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Mister Ananas wrote:This really belongs in Giorgio’s studio forum since he is the person who chose the title.
I think it’s a pretty bad idea to bring politics into porn. I stand in defense of the right to free speech, so I do not advocate censorship of the title by any means. Studios should be allowed to do whatever they like within the bounds of the law. At the same time, I agree that this is pretty tone-deaf. Not really sure what you’re going for with this, Giorgio, but you’re potentially limiting your customer base. I’ll be honest, though, it wouldn’t prevent me from purchasing the scene if I was otherwise interested.
TheVulture wrote:Oh my. You've just billed the latest Silvia Soprano scene as "Black Meat Matter" (?) I'm guessing a slight typo and you mean "Black Meat Matters".
Are you really sure about this? Did you think it through? Is it really a good idea to trivialise such an important movement (ie Black Lives Matter) in this way?
More to the point, what do the male actors involved think about this? Were they consulted? How can they seriously take part in these scenes? Does it not leave a bad taste in their mouths?
I will definitely not be buying any scene labelled this way out of principle. The title is deeply offensive. You really should drop it.
Giorgio Grandi wrote:Porn is not racist and it is not politicized. We are not obliged to take sides on this matter
TheVulture wrote:Or religious fundamentalism?
TheVulture wrote:Giorgio Grandi wrote:Porn is not racist and it is not politicized. We are not obliged to take sides on this matter
Precisely. But in using this tag you have chosen to essentially "politicize" your porn. And you have taken a side. You've said that it's OK to satirise the Black Lives Matter tag for a cheap laugh. I'm not saying that you did it specifically to offend or that it is fundamentally evil but that it is very cheap and potentially offensive, especially to your black performers and any black people who buy your scenes.
I'm white. I'm not especially liberal. I'm certainly not "woke". But I understand that Black Lives Matter is an important movement for many people. Why make a cheap joke out of it? Would you do a porn riff on 9/11? Or the Ku Klux Klan? Or religious fundamentalism? I don't think you would. These are sensitive areas. You should be better than to look for a cheap gag that will basically play well with the nastier end of your consumer base.
Did you run it by your black male performers? Have any of them given any feedback?
Giorgio Grandi wrote:Ku Klux Klan: if black girl would sell, I would not have any problem to get her fucked from some dudes dressed with a white tunic and name the scene Anal Klux Klan.
Giorgio Grandi wrote:Ku Klux Klan: if black girl would sell, I would not have any problem to get her fucked from some dudes dressed with a white tunic and name the scene Anal Klux Klan.
TheVulture wrote:Giorgio Grandi wrote:Ku Klux Klan: if black girl would sell, I would not have any problem to get her fucked from some dudes dressed with a white tunic and name the scene Anal Klux Klan.
Come on, you can't be serious there. I think you would struggle to find a black girl willing to engage with a porn scene like that. Can you not see how offensive that would be to a black person? That you can even throw that out there in a casual manner in this thread is pretty insane and reflects poorly on you.
TheVulture wrote:I think you're making a big deal of the broader political side of this though.
Mister Ananas wrote:Also, I want to be real with you guys for a second and just point out that most people who get super offended about this race stuff are white liberals.
netzerkaiser wrote:Mister Ananas wrote:Also, I want to be real with you guys for a second and just point out that most people who get super offended about this race stuff are white liberals.
Without question you're right.
But I have questions.
I love & respect all peoples & cultures & see the inherent beauty in them all.
Why do so many black men, particularly those who make it in sport, music, whatever, not seek a beautiful black wife? Do they hate their features so much they wish to dilute them?
Why does the media constantly promote black man / white woman relations? Is this not an insult to black women? And it seems the vitriol of black women seems to be directed towards the white women who 'stole their men' than at guys themselves, remember OJ Simpson case? Remember too, the constant societal / media push is convincing white women this is cool.
I see something sinister here. I see the threat to a one-world-govt system considered most potent from the ethnically homogenous European societies. The elites don't care about homogenous Japanese, Chinese, Nigerian, Pakistani societies.
But us indigenous Northern Europeans - what are we now, 6% of global population & dwindling? What will these assholes do for their 'entertainment industry' when all the beautiful blue-eyed fair featured ladies just don't exist anymore?
Its an end-of-days scenario on a different level.
