from the sex and your instructions.
The mic on your neck picks up only your voice, the instructions.
Using video editing software magic, you could subtract your voice from the video file that the camera recorded, comparing the two sound files.

Give it a try?

Re: Audio Dubbing

PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 2:54 pm
by gapefan
thebdk wrote:When I see a fantastic gape I want to hear the squishes and farts that go along with it, not the sound of a girl sucking dick or some other audio that clearly doesn't match the video.

Totally agree with this.

The OP is right.

Re: Audio Dubbing

PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 5:06 pm
by dap-addict
I dont mind Giorgios or any others instructions for the girls!
Its part of that great porn shot at LP studios.

Only think I mind is too lively male voice fake moaning for the girl to make her moan while getting fucked. Thats goofy!
But than can be avoided by giving her a mute sign or haveing her anchor stud, who often happens to be Godshak, take care about.

Re: Audio Dubbing

PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 9:47 pm
by RushPorn
Wow wow wow!! why?

Re: Audio Dubbing

PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 12:38 pm
by kidloco2
Apparently Giorgio is not going to change his way of shooting any time soon, because this is being discussed at least for a year now.
I also hate it. It's soo lame and amateurish. It's funny how he demands silence when shooting and finally talks every 10 seconds after all and
cut and overdub the shit out of it in the post. :(

Re: Audio Dubbing

PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 12:49 pm
by kidloco2
I want to add, I didn't mean anything against Giorgio nor his style of shooting, I think it's great how he gives directions to actors (who apparently sometimes don't give a shit anymore), I just think the way he does it is not the best (you need to cut more, overdub etc.).
I think he would benefit of some kind of close assistant who will help him not only to keep order on the stage but in general to help with shooting, so Giorgio can focus solely on the directing and camera. I think Tarra helped him a lot before, but now she's busy with the family run.