AVN AWARD TIME!!!!Many TOP European star actresses, actors, directors and producers are all in LAS VEGAS USA now....
Hmmmmm, but pierre andre nicolas gerbier is still in Budapest.....
Pierre andre nicolas gerbier said HE doesn't go there because -according to him- avn awards are not "clean".
They are given to those who receive a kickback from the director/producers etc.
Kickback = an illicit payment made to someone in return for facilitating a transaction or appointment.
Hmmmm, it takes one to know one, doesn't it gerbier? Hahaha.
Didn't Kiara Lord and Dan Leal said that Brillbabes takes kickbacks from YOU (in the same fashion as you say about the avn awards) for sending porn models (read: escorts) to you?!
@ 55:12:
viewtopic.php?f=184&t=13567&p=681515&hilit=brillbabes#p681515Many Brillbabes "models" NEVER make it to other directors because they are not porn models but ESCORTS. Brillbabes is being used as a front for gerbiers illegal escort business to make it appear like a legal model booking. All for the books.
The gerbier family loves escorts. Pierre, father, brother?, Adult son? They all had sex with girls who take a pay check for sucking cock as per gerbier's own words. Fucking losers can't even get pussy without having to pay for it hahaha!!! The funniest self-chest-beating topic on gerbiers forum is about the updates in his about how many females he has bedded. But this fool's brain has melted so much already that his skull can't comprehend that 90-95% of the women he said he has bedded is PAID SEX!!!!! But in gerbier's collapsed brain porn models are not sex workers. That's why he hates when models talk about money or see sex with him as work. His collapsed brain then realizes that he PAID to have sex. Under normal instances gerbier is not even allowed to sniff the girls hair let alone her pussy! Jesus what a beta male. Every ugly idiot can fuck 6000 women if money isn't an option or when porn is your work!!! But let's see you bed REAL civilian girls who sit on your cock because you're so "handsome". There are many that consider him a "handsome" boy he said LOL.
Anyway, half of the European xxx biz is in Las Vegas.
But how come gerbier NEVER showed proof that he is even invited by AVN awards?? The self-proclaimed king of EU porn??? How is that even possible!!!!
We all know that you will never set foot on US soil again because you're afraid to be put behind bars the moment you set your dirty foot on US ground!
Well, Gerbiers top buddy
CHEF is there with Sybil hahah.....
You know, the director and boss of disciples. Based in Budapest.....
The black guy that gerbier "destroyed" on his shitty forum by claiming that Chef molested girls on set and causes bruises around their necks!!!! Gerbier warned agencies and actresses to be careful with this wild savage African Chef and reconsider working with him. Those assault claims were all fake fabricated news by gerbier of course.....Why make a big scene? Because gerbier finds that competition must be destroyed especially in HIS beloved hungary/budapest!!! Dan leal, Chef, LP, all competition which needs to be eliminated, especially in his home country where he likes to have total monopoly for the whole country.
And look at this.....how embarrassing for gerbier....
One of the girls that
started with Chef just won the award for best new starlet..... the model thanked Chef with all her heart in her speech for the whole world to know.
How is that even possible that a model who started with Gerbier didn't won any award hahaha....
Poor gerbier. No invite for years. Nobody loves him. All alone on this world....no real friends and all human contacts he has are in a work/money relationship with him.
CHEF'S Insta stories of yesterday: