The Lack of a Center View

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The Lack of a Center View

Postby dookiehole » Wed Dec 09, 2020 8:47 am

You show some of the hottest porn. Yet your cameras deliver the "softest" views of the action, by positioning the lens off to the side of the actress. You position her ass to right and left side of our screen where we can barely see her ass getting fucked. Your camera then flips her half-way upside down. It's like you porn directors are constantly trying to irritate us, to disappoint us with views of the women that literally suck to watch. It's like you "know" what we want to see, but you absolutely refuse to position your camera in the "money spot" the front seat - only going there for a view of a gape. Talk about frustration and ruining one's erection.

Look at how much footage is "face zooms" and "gapes". This is where no fucking is being filmed, everything stops for a closeup view of her goddam face which you can see anyway, but obviously the director thinks it adds to your erection if he repeatedly zooms in to her face, while her ass is being fucked. Who the hell wants to stop watching her ass being fucked to get a close-up view of her face which you can already see?

These are dick-killers, erection killers, designed to keep you from cumming. Believe me it is a struggle trying to enjoy your movies. They mostly do nothing but waste time as I am constantly fast forwarding looking for a good view of the action, something that lasts at least 5 minutes. Alas, but there are none. You may get 8 to 20 secs. But these asshole film directors are so scared of someone cumming, that they literally "ruin" the view to keep all those "2 inch dick" college kids from cumming faster than their average time of 10 secs. Is this your base? Film directors must be from the planet Uranus. I live on Earth asshole, try to get a clue what we like here, not your cheap, pathetic sorry ass camerawork where everything is halfway upside down and off to the side. It's a fucking joke, it's like going through an obstacle course watching the films here, so much crap camerawork and editing that leaves you full of anger at the loss of your money and time.

Look at these videos. As soon as they start, the view begins by watching the actress at some fucked up angle. So many bullshit camera angles that barely reveal the actress true features. Giorgio Grandi, Jochim Kessef, Gonzo, this entire website sucks. I've passed up so many films to buy because of this side-show camera work. Can't believe you film directors continuously feed us this shit. Come on guys, why do you insist on ruining the view for us? Give us a normal goddam view please.

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Re: The Lack of a Center View

Postby ExtremePornFan » Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:12 pm

Back off your meds?

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Re: The Lack of a Center View

Postby stevemcgee3 » Wed Dec 09, 2020 11:16 pm

You mad bro?

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Re: The Lack of a Center View

Postby Pineapples Studio » Thu Dec 10, 2020 7:56 pm

otto1219 wrote:What is frustrating though is that many studios get it right. But, LP steadfastly defends their camerawork. Unfortunate, for sure.

Which studios? Which elements of their camera work do you think should be implemented here? I understand your points in general, but it would be helpful to see an example of what you hold up as "a job well done" to actually see what you are talking about.

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Re: The Lack of a Center View

Postby Pineapples Studio » Thu Dec 10, 2020 7:58 pm

otto1219 wrote:sonce it is impossible to edit a post on this forum (why?), I will add the scene where the "lack of a center view" is most obvious and that is standing DP or DAP. It is almost always shot from the frog's eye level, not a human eye level, like they have to prove that there is a double insertion. Shoot it for a few seconds then go up to eye level and watch the young lady bounce on 2 cocks...from eye level.

That is precisely the reason this position is shot from the "frog's eye level" (I'm definitely using that phrase on set from now on), because viewers want to see the penetration and have complained when they cannot. It has happened. In gonzo porn, the penetration is often treated as the subject rather than the girl, and the mobile nature of that subject accounts for the frequent movement of the camera.

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Re: The Lack of a Center View

Postby dookiehole » Sun Dec 13, 2020 1:21 am

Thanks otto1219 for your supportive reply. You are 100% dead on with the choice of words "frog eye" level. The cameras are filming the sex at frog eye level. But they refuse to center us on her hole. They're off to the side of her body, at an angle, where the view of her asshole is partially blocked, and the view literally sucks to watch. The camerawork repeatedly destroys the viewer's fantasy of being the male performing the action, but rendering all points of insertion at non-desirable angles and views. This suite of studios is like the host that escorts you into a completely empty theater, and sits you at the worst seat in the house. The worst. Not the best. The worst. In a fucking empty theater!! All the porn scenes here are compromises. It's like drinking watered down milk. All the heat in these videos is being watered down by ridiculous views of the women. I've downloaded 144 videos here and 98% of them are disappointing to watch. The entire porn industry is like this. Every studio is filming the women the same way - frog-eye-off-to-the-side-never-in-the-center bullshit. How many times have I screamed at the video I'm watching to please raise the fucking camera up to eye level so I can see this lovely angel. Nope. Ain't happening.

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Re: The Lack of a Center View

Postby dookiehole » Sun Dec 13, 2020 1:56 am

I apologize, for the harsh language everyone, I'm venting. But Mister Ananas I disagree with you about your reasons for your camerwork. Viewers "hate" a moving camera. I do. Absolutely hate it. I have no interest in trying to shoot a moving a target every 8 to 10 secs which is about how fast the scenes change here. Sex is stationary. The videos are literally an obstacle course for a hard dick, almost always knocking mine down to tears of disappointment and frustration. In all fairness, though I will try to find a video that scores high in visual pleasure.

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Re: The Lack of a Center View

Postby Sweep11 » Wed Dec 16, 2020 1:47 am

Some interesting points raised here.
Variety is the spice of life, porn & camera angles!
Sometimes we want a great view of the penetration, sure.
And sometimes we want to view a beautiful face up close, reacting to being fucked hard.
I get tired of too much close up penetration. I know what a cock looks like going in her hole.
I prefer to watch her whole body and face while she’s full of cock.
And personally I prefer it when the camera transitions from one view to another, rather than cutting away.

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Re: The Lack of a Center View

Postby magizi87 » Wed Dec 16, 2020 5:57 am

This is my take on this, VERY IMPORTANT, and mostly ignored topic.

I think, the object, should almost always be, at the center of the screen.
But the object, can mean different things. And directors should not attempt,
to capture everything every single time, they should prioritize something specific instead.

It's easier to talk about this with examples.

This is Kristy Black, SZ2120


In red, is the penetration area.
In green, is her face area.
In pink, is all the wasted screen area.

NOTICE, how both red and green are very small areas of the screen,
YET, they're very IMPORTANT.

I would argue that everything else is irrelevant.
But somehow, everything else, is occupying the whole screen. lol

There is usually, not a table in many scenes,
a table being part of the action is pretty rare.
So, Luis, didn't have a ton of experience with this.

I think the biggest issue, was that there is NOTHING, in the center of the screen.
and all because in this circumstance, Luis wanted to display
that she was stroking cocks with her hands, bend over getting her ass fucked,
and also display her face, but unfortunately, none of these things are properly at the
center of our TVs. So nothing is highlighted.

This was a pretty rare occurrence, due to the table and position.
Let's go to something more common.


This is how far away the camera man kinda needs to be,
to put everything that matters in the center of the screen,
so that we don't need to carefully scan with out eyes the whole screen,
all the time.


In red is the important stuff happening, both face, her body and the penetration area
fit inside the center of the screen

and the pink area, is contextual information that make the whole think kinkier,
but that we don't necessarily need to pay close attention to.

And this is a medium distance view, that predominates all GONZO movies
during most of the runtime.


NOTICE how when you move the camera closer,
the important stuff, her face and the penetration area, highlighted in red,
move to the edges of the screen.

and now the pink area, occupies a huge part of the screen,
with something that is not what we wished were there. lol.

On a less crowed scene, this disntance is great IMO.



To highlight the penetration,

Make the penetration be at the center,
and occupy as much of the screen as possible with it,
prioritizing the penetration and nothing else, in a perpendicular angle,
not an isometric angle, that kinda compromises too much.

