xxxVIPERxxx wrote:Whilst I never personally wish to comment on global or local politics, I do find it astounding at how quickly the Taliban has recaptured the whole country.
The Afghan government and security forces have completely folded within a mere few weeks! As of right now, the entire country has collapsed, the capital Kabul has been taken over and the Afghan president has fled to a nearby country. TRULY SHOCKING. Just how good were the US and UK army at training competent soldiers in Afghanistan?
netzerkaiser wrote:One has to begrudgingly admire the indefatigable spirit of the Afgan rebels against invaders, past & present.
xxxVIPERxxx wrote:Whilst I never personally wish to comment on global or local politics, I do find it astounding at how quickly the Taliban has recaptured the whole country.
The Afghan government and security forces have completely folded within a mere few weeks! As of right now, the entire country has collapsed, the capital Kabul has been taken over and the Afghan president has fled to a nearby country. TRULY SHOCKING. Just how good were the US and UK army at training competent soldiers in Afghanistan?
101mike101 wrote:xxxVIPERxxx wrote:Whilst I never personally wish to comment on global or local politics, I do find it astounding at how quickly the Taliban has recaptured the whole country.
The Afghan government and security forces have completely folded within a mere few weeks! As of right now, the entire country has collapsed, the capital Kabul has been taken over and the Afghan president has fled to a nearby country. TRULY SHOCKING. Just how good were the US and UK army at training competent soldiers in Afghanistan?
I don't think this has anything to do with training. Training is irrelevant, when the people don't believe in their cause and aren't willing to fight for it.
The Afghan military weren't volunteers, the way many people volunteered in Europe for World War I. They were hired and paid. And their pay was substantially better than they could make doing something else in Afghanistan. So, this was their equivalent of corruption. They didn't believe in what USA and other western countries were telling them. They went into the military to get the money and do the minimum they can to get the pay. And once this racket was over, then they all deserted or joined the Taliban.
People talk about widespread corruption in Afghanistan. And this wasn't just the people in charge doing it. The common people did it too to get the money they needed and wanted.
Perhaps it's hard to see from our point of view. But when outsiders invade your country and try to re-make it in their own image, then collaborating with them is like collaborating with the enemy. Only corrupt people do something like this. And these people desert at the first sign of trouble, no matter how much you train them. Because they are in it for themselves, rather than for someone else.
Iddaoeeok wrote:netzerkaiser wrote:One has to begrudgingly admire the indefatigable spirit of the Afgan rebels against invaders, past & present.
Forgive me netzer but this is the sort of romanticized tosh that helped get us in the position in the first place. Who could forget all those Western journalists flown out to Afghanistan to hang with their mujihadeen homies and send back their macho bullshit copy on these fine noble mountain men who resist all trespassers in their ancient lands? Strip out the occasional fanatic and ideologue and the Taliban are just cynical, opportunistic thugs looking to wield power in their own little fiefdoms. As avanfurwet says, they'll be back to paying lip service to Islam while selling heroin to infidels soon enough.
Mister Ananas wrote:Afghanistan was a mistake. There was never going to be a happy ending to this story. We should never have invaded in the first place, and there was never any realistic scenario where we could have pulled out without leaving a massive power vacuum in our place.
Mister Ananas wrote:Well, the vaccine debate is a can of worms that I have no desire to open here, but suffice it to say that there is strong evidence that these inoculations are what is referred to as “leaky vaccines”, meaning that they do not prevent against actual infection, but only provide mitigation of symptoms. If that is really the case - and I want to stress right now that I am not a medical professional - then it means that they will do nothing to prevent further mutations of the virus ad infinitum, and you will eventually be left with little choice but to accept the vaccine, or else you will be vulnerable to those mutations and face a very high risk of death.
Mister Ananas wrote:The time will come soon, and is already looming just beyond the horizon, when choosing to remain unvaccinated will render you excommunicated from public life.
Mister Ananas wrote:Like I said, it’s a can of worms and I’m not going to open it. We probably agree on more than you think. At the same time, the writing is on the wall. You can’t deny where this is going; you can only choose how you are going to respond to it.
I’ll leave it at that.
Oscar Batty wrote:I dont remember any war won by the USA and I suspect that it is done intentionally for some reasons I don't want to mention here. ?
Mister Ananas wrote:The time will come soon, and is already looming just beyond the horizon, when choosing to remain unvaccinated will render you excommunicated from public life.
RUShersgapersrises wrote:Some good posts here..Its basically the same all story OVER and OVER and OVER again.Oscar Batty wrote:I dont remember any war won by the USA and I suspect that it is done intentionally for some reasons I don't want to mention here. ?
RUShersgapersrises wrote:Yes, cause what it means won = terminated war? That the psychopats over military–industrial complex will lose profits.
Mister Ananas wrote:The Russians won WW2. America saved Britain. That’s about it.
Oscar Batty wrote:I dont remember any war won by the USA and I suspect that it is done intentionally for some reasons I don't want to mention here. What about Joe Biden? Where is he at the moment ?
Titus10 wrote:Mister Ananas wrote:The Russians won WW2. America saved Britain. That’s about it.
Define "won", it was the US that reaped the benefits of the war, in so far as it created and dominated the world order after it till the present, the russians like 10s of millions of people, nearly had their capital invaded, lost numerous cities and had a huge landmass taken from them and raised to the ground.
The US did not have 1 inch of their land invaded, lost relatively few men, funded and controlled the reconstruction process and they built bases all over the globe after their victory, the average American lived a far more prosperous life than than his Russian counterpart.
If was is about dying, then yeah the Russians "won" but if war is about making the enemy die then the US won.
None can even say that the Russians played a singular role in ending nazi germany when it was Stalin who made a deal with Hitler to split Poland between the two.
US military interventions have been far more fruitful than any soviet ones, look at all their bases in South korea, japan, south america, africa and the Middle east, well over 800 bases in total, the Russians have a total of 1 base outside their previous territories.
Mister Ananas wrote:Soviet military pressure on Germany’s territory won the war. This is indisputable. Also, while it’s easy to say that the United States won in hindsight, they were not the only ones who came out of it as a superpower. Russia did too.
Starrio wrote:I'm usually in total disagreement with many things the Biden administration does, but in this case I actually like his decision of pulling out, we had no businesses there, people can solve their own problems.
I imagine since we are close to the 20th anniversary of 9/11 it was getting beyond ridiculous that 20 years after we were still there.
There was no way to make this happen in a good way, even if we waited years, the result would have been the same, so it was still the right decision. We shouldn't have been there in the first place. Afghanistan was just another excuse to distract from the intentions of going to Iraq eventually, which was also another ridiculous objective.
Mister Ananas wrote:It’s all about the petrodollar, Oscar, which is dying an inevitable death anyway, so it’s all pointless in the end.
GapeAppreciator wrote:Once the dollar dies then the fed gov will collapse. The states will then assert their sovereignty and become their own countries.
GapeAppreciator wrote:Mister Ananas wrote:It’s all about the petrodollar, Oscar, which is dying an inevitable death anyway, so it’s all pointless in the end.
It's only a matter of time before the federal government destroys the dollar. There are 3 major signs that indicate the United States is an empire in collapse:
1. Massive debasement of the currency.
2. Collapse of morals.
3. Breakdown of the rule of law.
The only thing keeping the union together is the fed gov's control of the printing press. Once the dollar dies then the fed gov will collapse. The states will then assert their sovereignty and become their own countries. This has been my prediction for about 10 years now.
BTW, I'm impressed with the cordial discussion and intelligence displayed in this thread.
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