Yeves; You need to tone it down! SHUT THE HELL UP!!!

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Yeves; You need to tone it down! SHUT THE HELL UP!!!

Postby MackZatis » Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:10 pm

Regardless of what any of use think of him as a performer, I feel safe to assume that most of us will agree on this point;
These past few scenes have been excruciating. Lilly Veroni Waka Waka, Avery Jane scene, Elen Million Waka Waka, Sasha Beart Waka Waka. (so creative BTW) Does not one single person view the shoot afterwards with SOUND???

How could you (studio) possibly think that is a turn-on for the viewer??? Seriously, who the fuck in their right mind thinks that this is "really adding an additional layer & depth to the scene"???

Those are all rhetorical questions, I already know the answer. Which is, nobody over at that zoo even put 1 single brain cell of thought in to ANYTHING, beforehand, during or after. Total autonomous assembly line production robots on "auto-pilot". (yes I realize "autonomous" and "auto-pilot" are pretty much the same exact thing)

Yeves needs to shut the fuck up! Doesn't have to be completely silent (mute), but need to take it down quite a bit! No exaggeration here, but he moans & grunts & screams more than the female talent and male co-stars put together. It's non stop for an hour straight for fucks sake! Worst part of all it's at it peak when he's not even receiving the "pleasure". For example; this latest scene with Avery Jane, when he rips the taped on "X's" from her nipples, he screams on moans when he does, Avery is pretty much silent. In DAP anchor when he's just laying there like an overweight bloated carcass doing nothing, no thrusting at all, he's moaning and grunting as if he's in the Olympic "Dead-Lift" weight lifting category... Makes no fucking sense!

To add on to that, the more he works with Mike, the more he imitates his actions and annoying antics. It's so damn contrived it's unbearable. Totally unbelievable. Just be yourself, whatever that may be I'm not sure. But I DO KNOW this current "stichk" isn't it.

Now I know that over in the land of "no fucks given at all" that there will NEVER be any sort of directions/instructions given by the DIRECTOR. So it'd be on Yeves to take this up on his own. I'm Praying/Hoping/Wishing that by the grace of any & all that is good in this world, that somehow he gets word & simply makes an effort to not sound like the most mentally challenged MF'er on set with turrets syndrome.

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Re: Yeves; You need to tone it down! SHUT THE HELL UP!!!

Postby Tito1981 » Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:09 am

I understand you point and I agree 100% this guys they think they are funny by making some of the things they do on the set that is the annoying thing to see on viewers the same applies to Mike I don't know now he used to make not funny things to girls don't give me wrong I like Mike and Yves but slow down with thitherics/ comedy stuff focused on sex.

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