Like this:


This highlight is show how good can be, when the camera
is real close, prioritizing something, in this case a pretty face,
without wanting to show something else, like her boobs also.

image_2020-12-15_214600.png (178.58 KiB) Viewed 4096 times

The director committed to show her face real good. And so he did.

Medium distance camera, that reins supreme on Gonzo movies,
feels like the director is unable to decide what to highlight and put it in the center.

I also want to comment on this shot:


It last a WHOLE second, because of course the director quickly went way to the side view.
But I think is quite spectacular and pretty rare. It should be more common.

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Re: The Lack of a Center View

Postby Sweep11 » Thu Dec 17, 2020 1:36 am

Great analysis Magizi!

Would just add, as you mentioned at the beginning, that the object is, ironically, subjective.
I actually like the first image for example with Kirsty Black. It shows really nicely how they’ve bent her over the table.
It’s a full body shot where the position of the girl IS the object of the shot. Seeing how her whole body reacts to a pounding.
But totally agree the point about the medium distance side view which is massively overused.

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Re: The Lack of a Center View

Postby magizi87 » Thu Dec 17, 2020 3:12 am

Sweep11 wrote:Great analysis Magizi!

Would just add, as you mentioned at the beginning, that the object is, ironically, subjective.
I actually like the first image for example with Kirsty Black. It shows really nicely how they’ve bent her over the table.
It’s a full body shot where the position of the girl IS the object of the shot. Seeing how her whole body reacts to a pounding.
But totally agree the point about the medium distance side view which is massively overused.

I loved that Kristy was bend over, but I think the camera angle was a massive letdown,
because a huge chunk of the screen was wasted. The center was not utilized.

I used that as an introduction to explain
that I think compromising the whole footage of a movie
where directors want to make everyone happy,
the people who want to see the face,
the people who want to see the penetration,
all at the same time, is IMO,
an inferior way to display porn.

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Re: The Lack of a Center View

Postby magizi87 » Thu Dec 17, 2020 3:23 am

in my original post I wanted to say that:

I think Luis should've told Charlie to,
mount the table with both legs.

He could've fucked Kristy better than he did, being on top of her.
AND it would've cleared a camera angle behind her,
to get a straight shot from behind at her gorgeous ass.

I just couldn't show it with a picture,
but in my head, it looked amazing, lol.

Just saying.

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Re: The Lack of a Center View

Postby prophetman13 » Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:39 pm

Well done magiz I agree. More center views

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Re: The Lack of a Center View

Postby mpre22la » Mon Dec 28, 2020 1:38 am

I like a good amount of time spent on the whole shot for context, like everything going on and even just everyone in on the action adds to the scene in my opinion.

I actually hate porn where they spend ages doing a very close up on the penetration of the holes. You can't see that in real sex, and even though porn is a huge fantasy and not supposed to be like real sex, I just really don't get the appeal of looking at only that.

However, there's a balance, and a shift towards the penetration and the types of shots highlighted would definitely massively improve the quality. I think it must be harder when there are more men on set, or two women where you want to see some interaction to get really good focused shots.

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Re: The Lack of a Center View

Postby dap-addict » Fri Jan 01, 2021 7:46 pm

magizi87 wrote:This is my take on this, VERY IMPORTANT, and mostly ignored topic.

It's easier to talk about this with examples.
In red, is the penetration area.
In green, is her face area.
In pink, is all the wasted screen area.

NOTICE, how both red and green are very small areas of the screen,
YET, they're very IMPORTANT.

+ 1
Simply dont understand why LP core directors dont pay more attention to your sadly much less frequent posts! :( :mad: :confused:
ex-Eurobabeforum DAPlist responsible - PM contact:
TWO DAP SCENES PER DAY! - More true fast balls deep DAP! More 0% pussy! - Dress them to fuck and pop their eyes - Heels on! No condoms!!! - Lets lets get a GONZO non-vanilla successor!!!

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