I admire greatly Giorgio's stance. I admire OP's convictions but I feel anyone gullible enough (90% population) to have been brainwashed by media / govts etc post 1970's... I am working class white guy, I always showed courtesy & respect to 'people of ethnicity' in my life. I never experienced having 'white privilege' in my upbringing, but I did experience being looked down upon as being 'working class' when younger. I worked in London from age 18 - 30 (1988 - 2001) & I saw racial injustice, & I fought it. It didn't make me popular amongst my own, I can tell you. But by later time, workplaces were becoming ethnically more diverse & I saw that coloured people were well capable of being as vindictive & vicious in a majority group as white people.
So few of us alas, have INTEGRITY. Most people go with what suits their agenda, whatever race they are.
I dipped my feet into this pool before, on this site, & backtracked to an onslaught from a guy not because I was wrong, but because I was drunk when I engaged with him. He'll probably jump in again actually.
We're all being played here, & its an oppression against individual thought. We're all being sheep-herded.
I admire the resistance shown here by so many commentators.
If you're going to bend your knee over an out-of-control dangerous guy in USA captured by opportunist iphone person, then what of little child workers for Nike in Bangladesh? Or the plight of midgets who know you've got them judged & categorised from 50 yards?
Giorgio Grandi wrote:I chose a title that sound cool and makes sense, nothing more or less
Mister Ananas wrote:Also, I want to be real with you guys for a second and just point out that most people who get super offended about this race stuff are white liberals.
TheVulture wrote:That's maybe true but in many ways isn't that because white liberals have a greater representation in the media? Which in some ways ties in with the BLM message.
Mister Ananas wrote:I don’t think so. It’s disproportionate.
There’s a generational divide too. A lot of older blacks people do not see the point of BLM and/or actively discourage it.
Race is a complex problem which we are still grappling with to this day. I do not deny the problem. At the same time, I am absolutely not going to get dragged into this debate, and if I were in Giorgio’s position, I would refrain from poking this particular beehive just to avoid getting caught up in the swarm.
TheVulture wrote:You have really taken a side though in saying "Don't go there - it's too contentious".
TheVulture wrote:Giorgio Grandi wrote:I chose a title that sound cool and makes sense, nothing more or less
Well you also went on a bit of a political rant against totalitarian communism (hardly the uniform position of most left wingers), which suggests you do have a bit of an axe to grind around this kind of issue more generally. Obviously my objection didn't go as far as suggesting that everything you do or say be watched and censored via some Big Brother type surveillance. It was quite specific around this one quite sensitive area.
But yeah OK, you've chosen the title. You did try to sort of defend it via an "all things to all men" position of liberalism when really you should own the fact that you know it to be pithy/sourly humourous and somewhat "edgy" and even downright offensive to some. You're a smart guy, you can't have been blind to that. I assume you've weighed up who it plays to, who it might offend etc. and that's fine. It's your shout at the end of the day and I'm sure you know your customer base better than me. But I'm always gonna speak my mind and feed back about this kind of thing. Like I say, I'm one fairly regular LP consumer who won't be buying those scenes however good they look. That might or might not concern you. It's obviously not the end of the world for your product. It is what it is and for better or worse, there is your first bit of constructive negative feedback.
Mister Ananas wrote:which opens up discussions about cultural Marxism
davebowman wrote:In my opinion, porn is the one area that should be free of any political correctness, or anything approaching 'good taste'. I find the idea of someone finding something like this 'deeply offensive' in a video featuring girls getting pounded in the shithole and drinking piss (something that 95% of the general public would probably find offensive) faintly bizarre.
TheVulture wrote:Giorgio Grandi wrote:Ku Klux Klan: if black girl would sell, I would not have any problem to get her fucked from some dudes dressed with a white tunic and name the scene Anal Klux Klan.
Come on, you can't be serious there. I think you would struggle to find a black girl willing to engage with a porn scene like that. Can you not see how offensive that would be to a black person? That you can even throw that out there in a casual manner in this thread is pretty insane and reflects poorly on you.
Mister Ananas wrote:No, I disagree with that entirely. The notion that the mere avoidance of controversy is a political statement all by itself, or worse, that it somehow antagonizes the BLM movement (see also: “microaggressions”), is arrogant as fuck on the part of the activists. Like, who are you to prescribe your morality upon the rest of society? Are you so moral yourselves that you have the right to do that? Are you really coming from a place of such purity? And I’m not saying that you’re the one doing these things, I’m just speaking in generalities about this binary notion that you must support BLM loudly and vocally or else you are part of the problem. That’s essentially compelled speech, which opens up discussions about cultural Marxism and all sorts of things that I don’t want to get into here, and oh no, I’ve said too much already, I’ve gone and done it again…
Giorgio Grandi wrote:I am sincerely using the title because it looks very cool and it sounds nice and it makes a lot of sense in the differences between white and black boys (just the question: does size matter?).
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