You've resorted to name calling now? That demonstrates some true intellect!
Societies laws
are based upon societies "normative" morals and values. Are you actually claiming they aren't?
And I do believe that "normative moral laws that transcend any and all personal opinions" exist. When did I ever say they didn't?
Just because I don't happen to believe that pregnancy in porn falls under that category, does not mean I'm a sociopath. It just means my opinion on that particular matter differs from yours.
What is legal, is not always morally right. And what is illegal, is not always morally wrong. It depends on what we are talking about.
The way you talk, it's as if you believe there is one logical statement that encompasses both the legality and morality of everything that is, and ever was.
If you're so smart? Be so kind as to enlighten us all with it, Mr. Logic 101! And we'll solve all of societies problems together, right here and now!
I was by no means trying to formulate such a statement. I personally do not believe that a logical statement such as that exists.
Again, if it does? Please do share!
I was simply speaking in terms of legality and morality relative to pregnancy in porn.
You're the one dragging all this other stuff into it. Not me.
DoubleOrNothing wrote:I'm not talking about 2016, dipshit. By your own argument, these very things, being legal at those times, were "permissible" at those times, and the idea that they are wrong would be "entirely based upon your individual opinion, and is in no way factual." Try taking fucking logic 101. So I'm meant to believe that there is nothing objectively morally wrong with slavery and paedophilia: they are only "wrong" in 2016 because they happen to be illegal in 2016, and they are illegal in 2016 because of prevailing opinions of their moral status.
Kindly quote my post (in it's entirety) where I made the argument that because those things were "legal" at the time, they are in turn morally permissible. I literally never said that or inferred it any way whatsoever. I have been talking about pregnancy in porn this entire time. I have stated it time and time again, very clearly.
Just because I attempted to keep you on topic, by sarcastically referring to what year it is, does not mean that I was inferring those things are morally permissible due to their legality at the time.
Those are your words. Not mine.
DoubleOrNothing wrote:"As long as what they are sexually aroused by falls within the confines of the law, they are free to indulge in watching it on film ... All I'm saying is, if they did? It would not be illegal. Hence, it being "wrong" is entirely based upon your individual opinion, and is in no way factual."
Those are two separate arguments that I made. Yet, when you cited my post (as shown above), you cut out the middle to make it sound like they were one and the same.
- When I said: "As long as what they are aroused by falls within the confines of the law, they are free to indulge in watching it on film" I wasn't talking about the morality of people watching their fantasies on film. I was talking about the legality of them watching their fantasies on film.
Legally, people are free to watch whatever kind of porn they like, as long as it falls within the limitations of law.
If you disagree with that? I suggest you take it up with your local government.
- When I made my second statement: "All I'm saying is, if they did? It would not be illegal. Hence, it being "wrong" is entirely based upon your individual opinion, and is in no way factual", I wasn't making a blanket statement about the moral right and/or wrong of slavery, pedophilia, murder, rape, theft, and everything else you keep bringing up. You're the one trying to apply what I said as a blanket statement. I was talking exclusively about the legality and morality of pregnancy in porn.
You keep taking my words out of context, and trying to implicate these other things into my argument, by cutting my statements into pieces and splicing them back together, to make it sound like that's what I said.
That is the textbook definition of a straw man.
- https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Straw_man
"A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent."
You may think pregnancy in porn is wrong. And you are certainly entitled to your opinion. But that doesn't make you morally right. And it certainly doesn't make you legally right.
In my opinion, it's not up to you or I whether or not pregancy in porn falls under the "normative moral laws that transcend any and all personal opinions". I believe it's a personal moral decision that is entirely up to each and every woman. But, perhaps you claim to know otherwise?
You know.. since you're so smart!