Cynewulf30 wrote:I personally prefer the scenes with multiple girls, so each to their own.In my opinion this site would be boring if we only got one kind of scene.
vvvv84335 wrote:I just find it distracting with more than one girl in a scene. I want to have all my attention on one girl, since I'm usually watching the scene for one girl. The other girl may be hot, though in that case she should have her own, separate, 3 on 1 or 2 on 1 scene.
Dudemeister wrote:it often feels like wasted time when the camera focuses on the "wrong" girl.
Dudemeister wrote:it often feels like wasted time when the camera focuses on the "wrong" girl.
Dudemeister wrote:it often feels like wasted time when the camera focuses on the "wrong" girl.
laura. wrote:For me multiple girls can be good to watch providing there is some chemistry and compatability between them.
ritch1485 wrote:I think two girls and two guy scenes can work very well, I love the side by side ass fucking when you see both girls getting fucked, thats their best stuff imo. If they both get attention and good angles these scenes can be amazing, if not then they become frustrating. For me too many guys wrecks a scene, I know its the new thing but the triple anal stuff is wasted on me, utterly pointless, you cant see the girl with all these guys hairy bollocks in the way! my limit is two on two, I really love a good one on one scene, which seems less these days with all this emphasis on shoving as many cocks into an ass as possible, its just circus acts to me.
fremmed479 wrote:Theres just one problem with the example of Crystal and Sofi. Sofi isn`t attractive at all. Her face isn`t cute or pretty and her body is not that special either. She is just in the way.
Again, this is my opinion.
fremmed479 wrote:Theres just one problem with the example of Crystal and Sofi. Sofi isn`t attractive at all. Her face isn`t cute or pretty and her body is not that special either. She is just in the way.
Again, this is my opinion.
fremmed479 wrote:Theres just one problem with the example of Crystal and Sofi. Sofi isn`t attractive at all. Her face isn`t cute or pretty and her body is not that special either. She is just in the way.
Again, this is my opinion.
laura. wrote:fremmed479 wrote:Theres just one problem with the example of Crystal and Sofi. Sofi isn`t attractive at all. Her face isn`t cute or pretty and her body is not that special either. She is just in the way.
Again, this is my opinion.
Whilst we seem to have similar taste in performers, i don't agree with your opinion here. I think Sofi is great and has lots of sex appeal. Granted, she isn't as picture book pretty as Crystal is but she has something about her and her figure is superb, her legs are among the best
I will be watching this today sometime and I will give my opinions in full x
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