Poland, Slovakia, Croatia = big influence of Catholic church and quite conservative societies - though times are changing of course.
Belarus is quite an isolated country, I think models get exported mainly after they first moved to Piter or Moscow. Btw, noticed how on LP model cards they changed from Belarus to Russia? Think Lita Phoenix was also fist noted as Belorussian and if I am not mistaken even Olvia Devine now figures as Russian.
In Bulgaria and Romania Orthodox chruch is quite stong and societies conservative; most Romanian girls - quite a few actually! - are from the Hungarian minority there and thus close to the Budapest talent scout hunting grounds. Same would apply for Serbia btw.
Another reason is just the presence of agencies and talent scouts. Riga in the Baltics had always some scouts, Piter in Russia had a lot and of course Prague and Bp.
One could say talent scouts are conservative as well. Otherwise more would scout in places like Odessa (Ukraine) including Moldova. Just a hint!

Finally about chruch influence and conservative societies - think about Italy in the 1990ties. There are always girls who want to break out! Thus Misha Cross, Timea Bella, Alexa White.