Did not receive all lost tickets

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Did not receive all lost tickets

Postby rollin_dubs187 » Fri May 27, 2016 12:24 am

I did not get reimbursed all my lost tickets from the recent server problems. I'm pretty sure I lost around 20 premium tickets and around 25-30 free tickets. Since the reimbursement, I received 4 premium tickets, and 400 free ones. You guys said that everyone would get an extra 3 tickets for their trouble plus the reimbursement. This means I only was returned one premium ticket. Now, I appreciate extra 370 free tickets, but I would much rather have the premium ones that I paid for. I think the reimbursement did not get distributed correctly. Here is a guy that says he got paid an extra 50 tickets after the reimbursement.

Check here:

I have been a loyal Legalporno.com member for years. I really enjoy watching your content. Can you guys please fix? Thanks

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Re: Did not receive all lost tickets

Postby rollin_dubs187 » Sat May 28, 2016 6:41 pm

Does anyone care?

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Re: Did not receive all lost tickets

Postby Kapwn » Mon May 30, 2016 11:39 am

Dear Mr. Dubs,

your premium ticket count is at the amount it should be. We have checked the system and all the ticket flow.

We are currently investigating those free tickets.

Thank you for your patience.

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Re: Did not receive all lost tickets

Postby rollin_dubs187 » Mon May 30, 2016 7:22 pm

This is bs. You system is incorrect. Not sure how you can be so sure given the amount of havoc your server has been dealing with lately. Explain how other guy got an extra fifty? Is that right in your system? You have now removed the 400 free tickets that I received, but did not give me any of the premium ticket nor any of the free tickets I lost neither. This is not making thing right with me. You have done nothing to reimburse or reconcile what I have lost. Your system screwed me out of tickets, now I get nothing in return. Forgive me if I don't trust your systems records considering how much damage it has caused to everyone over the past few weeks. I have been an loyal costumer of your for over 3 years. All I am asking is for 20 premium tickets. A cost to you of $20 bucks. Are you guys really willing to lose a loyal customer of three years for $20? Not to mention the bad PR being seen from everyone who reads this? Basically it all comes down to this. You can either sacrifice $20 buck and make you guys look like a hero. $20 bucks to make you guys look like you really care for your customers. Or you can fight me over $20 bucks, lose a customer, and make your company look insensitive to there customers issues. That is your choice.

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Re: Did not receive all lost tickets

Postby Kapwn » Tue May 31, 2016 11:31 am

Mr. Dubs,

We apologize for the inconvenience.

History of the premium tickets sent by Private Message

If you believe that this history is not correct, we are willing to dig deeper. Please provide more details about the time and what exactly you had done (which purchase exactly) that caused you the ticket shortage.

We will investigate everything and restore all lost premium tickets if that is required.

You have been given a gift of +3 PREMIUM tickets at 2016-05-21 because you have lost a lot of your FREE tickets when LP was under attack.

After that we gave you more FREE tickets than you have lost.

So we have removed the FREE tickets that have been credited to your account by mistake and now your FREE ticket count is correct.

We apologise for this too and as a compensation we gave you +10 FREE tickets

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Re: Did not receive all lost tickets

Postby rollin_dubs187 » Mon Jun 06, 2016 11:50 pm

I did not receive any free tickets. You removed my the 400 but never gave me anything back for what I have lost. I am back to square one again with my free tickets, having the total that I had BEFORE any reimbursement. Therefore, I have not received anything for the reimbursement or anything for the 10 free tickets for compensation for my troubles. Please give me the free tickets that are owed
Last edited by rollin_dubs187 on Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:32 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Did not receive all lost tickets

Postby rollin_dubs187 » Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:18 pm


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Re: Did not receive all lost tickets

Postby Kapwn » Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:25 pm

How can you be so sure, when in your first message it is 370 FREE tickets, then 400 FREE tickets. I can see in the system all your spendings etc. The number is correct.

The guy in the other forum post got his tickets removed and received +3 PREMIUM ticket as a compensation for the problems we had. (He lost some premium tickets)
Where you did not lose anything, you were just given a wrong number of tickets. Which we took back.

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Re: Did not receive all lost tickets

Postby rollin_dubs187 » Wed Jun 08, 2016 4:35 pm

Kapoun wrote:How can you be so sure, when in your first message it is 370 FREE tickets, then 400 FREE tickets. I can see in the system all your spendings etc. The number is correct.

The guy in the other forum post got his tickets removed and received +3 PREMIUM ticket as a compensation for the problems we had. (He lost some premium tickets)
Where you did not lose anything, you were just given a wrong number of tickets. Which we took back.

I have been saying you gave me 400 tickets the entire time. The 370 I was refering to are the extra. Add that to the 30 I said I lost and you have 400. If you are going to be a smartass at least get your facts strait.

I was had 550 prior to reimbursemnent. At this point I was down 30 (could be more who knows how many time I tried to download before I even noticed I was getting tickets removed each time the unlock failed ). As reimbursement, you gave me 400 tickets, putting me at 950. I spent a little dropping it down to 935. I then tell you about the extra 370 in this complaint. I explain how Irecieved 400 free tickets and only lost only 30, for an extra 370.

Then you took away ALL 400 tickets putting me back down to 535. You never gave me the 30 I have lost (or the 10 you claim to have given me for my troubles). Therefore, I HAVE NOT BEEN REIMURSED FOR ANY FREE TICKETS.

I don't know why you are making such a big deal about this. It was your server that screwed things up, not mine. I feel I have been ripped off, but you don't seem to care. I am a loyal customer which seems to mean nothing.

That other guy claims you gave him an extra 50 premium tickets. His words not mine. So who do I believe there? Your system obviously gave me WAY to many free tickets, which I was honest about and brought to your attention btw (meanwhile you say thanks by calling me a lyer). Yet you expect me to completely trust your system dispite the recent server problems, the proven wrong reimburement amounts, and everything else? You have no idea what is accurate. The attacks on the servers could have affected anything, including your ticket spending log. It obviously failed to know hiw much to reimburse. I know what I had, and I believe what my eyes tell me.

You guys have already spent so much more looking into this then you would have if you just trusted your loyal, honest customer. I dont get it.

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